Today's news from Kosovo
A summary of the news received today from ERPKIM - news from Kosovo
Germany has proposed that Kosovo be given independance from Serbia!
German KFOR in Prizrin refuse to allow the monks at Holy Archangels Monastery return to their own holy property to begin salvage and repair, BUT, German KFOR somehow provided a ROMAN CATHOLIC MASS for the Serbia Orthodox people of Prizrin, while keeping their Serbian Orthodox clergy AWAY! Remember, these are the same German KFOR units that did NOTHING while the Albanians destroyed anything Serbian while they just stoof there and watched.
These are the same German KFOR units that for the past several months have refused transport for Serbian Orthodox peoples in the Prizrin area, especially the monastery.
Write to your Senators and Congressmen/women, let them know how you feel about Germany's role in the current Kosovo crisis!
Germany proposed to grant Kosovo independence from Serbia
German troops were not allowed to return to the monks in the monastery of St. Archangel Michael to recover, but provide the dispensation of the Roman Catholic Mass for the Orthodox Serbs in Prizren, forbidding entry to the city of Orthodox clergy!
Remember: these were the same warriors KFOR, who did nothing to protect Serbs and their property against brutal Albanian fanatics. They also banned the movement of Serbian Orthodox monastery near Prizren and.
Contact protests against provocative actions of German KFOR troops senators, parliamentarians and congressmen in their own countries!
"Recent events in Kosovo have caused heavy damage to the democratization process. Hard to believe that attacks on Serbs, Albanians were not organized, "- said Javier Solana.
Javier Solana said that during the recent events had" violated the contribution of the international community, because we were attacked and an international peacekeeping force (KFOR),
"intelligence data indicate that the so-called spontaneous performances were well organized, "- said the EU high representative.
According to Solana, it is very dangerous," because it makes it impossible to create a multinational Kosovo, which was a dream and citizens edges, and the international community ".
" I am horrified by what I saw in Kosovo Polje, - he said. - The instigators of disorder destroyed where schools, churches, killing people. They committed acts that the international community can not and will not be tolerated. "As recognized by Solana, in fact, sad to see the destroyed school, from which evacuated children see dead people and burned houses. "This should not be treated with patience," - he said. "I feel a sense of horror, cruelty, destruction of schools, churches, where people only wanted to pray. Serbs - the brave men and should stay here, should rebuild their homes and we help them do so ", - assured Solana.
yesterday in Brussels, Solana acknowledged that the Serb community in Kosovo has not been sufficiently protected. "The EU must urgently determine how to improve the situation," - he stressed.
Kosovo Serbs with indignation greeted the Supreme Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana and the European Commission Chris Patten, they tried not to miss their houses burned to the territory of Health and Primary School "Sveti Sava" in the town of Kosovo Polje. There they are forced to flee from the Albanians. "Why you come so late? "- shouted the Serbs forced to leave their homes because of the riots last nedele.Krome addition, these days it will be five years from the date the bombing of Yugoslavia by NATO forces, who sought the withdrawal of Serbian troops from Kosovo. North Atlantic Treaty Organization if it led Xavier Solana.
As a result, peacekeeping operations, NATO Kosovo turned into a region where reigns supreme Albanians make up 90 percent of the residents. Serbian population of old, living here were driven all sorts of violent means, along with the Serbs left edge of the Croats, Montenegrins, Roma and Turks - about 600 thousand people. Were bombed and destroyed hundreds of Orthodox churches.
In late 2001, the Israeli intelligence Mossad published report sheds light on what an international force behind the implementation of the concept of Greater Albania.
Great Albania, strange geopolitical innovation should be a big, strong, mono-ethnic Islamic state in southern Europe. For design and implementing this idea, the Great Albania should unite the territory of Albania proper and Kosovo, a large part of Macedonia, southern and south-eastern Serbia, eastern Montenegro and northern Greece.
All this might seem like a bad dream, a wraith, an obsession, if not for the events in Kosovo, and then and the invasion of the Albanians in Macedonia.
Натовские офицеры открыто признавали, что в Косово действуют лагеря по подготовке боевиков, направляющихся в Македонию. Самый большой лагерь, в котором проходят learning is not only Albanians, but also from Afghanistan and Algeria, is located near the village of Ropotovo, near the town of Kosovska Kamenica.
Israel Mossad issued a report that sheds light on the many causes of the Balkan events. According to Israeli analysts, the fighting in execution of the idea of Greater Albania instigated by Osama bin Laden. Direct command of the Albanian troops in Macedonia performs Balkan headquarters of al-Qaeda, headed by the Egyptian Ayman al-Zawahiri, one of the leaders of Islamic Jihad. "
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