Tula temple monk Efrosin shown where to look for his power
Once last summer, a Moscow priest, Father Sergei was in the center of Tula. Suddenly some force pulled him to the St. Nicholas church Zaretsky. Sergius went into the church, stepped on the masonry and heard a voice: "Here rests Efrosin Fr. Dazed priest asked for the blessing of Bishop Alexy, Archbishop of Tula and Belevsky on excavations. And they took up the rector's father Victor.
- In the morning, before the open brickwork, I had a vision, - recalled the church's keeper Vladimir Shilov. - In the window opposite the altar, there was a monk with a hood on his head. He crossed the altar, as if he blessed the excavations, and vanished into the air.
The excavations under the old bricks found burial. Remains clearly belonged to the priest - this indicated fragments of church clothes and buttons worn by priests in the XVII century. But the grave of someone defiled: the bones were thrown from the grave and broken.
- We were going to close the vault, where the tomb appeared a strange glow, - tells his father Victor. - He noticed and when viewed video: all your actions, we recorded on film. After six seconds the light disappeared. I dismantled the brick wall, which is indicated shining point. And under it found the cranial vault Efrosin.
Once the bones were transferred to the temple, began wonders. Blackened by the time the power cleansed until golden colors are fragrant. Of the iron sheet, on which stood the coffin, poured ointment. And people were saying that the remains celibate priest heal, some freed from alcoholism, benign tumors, and a woman suffering from infertility, has been able to conceive.
recently, in February Efrosin was Father Victor.
- I have prayed at the altar - he says. - Suddenly, at the side there was a figure in a black robe with a hood on his head. The growth of the ghost was about three feet sixty centimeters. Examination showed that the remains belonged to a man found just such growth. He stood behind me, leaning over the altar, then left from the altar, and if evaporated.
Father Victor suggests that Efrosin served in one of Tula's churches, and died in 1700. In 1729 his remains were moved to the built Nicholas-Zaretsky temple.
Ghost ieromonaha many times are parishioners. According to their stories of local artists want to recreate the image of the priest. But in the archives have not been able to find references to Efrosin.
Vladimir Lagowski, Svetlana Eliseev
Saturday, March 27, 2004
Friday, March 26, 2004
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python, attacked by a peasant, cured him of drink and turned to faith in God
nightmare was waking unrestrained drinkers from the Zambian Macha village in the south, where the middle of the night he discovered that part of his leg ... swallowed a huge python.
is not known what prompted the subjects chosen Python their hunting rights: whether it has attracted the smell of alcohol, whether famine forced to pounce on any edible object, but the Zambian quickly sobered up. On his harrowing Neighbors came running shouting, killed the snake and freed the unfortunate trap of living. Shock to the victim was so great, the newspaper noted that he Zaretsky district more to take by mouth alcohol. He thanked God for salvation, and now spends all day in prayer in the church, becoming an exemplary parishioner,
nightmare was waking unrestrained drinkers from the Zambian Macha village in the south, where the middle of the night he discovered that part of his leg ... swallowed a huge python.
is not known what prompted the subjects chosen Python their hunting rights: whether it has attracted the smell of alcohol, whether famine forced to pounce on any edible object, but the Zambian quickly sobered up. On his harrowing Neighbors came running shouting, killed the snake and freed the unfortunate trap of living. Shock to the victim was so great, the newspaper noted that he Zaretsky district more to take by mouth alcohol. He thanked God for salvation, and now spends all day in prayer in the church, becoming an exemplary parishioner,
Thursday, March 25, 2004
How To Make Cakes That Blow Air
Today's news from Kosovo
A summary of the news received today from ERPKIM - news from Kosovo
Germany has proposed that Kosovo be given independance from Serbia!
German KFOR in Prizrin refuse to allow the monks at Holy Archangels Monastery return to their own holy property to begin salvage and repair, BUT, German KFOR somehow provided a ROMAN CATHOLIC MASS for the Serbia Orthodox people of Prizrin, while keeping their Serbian Orthodox clergy AWAY! Remember, these are the same German KFOR units that did NOTHING while the Albanians destroyed anything Serbian while they just stoof there and watched.
These are the same German KFOR units that for the past several months have refused transport for Serbian Orthodox peoples in the Prizrin area, especially the monastery.
Write to your Senators and Congressmen/women, let them know how you feel about Germany's role in the current Kosovo crisis!
Germany proposed to grant Kosovo independence from Serbia
German troops were not allowed to return to the monks in the monastery of St. Archangel Michael to recover, but provide the dispensation of the Roman Catholic Mass for the Orthodox Serbs in Prizren, forbidding entry to the city of Orthodox clergy!
Remember: these were the same warriors KFOR, who did nothing to protect Serbs and their property against brutal Albanian fanatics. They also banned the movement of Serbian Orthodox monastery near Prizren and.
Contact protests against provocative actions of German KFOR troops senators, parliamentarians and congressmen in their own countries!
"Recent events in Kosovo have caused heavy damage to the democratization process. Hard to believe that attacks on Serbs, Albanians were not organized, "- said Javier Solana.
Javier Solana said that during the recent events had" violated the contribution of the international community, because we were attacked and an international peacekeeping force (KFOR),
"intelligence data indicate that the so-called spontaneous performances were well organized, "- said the EU high representative.
According to Solana, it is very dangerous," because it makes it impossible to create a multinational Kosovo, which was a dream and citizens edges, and the international community ".
