Excerpt from a Russian-Italian internet forum
Lenika (MP)
My daughter is 9 years old. Three years departed on katehizmo to church like everyone else. And now in May Comunione or first communion as I understand it. I did all this weak apart. So, we're - ortodosy.
I carried the certificate of baptism, the priest of our church. And he says to me that Comunione can do unless ortodoskaya church belongs to the catalytic line turns There are two lines, as he explained to me, just ortodoskaya and Catholic-ortadoskaya. While a year ago, said that if a Christian does not matter! And now, says that figure out what my church. Me all the same. And my daughter really wants Comunione pass - a very beautiful ceremony (white dress and all that), and all her classmates are, Of course it hurt and did not understand all the religious zamorochek as me though. So who is already doing and doing it for our children, baptized at us??
Marianna (MP)
your priest (Roman Catholic) is wrong. Practically it turns out that a girl he does not admit to Communion? If this is the first communion in a Catholic church, what is not a "first communion"? And in general, incorrect statement of the case from him - first 3 years (!!!) to the catechism go, and then - Tanti Salute!
Do not give up, go to the higher duhovestvu an appointment! Time has little remains, it is necessary to urgently contact the authorities.
Lenika (MP)
... No we have never received communion in the Orthodox Church, therefore thought that we can do it here. And three years ago when my daughter was going to katehizmo, nuns (Catholic) said that to get first Communion here, because as we all Christians, and now I understand nothing. And of course, my Kate wants to show off in a white dress in church like all the girls her age, she is only 9 years old, I do not think that they are very serious then all this are, just as the holiday. Kids! Now wait I say Prete (Catholic).
And anyway if I was just three years ago, explained what was happening (and I'm asking), I would have told my daughter and explained, and now when everything is ready for the holiday ka try to explain to her that it was not for her!
Daria (MP)
Well, if you're not such ardent Orthodox, I'm your girl would perevla to Catholicism ... it will live here, and so more than she wants to be with. Talk to Prete - he will do rite of passage in the Catholic and all!
- What you can do this?? I would too so I did. And do Do this if the child's parents are Orthodox, do not you know? In the mess then!
- Of course you can! (Especially the girl had already passed katehezis)
Lenika (MP)
Girls, thank you for the answers, the day after tomorrow I will go to Prete! (Catholic)
Marianna (MP)
I understand the policy of Catholic Church, a man with orthodox baptism allowed to all the sacraments and the Catholic church.
Share on Greek Orthodox / Vikings / Russian / Zulu - incorrectly, as but political differences, differences in doctrine, for example, between the Greek Orthodox Church and the Orthodox Church does not exist. Tarred with the same brush, as they say.
first confession, too, exists in katolichesive and usually the children go through this event somewhere for six months before the first communion. This is also a great event to prepare themselves.
IMHO, the situation has arisen because of the narrow-mindedness of the unit to your father's (Catholic), which is simply not informed.
Fr. Andrew (ROCOR):
Orthodox Christians can not be take the sacrament in the Catholic Church ...
If you decide to involve your daughter to a papist, the great sin will fall upon you and all who contribute to it. Lord said about such people:
And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it would be better if it were hanged about his millstone around the neck and threw him into Sea. From Mark
holy gospel. Chapter 9. Verse 42.
Elka-Stick (unbelievers)
Congratulations, dear Fr. Andrew, showed true Christian tolerance!
you read this gloom and poradueshsya that does not belong to one of the world's religions. Immediately obvious that they do not teach respect for automatically or views other people, no unit goodwill. And in that raze - why are they all?
Lenika you correctly Daria said that the best option: that girl moved to Catholicism. While it remains the Orthodox, it can not participate in the Catholic rite of first communion (because the Orthodox baptism considered and for the first communion).
Religion parents in general has absolutely no significance to the faith of the child. He has his own relationship with God.
me here that is strange: why did the priest (Catholic) three years he taught catechism and the girl never got around in time to solve the problem. Formalist one.
In my opinion, on the contrary, a person standing aloof from the religious disputes, just might take a look at the matter impartially. Solely in the interests of the child. And according to the rules. And not from a simple desire to cling to the hair supporter of an alien religion.
Fr. Andrew (ROCOR)
Orthodox Christians should not take Communion in the Catholic Church.
Katusik (MP)
Because of this, with all due respect to Christianity, senility, I have children of their (future) baptize in the Catholic Church. I was terribly ashamed and uncomfortable to hear these postulates are "righteous Orthodox Christians" who openly hate their brothers in fact Catholic. In view of this and other reasons (or rather the "rules" Orthodox Church) is seriously thinking about moving to Catholicism
nilla (MP)
Psycho one .. (of an Orthodox priest reminded of the church canons)
You better tell me in what church you are, that I should, God forbid, to you confess to not come.
Katusik (MP)
What are you! Among Catholics, obscurantist, no less. As in any family: not without its black sheep. What sense then to run the family in the family?
I basically do not like the aggressive attitude towards the Orthodox Catholics (I could understand if it was a pagan, and it is virtually the same religion). Do not understand what love can there be, if I'm in the Orthodox Church can only see rejection, if not hatred.
specific detail that kill me: women are forbidden to enter the temple in the critical days "(understandably - to check nobody can, but you "get" a sin), women in "men's clothing (trousers), and in short skirts (those above the heel) to enter the temple can not make up too is prohibited. And I would have scored on these rules, but at the entrance sits an old woman, who looks at you, and if you will pass "the exam on your clothes," before entering, make lipstick erase (Subtle).
