I remember my old report in Rome at a conference on Millennium of the Baptism of Russia. Report was entitled "Communism and Christianity." Wishing to draw the attention of multi-lingual audience, I told the case, as witnessed funeral service of one person in the village church. I asked who the deceased. The old woman answered me: "The Communists are burying, sir. All my life I fought with us, all worn out, Let him rest in the other world. " These allow the funeral to me in the foreseeable future to provide other when still compassionate old woman would be buried exhausted in the struggle with them a Democrat. But, ask me how you compare? For me, the word "communist" and "Democrat" - synonymous. Those and others do not enjoy them created, they both hate the Christ. Some persecuted the Church of Christ openly, others today Jesuit sophisticated. For example, cost, tax system, zapuskaniem the country non-Orthodox denominations, equating orthodoxy to other religious organizations. Vse in their hands: lzhuschie media sling mud at the clergy, promoting depravity, vulgarity and violence in their hands the money. The exhibition in the Sakharov Center, is justified by them, proof of that. And it is easy to predict not least the invasion of dirt on cleanliness. For example, the latest publication in the journal "Banner" of the priest-eater.
This invasion is the development of global trend of Satanic malice towards Christians.
How can the state do not want to reconcile with the fact that it does not control the minds and souls, and the Church! State survival needs are not people, and docile electorate, not the Church, and the police. But, thank God, such an understanding, at least for Russia, already passed stage. Today with the Church to be reckoned, for the credibility of not only high, but indisputable. That said, the Church, the sacred. For the Church - the Body of Christ, and Christ - the Truth. The Soviet Union collapsed just from that I have neglected this truth. As a punishment, all crashing down: and military power, and the economy, and, of course, the ideology that seemed omnipotent. What is left? Only the Church. It says the government: if you want to stay in power, representing the interests of the people, and does not lobby other people.
State - created mortal minds of the system. These systems are changing all the time. The state, like a snake: to survive, the creeps from the skin to skin. And the Church is unchangeable. One father in years expressed to me such a guess, which I believe. He said: "We are for the godless authorities have not prayed." - "What? - I asked. - And what about the proclamation of the liturgy: "On Bogohranimoy our country, civil authorities and the army of her, pray to the Lord "? "In the temples - he explained - everywhere proclaim as follows (the agents of control religion carp could not): "On Bogohranimoy our country, about oblasteh and host of her ..." On domains of praying. And hopped off the atheist regime, showing the way for those who would indulge devilry liberals.
We are pleased with the mediation of the President in the historic reunification of the Russian Orthodox Church. But the high rostrum of the Council provides an opportunity and even the obligation to ensure that the voice brother in Christ, our fraternal Vladimir reproach in the promotion of materialism airtime and awards. Entirely and a number of breast estradnikov and vulgar Odessa, in the worst sense, filling decorated with awards of Russia. They are on stage and screen mockery of everything that is holy citizen of the Fatherland, and for this uplift. Maybe Putin will choose the time to read (or reread) the novel "The Possessed" in order to understand in the immediate environment and those in charge of culture and the media.
In Russia, at first glance, the unhappy fate. It was the nuclear monster, then became a criminal, it was a bridge between East and West, then something else. But Russia - a happy fate, she is in Christ. And the fact that we do not understand - so do not always understand. And then, that we do not like - so do not always love and love will not, so what! Only God would not leave Russia. And our enemies from the powerlessness of the spiritual power of the Slavs were consider us second-class citizens ("untermensh" - the terminology of Joseph Goebbels). They, Europe, then the first? Who are these - first-class? They have already crowned gay and elephants, they have been a woman - a bishop, but still something to teach us. And it pleased their supporters who infiltrates the body of Russia. All the time after the XX Party Congress was given enslavement of the Russian foreign influences and the fight against orthodoxy. Even Gagarin's flight was used to raise a powerful wave of anti-church. Gagarin God not seen in space, can not help but enhance the destruction of temples? Their language, Russian, appeared in the pen, moves into the consciousness of English. When Gorbachev flew to the instructions to Margaret Thatcher on the wings of their party, he already had something to report to the West. Still - in 1984, taught English in the Soviet Union more than ten million students, and Russian in the United States taught 28,000 students. Lenin and Trotsky, brought Robespierre, raved about the world revolution, and Gorbachev became flame world a single religion.
we forgot the words of Pushkin that with respect to Russia, Europe has always been ungrateful. Forgot your rudeness Europe. Here are The Times of London, 1876, quote: "In the east, that is in Russian, European Affairs has the right (?) To impose its will." And imposed! And we rushed to the democracy that does not happen neither bad nor good, and only happens in hell, as he said St. John of Kronstadt. Here there is pluralism, because different boilers. But as we were, it was easy fool! Possessed, used Christian sense of credulity and Russian hospitality. To us rode and rode, and all have been taught and taught. When he was a teacher at the Moscow Theological Academy, I had to accompany a group of Protestants, experts stress on Russia. Went on the second floor, where portraits graduates of the academy, which became bishops. One person asked me: "And why are they all with beards?" That's a level of specialists on the Russian question. Little Facebook. Took them to dinner, I was this scientist said: "I've already learned a Russian song. - "What?" - "Long life". So we sang to them Many Years on his head.