" I am horrified by what I saw in Kosovo Polje, - he said. - The instigators of disorder destroyed where schools, churches, killing people. They committed acts that the international community can not and will not be tolerated. "As recognized by Solana, in fact, sad to see the destroyed school, from which evacuated children see dead people and burned houses. "This should not be treated with patience," - he said. "I feel a sense of horror, cruelty, destruction of schools, churches, where people only wanted to pray. Serbs - the brave men and should stay here, should rebuild their homes and we help them do so ", - assured Solana.
yesterday in Brussels, Solana acknowledged that the Serb community in Kosovo has not been sufficiently protected. "The EU must urgently determine how to improve the situation," - he stressed.
Kosovo Serbs with indignation greeted the Supreme Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana and the European Commission Chris Patten, they tried not to miss their houses burned to the territory of Health and Primary School "Sveti Sava" in the town of Kosovo Polje. There they are forced to flee from the Albanians. "Why you come so late? "- shouted the Serbs forced to leave their homes because of the riots last nedele.Krome addition, these days it will be five years from the date the bombing of Yugoslavia by NATO forces, who sought the withdrawal of Serbian troops from Kosovo. North Atlantic Treaty Organization if it led Xavier Solana.
As a result, peacekeeping operations, NATO Kosovo turned into a region where reigns supreme Albanians make up 90 percent of the residents. Serbian population of old, living here were driven all sorts of violent means, along with the Serbs left edge of the Croats, Montenegrins, Roma and Turks - about 600 thousand people. Were bombed and destroyed hundreds of Orthodox churches.
In late 2001, the Israeli intelligence Mossad published report sheds light on what an international force behind the implementation of the concept of Greater Albania.
Great Albania, strange geopolitical innovation should be a big, strong, mono-ethnic Islamic state in southern Europe. For design and implementing this idea, the Great Albania should unite the territory of Albania proper and Kosovo, a large part of Macedonia, southern and south-eastern Serbia, eastern Montenegro and northern Greece.
All this might seem like a bad dream, a wraith, an obsession, if not for the events in Kosovo, and then and the invasion of the Albanians in Macedonia.
Натовские офицеры открыто признавали, что в Косово действуют лагеря по подготовке боевиков, направляющихся в Македонию. Самый большой лагерь, в котором проходят learning is not only Albanians, but also from Afghanistan and Algeria, is located near the village of Ropotovo, near the town of Kosovska Kamenica.
Israel Mossad issued a report that sheds light on the many causes of the Balkan events. According to Israeli analysts, the fighting in execution of the idea of Greater Albania instigated by Osama bin Laden. Direct command of the Albanian troops in Macedonia performs Balkan headquarters of al-Qaeda, headed by the Egyptian Ayman al-Zawahiri, one of the leaders of Islamic Jihad. "
A summary of the news received today from ERPKIM - news from Kosovo
Germany has proposed that Kosovo be given independance from Serbia!
German KFOR in Prizrin refuse to allow the monks at Holy Archangels Monastery return to their own holy property to begin salvage and repair, BUT, German KFOR somehow provided a ROMAN CATHOLIC MASS for the Serbia Orthodox people of Prizrin, while keeping their Serbian Orthodox clergy AWAY! Remember, these are the same German KFOR units that did NOTHING while the Albanians destroyed anything Serbian while they just stoof there and watched.
These are the same German KFOR units that for the past several months have refused transport for Serbian Orthodox peoples in the Prizrin area, especially the monastery.
Write to your Senators and Congressmen/women, let them know how you feel about Germany's role in the current Kosovo crisis!
Germany proposed to grant Kosovo independence from Serbia
German troops were not allowed to return to the monks in the monastery of St. Archangel Michael to recover, but provide the dispensation of the Roman Catholic Mass for the Orthodox Serbs in Prizren, forbidding entry to the city of Orthodox clergy!
Remember: these were the same warriors KFOR, who did nothing to protect Serbs and their property against brutal Albanian fanatics. They also banned the movement of Serbian Orthodox monastery near Prizren and.
Contact protests against provocative actions of German KFOR troops senators, parliamentarians and congressmen in their own countries!
"Recent events in Kosovo have caused heavy damage to the democratization process. Hard to believe that attacks on Serbs, Albanians were not organized, "- said Javier Solana.
Javier Solana said that during the recent events had" violated the contribution of the international community, because we were attacked and an international peacekeeping force (KFOR),
"intelligence data indicate that the so-called spontaneous performances were well organized, "- said the EU high representative.
According to Solana, it is very dangerous," because it makes it impossible to create a multinational Kosovo, which was a dream and citizens edges, and the international community ".
" I am horrified by what I saw in Kosovo Polje, - he said. - The instigators of disorder destroyed where schools, churches, killing people. They committed acts that the international community can not and will not be tolerated. "As recognized by Solana, in fact, sad to see the destroyed school, from which evacuated children see dead people and burned houses. "This should not be treated with patience," - he said. "I feel a sense of horror, cruelty, destruction of schools, churches, where people only wanted to pray. Serbs - the brave men and should stay here, should rebuild their homes and we help them do so ", - assured Solana.
yesterday in Brussels, Solana acknowledged that the Serb community in Kosovo has not been sufficiently protected. "The EU must urgently determine how to improve the situation," - he stressed.
Kosovo Serbs with indignation greeted the Supreme Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana and the European Commission Chris Patten, they tried not to miss their houses burned to the territory of Health and Primary School "Sveti Sava" in the town of Kosovo Polje. There they are forced to flee from the Albanians. "Why you come so late? "- shouted the Serbs forced to leave their homes because of the riots last nedele.Krome addition, these days it will be five years from the date the bombing of Yugoslavia by NATO forces, who sought the withdrawal of Serbian troops from Kosovo. North Atlantic Treaty Organization if it led Xavier Solana.