Elka-Stick (unbelievers)
Here in our parish Catholic Church does not hurt a friendly priest. And the trail of the rich. But because of the same Catholics do not go to another religion. Stop often to go to church. Home believe. But in general you are right. Catholics can not be that found fault to the pants, made a lipstick or a handkerchief to wipe fasten. Maybe that's why I do not believe. It is very necessary to comply with silly and purely formal rites.
zurro (Pagan)
- Walk to the Old Believers, do not pridirayutstsa (for trousers), because they are Orthodox, no change Nikon's.
Kalina (MP) - Fr. Andrew
Country Your approach ...
Ivan O. in the church of St. Nicholas in Chisinau told me that it does not matter in a skirt there came a woman, or in the pants thing is that in her heart had faith in the Lord, and if you can not attend an Orthodox church in Italy, I can safely go to the Catholic messu.Ved Lord, and it does not matter in what place you are praying, the main - What you believe.
Imagine that I am not a believer, was married with a Roman Catholic in a Catholic church by a special procedure. Curia gave their consent, as regulations so require.
- And I do too.
you subscribe gave about the religious upbringing of children?
Katusik (MP)
RA, question for you. If I'm Orthodox, crown with a Catholic by a special procedure - I will also cohabit whoring if you do not know, clarify what is meant by a special procedure: I need resolution of an Orthodox priest, a letter from my parents that I was baptized and married in the church was not previously (mk in Orthodoxy does not make a document on this account), and the wedding will take place with the two priests - Catholic and Orthodox (MP). Right? Or am I at the same time an Orthodox priest will be for you traitors?
Nike (MP)
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, here's to you and love ....
my daughter to a Catholic baptism and are going to pursue this line. Until now, the Orthodox priests (MP) is not perturbed in this way, a private business Kajo, said. Secondly, as I - Orthodox, my future husband - a Catholic, his relatives generally adhere to some strange religion, we decided to hold a ceremony for Catholic (with the permission of both churches) since it is here, with time, in the Orthodox church, more for my family; and shamanistic rites of his relatives because he is a very unusual and beautiful.
Elka-Stick - Orthodox priest
Sorry, pA, you are a fool or a Russian language does not understand?
A special ceremony that's the kind: Catholic, is crowned by its ritual, answers questions, and the priest says the prayers are different. A I stand beside him and said nothing. For Roman Catholics believe that he was married. And then we go to the municipality and there are passing civil registration ... if the bride Orthodox, one or both of the priest (Catholic and MP) perform the rite together (in turn say that we should), or a ritual performed first in one church, then in another.
Paper to raise children in the Catholic faith, I did not sign. But I myself wanted to baptize his daughter's Catholic. And she was raised in the Catholic faith and took first communion. Nothing bad I can not find in religion. About how we are pioneers walked. Teach morals and good behavior.
Look, well, just funny to listen to it all! What about what division we can say, Orthodox, Catholics .... God is one for all! and C. Marie-ONE! "Though as you call them! I'm Orthodox, son baptized in the Catholic Church! KNOWINGLY! How do you think, sir, I am a sinner ????? I go to a Catholic church and pray for the Catholic Mother of God! Sin ??????
I am sure that our Lord does not care who profess any religion, "The main thing is to live under the laws of God, chioe," Thou shalt not kill "," Thou shalt not steal ", etc. .... Do not even here to sow hatred based on religion!
- the books of the Holy Father:
These books are written by people earth! Not a god!
I have my own relationship with God and Heaven, so no "instructions" I do not need!
I communicate with my father (MP) in Russia, but never anything like this (that you can not receive communion for Catholics) do not hear from them.
As if the Lord does not say: "Come unto me all who are in need, someone with problems. I will deliver you from problems."
I myself studied 7 years of theology ka west, and east. I therefore want to immediately warn the questions like "Who are you."
'm sorry, but your personal point of view is not an Orthodox perspective Church. Look at http://www.russian-orthodox-church.org.ru/vr110771.htm
"The Orthodox Church (MP), in turn, ALWAYS recognize the validity of the sacraments of the Catholic Church. Probably evidence of this is the fact that Catholics are accepted into the Orthodox Church on the so-called third rite of reception into Orthodoxy, not through baptism, How are non-Christians and sects, and not through Confirmation, as Protestants, and through repentance, as the dissenters. Clergy of the Catholic Church accepted the same rank in the existing rank, ie, with preservation of the extent of the priesthood, on which were erected in his Church. "
Check out all the other documents Orthodox Church.
close the door, my dear, is to overcome himself, continuous circulation of the heart, not Churanov the modern world. "
absurd that ... believers shy of the modern world. This is - a perversion of Christianity itself. This - obscurantism.
No he is not a priest ... I talked with one of the Orthodox priest (of MP): Can an Orthodox Communion in the Catholic Church (if necessary, for example on a business trip in kat.strane and sick, or something) (only desirable to confess - not necessarily for a Catholic, if he knows that since the last confession was not named in mortal sin).
Well, quite so do not ask to speak neresi about Catholic rules (I say this as a Catholic). You can walk in the pants to church, because long ago they were women's clothes. And not necessarily long skirts (well, of course not mini bikini). The only restriction - should be covered by the shoulders, in the summer, some sort of shawl.
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