Only at the highest levels of Satanism people can see and communicate directly with Satan. This - Satanists Level 6, the so-called adherents: they can see Satan and communicate with them, as well as have authority over the minor demons. It should be noted that at the level of drug addiction demons may be drug addicts or in its ugly form, either in the form "Angel of light, always causing confusion and fear, until the terror. Repeatedly to confession I had to listen from the drug on these phenomena. Very impressive were the stories of three drug addicts on how to post a prayer or a visit to the temple and it's important not to "breaking down", they suddenly opened a heavy vomiting. At the same time with vomiting came out some cloud-like wriggling stinking worm-like "creature." The output of this "creature" was very painful, but always after come marvelous relief, and people stopped using drugs. Sometimes this "creature" came out immediately, but within a few days, bringing young man ineffable pain.
This, of course, were not worms, but rather a thick vaporous gray or dark gray foul creature which, according to exit from the throat, twisting, slowly dissolves in the air, emitting a heavy stench. Such cases are not uncommon. That's what the newspaper published Moscow News March 6, 2000: "Terrible, is not amenable to scientific explanation accident happened to a resident near Moscow Stupino Vyacheslav Ostahovym. Drunkard, a prayer before the icon "The Inexhaustible Cup" burped out yourself some sort of vile creatures - gray worm 1,5-2 cm long with two "horns" on a small head (which, except for horns, it was possible to distinguish between her mouth and tiny eyes). Shove their spouses in a bottle of wine, being not only not died in it, but began to grow with startling speed: the week increased to 10 cm when the wine in the bottle is almost finished, we decided to pour the vodka back. From this moment it began to grow even faster.
The couple brought the substance in the bottle Vysotsky monastery in Serpukhov. "My brother has long been considered a creature, - says Nikon's father - and finally decided that it was - nothing like imp, which is the Mother of God had expelled from the drunkard. Only removed the cork - a bottle burst such a stench that all present felt bad. Bottle with the substance remained in the monastery: we simply do not know what to do with it. And then we started to happen Strange things: many began to ache all the feel in my soul incomprehensible burden ... "The monks have brought alcoholized being in Moscow and showed Associate Professor Department of Invertebrate Biology Faculty of Moscow Vasily Ivanovich Vasiliev. He carefully studied the "unknown zverushku" then said that nothing similar in their practices are not met. Creature showed scientists involved in mutations. They said that too, nothing like this has never seen.
Associate Professor Vasiliev has decided to independently investigate the essence, but several days later fell ill and was hospitalized. He gave his research working zoologist Cyril Resurrection, but he soon died. Point in this case put Nikon's father, learning about what is happening with people who somehow come into contact with besenkom. He asked scientists to burn it, and that was fulfilled. However, it remains to documentary evidence that this is not a mass delirium, but a real fact: employees biological faculty of Moscow State University had written "stranger" on videotape.
As Vyacheslav Ostahova, then after this event all his life is turned upside down: he stopped drinking, smoking, began going to church, got a good job. " Here's what miracles happen when people come with a sincere prayer and faith to the Holy Mother.
Thus, addiction is a state of demon possession, the manifestation of Satanism, and it does not matter, is aware of it myself addict or unaware of, because Satan does not leave a business card. The basis of addiction is spiritual, because it is not amenable to medical treatment, but quickly is handling a drug addict to God and repentance. One example is the above case with the drunkard and izrygnutym them after prayers besenkom.
Ieromonah Anatoly Berestov. full article
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