As a result, peacekeeping operations, NATO Kosovo turned into a region where reigns supreme Albanians make up 90 percent of the residents. Serbian population of old, living here were driven all sorts of violent means, along with the Serbs left edge of the Croats, Montenegrins, Roma and Turks - about 600 thousand people. Were bombed and destroyed hundreds of Orthodox churches.
In late 2001, the Israeli intelligence Mossad published report sheds light on what an international force behind the implementation of the concept of Greater Albania.
Great Albania, strange geopolitical innovation should be a big, strong, mono-ethnic Islamic state in southern Europe. For design and implementing this idea, the Great Albania should unite the territory of Albania proper and Kosovo, a large part of Macedonia, southern and south-eastern Serbia, eastern Montenegro and northern Greece.
All this might seem like a bad dream, a wraith, an obsession, if not for the events in Kosovo, and then and the invasion of the Albanians in Macedonia.
Натовские офицеры открыто признавали, что в Косово действуют лагеря по подготовке боевиков, направляющихся в Македонию. Самый большой лагерь, в котором проходят learning is not only Albanians, but also from Afghanistan and Algeria, is located near the village of Ropotovo, near the town of Kosovska Kamenica.
Israel Mossad issued a report that sheds light on the many causes of the Balkan events. According to Israeli analysts, the fighting in execution of the idea of Greater Albania instigated by Osama bin Laden. Direct command of the Albanian troops in Macedonia performs Balkan headquarters of al-Qaeda, headed by the Egyptian Ayman al-Zawahiri, one of the leaders of Islamic Jihad. "
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Know that in the last days perilous times.
ticketless travel is punishable by death
------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------
In Lipetsk guard killed a passenger bus just because he was traveling without a ticket.
conductor of the municipal tram and trolley management proposed 54-year-old man to pay the fare. The man refused, and the comptroller is not thinking long pushed him out of the car on the roadway. During the fall of the victim struck head on the curb, resulting in death was brain injury.
ticketless travel is punishable by death
------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------
In Lipetsk guard killed a passenger bus just because he was traveling without a ticket.
conductor of the municipal tram and trolley management proposed 54-year-old man to pay the fare. The man refused, and the comptroller is not thinking long pushed him out of the car on the roadway. During the fall of the victim struck head on the curb, resulting in death was brain injury.
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what fellowship has light with darkness?
I remember my old report in Rome at a conference on Millennium of the Baptism of Russia. Report was entitled "Communism and Christianity." Wishing to draw the attention of multi-lingual audience, I told the case, as witnessed funeral service of one person in the village church. I asked who the deceased. The old woman answered me: "The Communists are burying, sir. All my life I fought with us, all worn out, Let him rest in the other world. " These allow the funeral to me in the foreseeable future to provide other when still compassionate old woman would be buried exhausted in the struggle with them a Democrat. But, ask me how you compare? For me, the word "communist" and "Democrat" - synonymous. Those and others do not enjoy them created, they both hate the Christ. Some persecuted the Church of Christ openly, others today Jesuit sophisticated. For example, cost, tax system, zapuskaniem the country non-Orthodox denominations, equating orthodoxy to other religious organizations. Vse in their hands: lzhuschie media sling mud at the clergy, promoting depravity, vulgarity and violence in their hands the money. The exhibition in the Sakharov Center, is justified by them, proof of that. And it is easy to predict not least the invasion of dirt on cleanliness. For example, the latest publication in the journal "Banner" of the priest-eater.
This invasion is the development of global trend of Satanic malice towards Christians.
How can the state do not want to reconcile with the fact that it does not control the minds and souls, and the Church! State survival needs are not people, and docile electorate, not the Church, and the police. But, thank God, such an understanding, at least for Russia, already passed stage. Today with the Church to be reckoned, for the credibility of not only high, but indisputable. That said, the Church, the sacred. For the Church - the Body of Christ, and Christ - the Truth. The Soviet Union collapsed just from that I have neglected this truth. As a punishment, all crashing down: and military power, and the economy, and, of course, the ideology that seemed omnipotent. What is left? Only the Church. It says the government: if you want to stay in power, representing the interests of the people, and does not lobby other people.
State - created mortal minds of the system. These systems are changing all the time. The state, like a snake: to survive, the creeps from the skin to skin. And the Church is unchangeable. One father in years expressed to me such a guess, which I believe. He said: "We are for the godless authorities have not prayed." - "What? - I asked. - And what about the proclamation of the liturgy: "On Bogohranimoy our country, civil authorities and the army of her, pray to the Lord "? "In the temples - he explained - everywhere proclaim as follows (the agents of control religion carp could not): "On Bogohranimoy our country, about oblasteh and host of her ..." On domains of praying. And hopped off the atheist regime, showing the way for those who would indulge devilry liberals.
We are pleased with the mediation of the President in the historic reunification of the Russian Orthodox Church. But the high rostrum of the Council provides an opportunity and even the obligation to ensure that the voice brother in Christ, our fraternal Vladimir reproach in the promotion of materialism airtime and awards. Entirely and a number of breast estradnikov and vulgar Odessa, in the worst sense, filling decorated with awards of Russia. They are on stage and screen mockery of everything that is holy citizen of the Fatherland, and for this uplift. Maybe Putin will choose the time to read (or reread) the novel "The Possessed" in order to understand in the immediate environment and those in charge of culture and the media.
