known publicist ROAC openly acknowledge themselves as supporters of the Declaration of 1927 Sergius of the Old
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March 9, 2004 the two most known socio-religious figure ROAC, Yegor Kholmogorov and Hieromonk Gregory (Lourie), publicly declared themselves supporters of the Declaration of 1927 Sergius of Old Town, distinguished between the right to their point of view of the Declaration of St. Sergius of the Old Town and the proper sergianism "(which Hieromonk Gregory (Lourie) and his supporters understood solely as all the pre-revolutionary heritage of the Church as a whole. Pc).
Kholmogorov in their "Learn", said:
«The position expressed in the Declaration the formula "We need not just in words but in deeds show that faithful citizens of the Soviet Union, loyal to the Soviet government, can not only be indifferent to Orthodoxy, people who are not only traitors to him, but the most ardent supporters of his, for which it is costly, both truth and life, with all its dogmas and traditions, with all its canonical and liturgical way of life. We want to be Orthodox and at the same time conscious of the Soviet Union our civilian homeland, joy and the success of which - our joys and successes, and failures - of our failures. Every blow aimed at the Union, be it war, boycott, any public calamity or manslaughter because of the angle, like Warsaw, admits us as a blow aimed at us. Being Orthodox, we remember our duty to be citizens Union is not only out of fear, but also for conscience 'as he taught us the apostle (Rom. XIII, 5). "- I think is absolutely fair and faithful church-political position in the circumstances"
Kholmogorov continued:
«So if we assume that sergianism - a recognition of Soviet power as a civilian power in Russia, the authorities, which may strengthen the rule of law, prosperity of the country, etc., then sergianism - certainly justified the church's position and the Met. Sergius nothing to reproach. More than that - it can be something to put the credit - the revolution was the time of faithlessness monstrous, monstrous osataneniya people and we had to understand that any This wave will rise higher and vyshei church will be destroyed at all - not just sveruh, but the bottom (and it's important that we should understand - the anti-religious Bolshevik campaign was not an act of pure apical). Actually, the other possibility to survive in a revolution, but as a patronage state. authorities, the Russian Orthodox Church as canonical institute a local church was not.
Talking about the position of the Church Abroad and catacombniks, Kholmogorov said:
"... It is not clear - why the position of the Orthodox Christian was supposed to be a partisan political stance. To justify this political partisan - and the parishes, and in the catacombs, to create a totally insane, totally heretical theory, turning some of the new catacombniks edition of the Old Believers-bespopovtsev with their "spiritual Antichrist" »
only thing from the standpoint of Yegor Kholmogorova negatively" absolutely fair " Sergianism position - this idea of him as the top of martyrdom and his spiritualization "and the" offset anticanonical exiled bishops. " Yegor Kholmogorov declared that those who are separated from Mitr.Sergiya, separated from him not because of the "correct" declaration. That the principles reflected in the Declaration, adhered to even "leaders of the church movement" Mitr.Iosif Petrograd.
Hieromonk Gregory (Lourie), in response to these words fully concurred with him in these words:
«Yes, something like that. This is especially important distinction between the Declaration and the actual Sergianism »
However, after several hours after mailing Romanitas "These words from the thread topic has been withdrawn. Nevertheless, the approving words Hieromonk Gregory (Lourie) Article Yegor Kholmogorova and words the attitude towards the Declaration of 1927 has had time to read a lot of people. References to them were at the conference "Paradosis", on anloyazychnye and Russian Orthodox sites.
Earlier this event, positive-neutral Declaration Mitr.Sergiya Old Town spoke third public-church leader ROAC, editor of Portal Credo.Ru Alexander Soldatov, who in an editorial on the Portal by Sept. 8, 2003 equated Mitr.Sergy Old Town to the "great era of the bishops of the Ecumenical Cathedrals, and the word sergianism put in quotation marks.
Thus we can say that all of the most influential and well-known publicists ROAC, near Metropolitan Valentine of Suzdal environment, unanimously and strongly formally declared themselves supporters of the Declaration of 1927 and the opponents of the traditional antideklaratsionnoy rhetoric of the ROCOR and the Catacomb Church. And, three years after the start of his sergianist path, which has written Romanitas, as well as after the departure of the last ROAC Orthodox, have announced this openly.
9.03.2004, the "Romanitas» 20i% 20RPAC.htm
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