Missionaries rushed to our entire landings: on trains, ships. Ship was with the missionaries of the Volga - 92 (or 93?). Everywhere they carried the bread and salt, and only Kazan Mufti, Allah prolong his precious years and may glorify him and his kin, did not allow boats to land on the shores of Kazan.
What was to teach the country with more a thousand years of culture? Bombing civilians? Computers, which can infect the flu, from which no prochihaeshsya? Or to teach racial theory, teach them Churchill and Hitler? Do not seem to put them in a row. But the speeches of Hitler and Churchill are similar almost to the point. That's Pravda, March 1946:
«Hitler started the business of war with the fact that only German-speaking constitute a complete nation. Churchill begins to deal unleashing a new war, arguing that only the nation, speaking in English, are full-fledged nations, designed to manage the fate of the world "(from a speech in Fulton).
to the West fully apply the words of the Apostle Paul from the 2 nd Epistle to the Corinthians: "their minds were blinded ... until now, when Moses is read, a veil lies over their heart. " And further: "Removes the veil only to Christ." They hitherto could not accept the fact that the execution of the Old Testament meaning and its end is now God's chosen people are not some people, but those who are in Christ. Now we are once again being dragged to yet another bright future, now the new world order calling it integration into the global community. And being told that pulling forward. But who is ahead in this world? Those who are closer to Christ. But that is closer to the heavenly throne, than Orthodoxy? But that does not understand our liberals, saying the criminal language, six of the West. DO NOT listen to us - listen Tyutchev, saying the Liberals addition, Russia, the time that in the eyes of Europe, they will not be the servants of public education and enlightened slaves.
the West was fulfilled the prophecy of Anthony the Great: "The time will come, when they say: you bezumstvuesh because I do not want to participate in the general frenzy. But we will force you to be like. " In this madness, that is, obezbozhennom in mind, we see only one ability - to grow independent of the golden calf biorobots and build management people who they are used to test for Russia. Pretty already!
And when they talk about globalism as good, this is not to be believed. What is a multi-vector - is receding from each other direction. What is the multipolarity? This is the root of controversy. And what assurances, if globalism makes it possible not only spiritual association? And what else can be the union? In globalism signed waiver from the words "not your trust in princes, the sons of men, they also no help." Wholesome and alive can be only one union - in Christ. All others are doomed.
We live in a mental time in history. But we need very large efforts to move into the spiritual period. First of all Orthodox Christians must unite ourselves. That's what most are afraid of our enemies. Yes, and we help ourselves them of their hatred. I remember the year again in the 92-m, we attempted to collect the Russian people, belonging to the Moscow Patriarchate and the Orthodox Church and the Old Believers, and catacombniks. His name and neoobnovlentsev. But for them, such advanced, it was humiliating to talk to us. Arbitrarily picked the first word catacombniks. He introduced Bishop and read all of us gathered anathema. Read for twenty minutes. Everyone got. And for all. Over and over nikonianstvo sergianism for trips to Stalin and for the greetings Hitler, for a meeting with loaves of Napoleon. Read and not simply, gone. But remember that it anafematstvovanie us closer together. Thank God, ten years is already impossible. We are grateful to the Orthodox Church for her work to expedite the canonization of the martyrs, staroobryadkam grateful for the preservation of the fortress of the family, rejection of the wine and tobacco, we catacombniks, samples showed high standing in Christ, thank you. But now we can already reach the light of God?
And still recall as we walked in the years of persecution literature from Jordanville, as there was and is White Russia against the invasion of Catholics.
our pain - Ukraine. There is nothing to divide us. I was recently in Kiev. And nowhere, including Independence Square, Independence Square that is, never heard a language other than Russian. Nowhere I have not called them Moskal. But fifteen years a priest friend said to me pointed in Ukrainian. Of course, I Rozum radyansku movu, but we were both children of the Great Russ. I thought: maybe he fear for Judaic? He looked around: no, the Jews was not there. Looked at his feet - and black cats are not seen. But with Nenko Ukraynu Union inevitable and near.
Nowhere in Scripture do not promise that all will be saved. Ship of Christ, carrying on the sea everyday little flock, takes on board and willing to save all comers. Flying with him lifebuoys. But they have to swim, make the effort and climb aboard.
great reward for this effort - the kingdom of heaven. May God grant us to be good sailors of this ship - the Church of Christ. Whatever the golden billion or planned to enslave another world, he is doomed. And we saved. Thank God we do not have a spare country, there is no dual citizenship. Thank God, we are Orthodox. Christ in our midst. And happily respond our hearts words: "And there is, and will!»
Vladimir Krupin
Moscow, which is otherwise called the Jerusalem of the New Testament.
February 2004 by Christmas.
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