In Russia, at first glance, the unhappy fate. It was the nuclear monster, then became a criminal, it was a bridge between East and West, then something else. But Russia - a happy fate, she is in Christ. And the fact that we do not understand - so do not always understand. And then, that we do not like - so do not always love and love will not, so what! Only God would not leave Russia. And our enemies from the powerlessness of the spiritual power of the Slavs were consider us second-class citizens ("untermensh" - the terminology of Joseph Goebbels). They, Europe, then the first? Who are these - first-class? They have already crowned gay and elephants, they have been a woman - a bishop, but still something to teach us. And it pleased their supporters who infiltrates the body of Russia. All the time after the XX Party Congress was given enslavement of the Russian foreign influences and the fight against orthodoxy. Even Gagarin's flight was used to raise a powerful wave of anti-church. Gagarin God not seen in space, can not help but enhance the destruction of temples? Their language, Russian, appeared in the pen, moves into the consciousness of English. When Gorbachev flew to the instructions to Margaret Thatcher on the wings of their party, he already had something to report to the West. Still - in 1984, taught English in the Soviet Union more than ten million students, and Russian in the United States taught 28,000 students. Lenin and Trotsky, brought Robespierre, raved about the world revolution, and Gorbachev became flame world a single religion.
we forgot the words of Pushkin that with respect to Russia, Europe has always been ungrateful. Forgot your rudeness Europe. Here are The Times of London, 1876, quote: "In the east, that is in Russian, European Affairs has the right (?) To impose its will." And imposed! And we rushed to the democracy that does not happen neither bad nor good, and only happens in hell, as he said St. John of Kronstadt. Here there is pluralism, because different boilers. But as we were, it was easy fool! Possessed, used Christian sense of credulity and Russian hospitality. To us rode and rode, and all have been taught and taught. When he was a teacher at the Moscow Theological Academy, I had to accompany a group of Protestants, experts stress on Russia. Went on the second floor, where portraits graduates of the academy, which became bishops. One person asked me: "And why are they all with beards?" That's a level of specialists on the Russian question. Little Facebook. Took them to dinner, I was this scientist said: "I've already learned a Russian song. - "What?" - "Long life". So we sang to them Many Years on his head.
Missionaries rushed to our entire landings: on trains, ships. Ship was with the missionaries of the Volga - 92 (or 93?). Everywhere they carried the bread and salt, and only Kazan Mufti, Allah prolong his precious years and may glorify him and his kin, did not allow boats to land on the shores of Kazan.
What was to teach the country with more a thousand years of culture? Bombing civilians? Computers, which can infect the flu, from which no prochihaeshsya? Or to teach racial theory, teach them Churchill and Hitler? Do not seem to put them in a row. But the speeches of Hitler and Churchill are similar almost to the point. That's Pravda, March 1946:
«Hitler started the business of war with the fact that only German-speaking constitute a complete nation. Churchill begins to deal unleashing a new war, arguing that only the nation, speaking in English, are full-fledged nations, designed to manage the fate of the world "(from a speech in Fulton).
to the West fully apply the words of the Apostle Paul from the 2 nd Epistle to the Corinthians: "their minds were blinded ... until now, when Moses is read, a veil lies over their heart. " And further: "Removes the veil only to Christ." They hitherto could not accept the fact that the execution of the Old Testament meaning and its end is now God's chosen people are not some people, but those who are in Christ. Now we are once again being dragged to yet another bright future, now the new world order calling it integration into the global community. And being told that pulling forward. But who is ahead in this world? Those who are closer to Christ. But that is closer to the heavenly throne, than Orthodoxy? But that does not understand our liberals, saying the criminal language, six of the West. DO NOT listen to us - listen Tyutchev, saying the Liberals addition, Russia, the time that in the eyes of Europe, they will not be the servants of public education and enlightened slaves.
the West was fulfilled the prophecy of Anthony the Great: "The time will come, when they say: you bezumstvuesh because I do not want to participate in the general frenzy. But we will force you to be like. " In this madness, that is, obezbozhennom in mind, we see only one ability - to grow independent of the golden calf biorobots and build management people who they are used to test for Russia. Pretty already!
And when they talk about globalism as good, this is not to be believed. What is a multi-vector - is receding from each other direction. What is the multipolarity? This is the root of controversy. And what assurances, if globalism makes it possible not only spiritual association? And what else can be the union? In globalism signed waiver from the words "not your trust in princes, the sons of men, they also no help." Wholesome and alive can be only one union - in Christ. All others are doomed.
We live in a mental time in history. But we need very large efforts to move into the spiritual period. First of all Orthodox Christians must unite ourselves. That's what most are afraid of our enemies. Yes, and we help ourselves them of their hatred. I remember the year again in the 92-m, we attempted to collect the Russian people, belonging to the Moscow Patriarchate and the Orthodox Church and the Old Believers, and catacombniks. His name and neoobnovlentsev. But for them, such advanced, it was humiliating to talk to us. Arbitrarily picked the first word catacombniks. He introduced Bishop and read all of us gathered anathema. Read for twenty minutes. Everyone got. And for all. Over and over nikonianstvo sergianism for trips to Stalin and for the greetings Hitler, for a meeting with loaves of Napoleon. Read and not simply, gone. But remember that it anafematstvovanie us closer together. Thank God, ten years is already impossible. We are grateful to the Orthodox Church for her work to expedite the canonization of the martyrs, staroobryadkam grateful for the preservation of the fortress of the family, rejection of the wine and tobacco, we catacombniks, samples showed high standing in Christ, thank you. But now we can already reach the light of God?
And still recall as we walked in the years of persecution literature from Jordanville, as there was and is White Russia against the invasion of Catholics.
our pain - Ukraine. There is nothing to divide us. I was recently in Kiev. And nowhere, including Independence Square, Independence Square that is, never heard a language other than Russian. Nowhere I have not called them Moskal. But fifteen years a priest friend said to me pointed in Ukrainian. Of course, I Rozum radyansku movu, but we were both children of the Great Russ. I thought: maybe he fear for Judaic? He looked around: no, the Jews was not there. Looked at his feet - and black cats are not seen. But with Nenko Ukraynu Union inevitable and near.
Nowhere in Scripture do not promise that all will be saved. Ship of Christ, carrying on the sea everyday little flock, takes on board and willing to save all comers. Flying with him lifebuoys. But they have to swim, make the effort and climb aboard.
great reward for this effort - the kingdom of heaven. May God grant us to be good sailors of this ship - the Church of Christ. Whatever the golden billion or planned to enslave another world, he is doomed. And we saved. Thank God we do not have a spare country, there is no dual citizenship. Thank God, we are Orthodox. Christ in our midst. And happily respond our hearts words: "And there is, and will!»
Vladimir Krupin
Moscow, which is otherwise called the Jerusalem of the New Testament.
February 2004 by Christmas.
I remember my old report in Rome at a conference on Millennium of the Baptism of Russia. Report was entitled "Communism and Christianity." Wishing to draw the attention of multi-lingual audience, I told the case, as witnessed funeral service of one person in the village church. I asked who the deceased. The old woman answered me: "The Communists are burying, sir. All my life I fought with us, all worn out, Let him rest in the other world. " These allow the funeral to me in the foreseeable future to provide other when still compassionate old woman would be buried exhausted in the struggle with them a Democrat. But, ask me how you compare? For me, the word "communist" and "Democrat" - synonymous. Those and others do not enjoy them created, they both hate the Christ. Some persecuted the Church of Christ openly, others today Jesuit sophisticated. For example, cost, tax system, zapuskaniem the country non-Orthodox denominations, equating orthodoxy to other religious organizations. Vse in their hands: lzhuschie media sling mud at the clergy, promoting depravity, vulgarity and violence in their hands the money. The exhibition in the Sakharov Center, is justified by them, proof of that. And it is easy to predict not least the invasion of dirt on cleanliness. For example, the latest publication in the journal "Banner" of the priest-eater.
This invasion is the development of global trend of Satanic malice towards Christians.
How can the state do not want to reconcile with the fact that it does not control the minds and souls, and the Church! State survival needs are not people, and docile electorate, not the Church, and the police. But, thank God, such an understanding, at least for Russia, already passed stage. Today with the Church to be reckoned, for the credibility of not only high, but indisputable. That said, the Church, the sacred. For the Church - the Body of Christ, and Christ - the Truth. The Soviet Union collapsed just from that I have neglected this truth. As a punishment, all crashing down: and military power, and the economy, and, of course, the ideology that seemed omnipotent. What is left? Only the Church. It says the government: if you want to stay in power, representing the interests of the people, and does not lobby other people.
State - created mortal minds of the system. These systems are changing all the time. The state, like a snake: to survive, the creeps from the skin to skin. And the Church is unchangeable. One father in years expressed to me such a guess, which I believe. He said: "We are for the godless authorities have not prayed." - "What? - I asked. - And what about the proclamation of the liturgy: "On Bogohranimoy our country, civil authorities and the army of her, pray to the Lord "? "In the temples - he explained - everywhere proclaim as follows (the agents of control religion carp could not): "On Bogohranimoy our country, about oblasteh and host of her ..." On domains of praying. And hopped off the atheist regime, showing the way for those who would indulge devilry liberals.
We are pleased with the mediation of the President in the historic reunification of the Russian Orthodox Church. But the high rostrum of the Council provides an opportunity and even the obligation to ensure that the voice brother in Christ, our fraternal Vladimir reproach in the promotion of materialism airtime and awards. Entirely and a number of breast estradnikov and vulgar Odessa, in the worst sense, filling decorated with awards of Russia. They are on stage and screen mockery of everything that is holy citizen of the Fatherland, and for this uplift. Maybe Putin will choose the time to read (or reread) the novel "The Possessed" in order to understand in the immediate environment and those in charge of culture and the media.
In Russia, at first glance, the unhappy fate. It was the nuclear monster, then became a criminal, it was a bridge between East and West, then something else. But Russia - a happy fate, she is in Christ. And the fact that we do not understand - so do not always understand. And then, that we do not like - so do not always love and love will not, so what! Only God would not leave Russia. And our enemies from the powerlessness of the spiritual power of the Slavs were consider us second-class citizens ("untermensh" - the terminology of Joseph Goebbels). They, Europe, then the first? Who are these - first-class? They have already crowned gay and elephants, they have been a woman - a bishop, but still something to teach us. And it pleased their supporters who infiltrates the body of Russia. All the time after the XX Party Congress was given enslavement of the Russian foreign influences and the fight against orthodoxy. Even Gagarin's flight was used to raise a powerful wave of anti-church. Gagarin God not seen in space, can not help but enhance the destruction of temples? Their language, Russian, appeared in the pen, moves into the consciousness of English. When Gorbachev flew to the instructions to Margaret Thatcher on the wings of their party, he already had something to report to the West. Still - in 1984, taught English in the Soviet Union more than ten million students, and Russian in the United States taught 28,000 students. Lenin and Trotsky, brought Robespierre, raved about the world revolution, and Gorbachev became flame world a single religion.
we forgot the words of Pushkin that with respect to Russia, Europe has always been ungrateful. Forgot your rudeness Europe. Here are The Times of London, 1876, quote: "In the east, that is in Russian, European Affairs has the right (?) To impose its will." And imposed! And we rushed to the democracy that does not happen neither bad nor good, and only happens in hell, as he said St. John of Kronstadt. Here there is pluralism, because different boilers. But as we were, it was easy fool! Possessed, used Christian sense of credulity and Russian hospitality. To us rode and rode, and all have been taught and taught. When he was a teacher at the Moscow Theological Academy, I had to accompany a group of Protestants, experts stress on Russia. Went on the second floor, where portraits graduates of the academy, which became bishops. One person asked me: "And why are they all with beards?" That's a level of specialists on the Russian question. Little Facebook. Took them to dinner, I was this scientist said: "I've already learned a Russian song. - "What?" - "Long life". So we sang to them Many Years on his head.
Missionaries rushed to our entire landings: on trains, ships. Ship was with the missionaries of the Volga - 92 (or 93?). Everywhere they carried the bread and salt, and only Kazan Mufti, Allah prolong his precious years and may glorify him and his kin, did not allow boats to land on the shores of Kazan.
What was to teach the country with more a thousand years of culture? Bombing civilians? Computers, which can infect the flu, from which no prochihaeshsya? Or to teach racial theory, teach them Churchill and Hitler? Do not seem to put them in a row. But the speeches of Hitler and Churchill are similar almost to the point. That's Pravda, March 1946:
«Hitler started the business of war with the fact that only German-speaking constitute a complete nation. Churchill begins to deal unleashing a new war, arguing that only the nation, speaking in English, are full-fledged nations, designed to manage the fate of the world "(from a speech in Fulton).
to the West fully apply the words of the Apostle Paul from the 2 nd Epistle to the Corinthians: "their minds were blinded ... until now, when Moses is read, a veil lies over their heart. " And further: "Removes the veil only to Christ." They hitherto could not accept the fact that the execution of the Old Testament meaning and its end is now God's chosen people are not some people, but those who are in Christ. Now we are once again being dragged to yet another bright future, now the new world order calling it integration into the global community. And being told that pulling forward. But who is ahead in this world? Those who are closer to Christ. But that is closer to the heavenly throne, than Orthodoxy? But that does not understand our liberals, saying the criminal language, six of the West. DO NOT listen to us - listen Tyutchev, saying the Liberals addition, Russia, the time that in the eyes of Europe, they will not be the servants of public education and enlightened slaves.
the West was fulfilled the prophecy of Anthony the Great: "The time will come, when they say: you bezumstvuesh because I do not want to participate in the general frenzy. But we will force you to be like. " In this madness, that is, obezbozhennom in mind, we see only one ability - to grow independent of the golden calf biorobots and build management people who they are used to test for Russia. Pretty already!
And when they talk about globalism as good, this is not to be believed. What is a multi-vector - is receding from each other direction. What is the multipolarity? This is the root of controversy. And what assurances, if globalism makes it possible not only spiritual association? And what else can be the union? In globalism signed waiver from the words "not your trust in princes, the sons of men, they also no help." Wholesome and alive can be only one union - in Christ. All others are doomed.
We live in a mental time in history. But we need very large efforts to move into the spiritual period. First of all Orthodox Christians must unite ourselves. That's what most are afraid of our enemies. Yes, and we help ourselves them of their hatred. I remember the year again in the 92-m, we attempted to collect the Russian people, belonging to the Moscow Patriarchate and the Orthodox Church and the Old Believers, and catacombniks. His name and neoobnovlentsev. But for them, such advanced, it was humiliating to talk to us. Arbitrarily picked the first word catacombniks. He introduced Bishop and read all of us gathered anathema. Read for twenty minutes. Everyone got. And for all. Over and over nikonianstvo sergianism for trips to Stalin and for the greetings Hitler, for a meeting with loaves of Napoleon. Read and not simply, gone. But remember that it anafematstvovanie us closer together. Thank God, ten years is already impossible. We are grateful to the Orthodox Church for her work to expedite the canonization of the martyrs, staroobryadkam grateful for the preservation of the fortress of the family, rejection of the wine and tobacco, we catacombniks, samples showed high standing in Christ, thank you. But now we can already reach the light of God?
And still recall as we walked in the years of persecution literature from Jordanville, as there was and is White Russia against the invasion of Catholics.
our pain - Ukraine. There is nothing to divide us. I was recently in Kiev. And nowhere, including Independence Square, Independence Square that is, never heard a language other than Russian. Nowhere I have not called them Moskal. But fifteen years a priest friend said to me pointed in Ukrainian. Of course, I Rozum radyansku movu, but we were both children of the Great Russ. I thought: maybe he fear for Judaic? He looked around: no, the Jews was not there. Looked at his feet - and black cats are not seen. But with Nenko Ukraynu Union inevitable and near.
Nowhere in Scripture do not promise that all will be saved. Ship of Christ, carrying on the sea everyday little flock, takes on board and willing to save all comers. Flying with him lifebuoys. But they have to swim, make the effort and climb aboard.
great reward for this effort - the kingdom of heaven. May God grant us to be good sailors of this ship - the Church of Christ. Whatever the golden billion or planned to enslave another world, he is doomed. And we saved. Thank God we do not have a spare country, there is no dual citizenship. Thank God, we are Orthodox. Christ in our midst. And happily respond our hearts words: "And there is, and will!»
Vladimir Krupin
Moscow, which is otherwise called the Jerusalem of the New Testament.
February 2004 by Christmas.
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Greece calendarists prepared for the Olympics
Today in the Greek city of Olympia in the pagan temple of the fire is lit the 2004 Olympic Games, which begin in Athens in August. The ceremony will be held with the participation of Greek President Kostis Stephanopoulos, the head of the International Olympic Committee Jacques Rogge and the president of the organizing committee of the 2004 Olympic Games Jeanne Angelopus-Daskalaki. The role of high priestess, lights the fire, the third time will make the actress Talia Procopius
Archbishop Christodoulos of Greece called on the Greek priests use the Olympic Games for the preaching of Orthodoxy. They are not allowed, despite the expected heat, leave Athens in August. Usually at this time, many churches close as to serve them becomes very difficult.
Head of the Church insistently asked the clergy to walk during the games in priestly vestments, to be polite with guests, to prepare by August as many as possible translations of Orthodox books and pamphlets, as well as CDs with Byzantine music.
Beatitude Christodoulos always paid great attention to sports, which, in his opinion, save the youth from drugs. In preparation for the Olympics, he has already stated that "training the body is interconnected with the exercise of the soul and spirit. " Many Greek athletes really pray, fast, regularly visit temples.
Today in the Greek city of Olympia in the pagan temple of the fire is lit the 2004 Olympic Games, which begin in Athens in August. The ceremony will be held with the participation of Greek President Kostis Stephanopoulos, the head of the International Olympic Committee Jacques Rogge and the president of the organizing committee of the 2004 Olympic Games Jeanne Angelopus-Daskalaki. The role of high priestess, lights the fire, the third time will make the actress Talia Procopius
Archbishop Christodoulos of Greece called on the Greek priests use the Olympic Games for the preaching of Orthodoxy. They are not allowed, despite the expected heat, leave Athens in August. Usually at this time, many churches close as to serve them becomes very difficult.
Head of the Church insistently asked the clergy to walk during the games in priestly vestments, to be polite with guests, to prepare by August as many as possible translations of Orthodox books and pamphlets, as well as CDs with Byzantine music.
Beatitude Christodoulos always paid great attention to sports, which, in his opinion, save the youth from drugs. In preparation for the Olympics, he has already stated that "training the body is interconnected with the exercise of the soul and spirit. " Many Greek athletes really pray, fast, regularly visit temples.
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
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Mefonsky Bishop Ambrose seriously concerned at recent developments in the religious life of Georgia
Secretary "of the Synod opposed to "True Orthodox Church of Greece Mefonsky Bishop Ambrose seriously concerned at recent developments in the religious life of Georgia. According to new legislation, all Orthodox churches and monasteries were transformed into keeping the Georgian Patriarchate, regardless of whether one's forces were constructed. In one week, the faithful are obliged to release erected their temples, otherwise they will be expelled by force, it will lead to bloodshed, because the Orthodox are prepared to defend what has been created by their hands.
Bishop Ambrose reports on the mistreatment of. Basil Mkalavishvili and other detainees, held in pretrial detention for a period of 3 months. Accusations against the detainees have not yet filed. The ongoing campaign against lawyers protect the interests of. Basil Mkalavishvili. One of them was arrested the day before. In his letter, Bishop Ambrose asks prayers for the suffering brethren. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Secretary "of the Synod opposed to "True Orthodox Church of Greece Mefonsky Bishop Ambrose seriously concerned at recent developments in the religious life of Georgia. According to new legislation, all Orthodox churches and monasteries were transformed into keeping the Georgian Patriarchate, regardless of whether one's forces were constructed. In one week, the faithful are obliged to release erected their temples, otherwise they will be expelled by force, it will lead to bloodshed, because the Orthodox are prepared to defend what has been created by their hands.
Bishop Ambrose reports on the mistreatment of. Basil Mkalavishvili and other detainees, held in pretrial detention for a period of 3 months. Accusations against the detainees have not yet filed. The ongoing campaign against lawyers protect the interests of. Basil Mkalavishvili. One of them was arrested the day before. In his letter, Bishop Ambrose asks prayers for the suffering brethren. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Moskvich cut off his own arm after repentance Sergiev Posad
Hands compartment itself on Sunday, March 21, believes Muscovite, returning after a trip for advice in Sergiev Posad monastery.
evening, returning home on Abramtsevo street about 22 hours, an Orthodox resident of the capital took a hatchet to the kitchen chopping, and in one fell swoop compartment of his left hand. A few more times trying to hit on the same hand, the unfortunate was shouting something about the exile of Satan. Wife hurried to the neighbors, of which caused an ambulance.
Doctors hospitalized wounded in the 71-th city hospital. Surgeons have performed complex operations and sewed the severed brush. However, a patient recovering from anesthesia, tried again to get rid of the left arm and started biting his wrist. Fortunately, he was prevented from doctors.
injuring themselves Muscovite worked cabinetmaker at construction sites, but two months ago lost his job and a new find could not. The family lived on the salary of his wife, who also working on construction sites. "Loss of earnings man connected with certain sins. So often went to the local church to repent. On Sunday, he went in Sergiev Posad, to ask the advice of his father or his father Herman Nahum. Last Muscovite very trusted and preferred to stay just with them ".
Judging by the words, who says being in the emergency room accident, when he says to himself, and touch with reality he has lost.
Hands compartment itself on Sunday, March 21, believes Muscovite, returning after a trip for advice in Sergiev Posad monastery.
evening, returning home on Abramtsevo street about 22 hours, an Orthodox resident of the capital took a hatchet to the kitchen chopping, and in one fell swoop compartment of his left hand. A few more times trying to hit on the same hand, the unfortunate was shouting something about the exile of Satan. Wife hurried to the neighbors, of which caused an ambulance.
Doctors hospitalized wounded in the 71-th city hospital. Surgeons have performed complex operations and sewed the severed brush. However, a patient recovering from anesthesia, tried again to get rid of the left arm and started biting his wrist. Fortunately, he was prevented from doctors.
injuring themselves Muscovite worked cabinetmaker at construction sites, but two months ago lost his job and a new find could not. The family lived on the salary of his wife, who also working on construction sites. "Loss of earnings man connected with certain sins. So often went to the local church to repent. On Sunday, he went in Sergiev Posad, to ask the advice of his father or his father Herman Nahum. Last Muscovite very trusted and preferred to stay just with them ".
Judging by the words, who says being in the emergency room accident, when he says to himself, and touch with reality he has lost.
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
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parishes transferred to the ROCA, leaving the MP infected ecumenism and Sergianism
RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH OUTSIDE * * CHRONICLE Odessa diocese diocesan life http://www.ipc.od.ua/
17.03.04 Bishop Agafangel accepted into the fellowship passed from Odessa Holy Assumption Monastery (MT) Superior Parfenov (Griniuk).
in Odessa Gauvin Clergy and Diocesan MEETING
16 to March 17 at St. Michael's Diocesan House passed govenie clergy and a collection of the Odessa diocese, which was attended by 18 of the 25 clergymen. At the meeting, Bishop Agafangel spoke about past meetings of the clergy of ROCOR and the last Council of Bishops. Questions were raised in our relationship Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. Rector of Holy Assumption parish in Zaporozhye Priest Vladimir Pavlenko said that Kiev has five parishes have expressed desire to join our church . Earlier, at the Synod of Bishops, it was decided to allocate Zaporizhzhya Diocese and the appointment of His Eminence Agathangel the manager and this Diocese. Upon receipt of the relevant Decree of the Synod, Bishop Agafangel intended to appeal to the State Committee of Ukraine for registration of the Charter of the Diocese of ROCOR.
16.03.04 Bishop Agafangel adopted in the Odessa diocese of Holy Assumption Parish village of Great Krynki Globinsky district, Poltava region.
14.03.04 at Odessa St. Michael's Church Bishop Agafangel ordained a priest, deacon Sergius Mole. Sergiy O. okormljaet Parish of St. Sergei Radonezhsky in Rovenky Lugansk region, which is in full force decided to join our church. Earlier arrival was in the UOC-KP. Address parish: St. Kuznetsova, 33, Rovenky Luhansk region.
07.03.04. at Odessa St. Michael's Church consecrated bishop Agafangel the rank of priest Deacon Sergius Kahlo. On this day, to His Grace Agathangelus concelebrated George Abbot, Fr Sophrony (abbot of the Pskov region RF), Priest Alexander, Fr Hilarion, Fr Maxim with three deacons. O. Sergius was appointed second priest in the parish of St.. Ignatius Brianchaninov in Ceadir-Lunga, Republic of Moldova.
06.03.04. Bishop Agafangel accepted into the fellowship has passed from the MP Priest Maxim Vologdin from Yalta.
29.02.04. in Odessa at the address. Novgorod, 16-A (District zhilmassiva Tairov) Agafangel bishop consecrated a church in honor of st. Seraphim Sarov. The temple was built by Alexander Petrenko works priest belonging to him land. The consecration was attended by parishioners and Churchwarden novosooruzhennogo temple. Parish of St. Seraphim of Sarov - the fourth coming of our Church in Odessa.
In the Holy Protection parish was MALIN
21.03.04 at Sunday's Divine Liturgy at the Holy Protection parish, the Malin Zhytomyr region prayed, confessed and received Communion St. Mysteries of Christ, among other parishioners, U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine John Herbst and his family.
Shortly after the end of worship, a delegate from the recruiting office, located adjacent to the Pokrovsky temple (which settled Alternative parish MP), a representative of the Moscow Patriarchate, John Herbst presented a paper with the signatures of some donors to build a temple in which the means that they donate money only to the Moscow Patriarchate.
established around the Holy Virgin Protection Church is also interested in the situation MP from the district Anatoly Pisarenko, who is now trying to establish on what grounds the Governor of Zhytomyr region Ryzhuk without proceedings quashed taken two years ago to the regional administration to amend the charter of the parish community. As it turned out after persistent attempts, Mr. Ryzhuk stubbornly refuses to meet with both the People's Deputy Pisarenko, and with the U.S. ambassador, who also asked him about the meeting. At the same time, it became known that the governor of Zhytomyr region Ryzhuk took an illegal decision to bypass the Committee on Religious Affairs under the Governor's own, using for an explicit violation of the law of its legal department (!). The head of the Committee on Religious Affairs under the Zhytomyr Regional Administration Anton Bezdetko reported that cause illegal actions dr. Ryzhuk was that supposedly part of the Holy Protection of the community, the Malin decided to stay in the Moscow Patriarchate. However, this the statement is untrue, since all of about 30 people standing at the start of registration and the construction of the temple, remained faithful his abbot about. Vasily Demchenko, except for about 5 people who have long fallen away from church life and dropped out naturally from the members parish, and whose representatives are now trying to present the MP as full members of the community, adding to their number of its adherents, are generally not available no relation to the Protection church. To date, illegal efforts of dr. Ryzhuk, Holy Protection Church legally belongs to the Moscow Patriarchy.
GOVERNOR OF ZHYTOMYR decided to transfer the Holy Protection Church in the Moscow Patriarchate MALIN
15.03.04. According to information received information newly appointed governor of Zhytomyr region dr. Ryzhuk took the decision to deprive the faithful of our ownership of the constructed Malin in the Holy Protection of the temple and its transfer of the Moscow Patriarchate. Unfortunately, in today's Ukraine is an open violation of the rights of religious people is completely possible, as clearly demonstrated dr. Ryzhuk. The Committee on Religious Affairs in Kiev was advised to go to court.
CONTINUE attempts to discredit The rector of a parish in MALIN
Saturday, January 31 at 19:00 Zhytomyr regional TV channel aired the story, in which 90-year-old grandmother in every way порочила настоятеля малинского Свято-Покровского прихода о. Василия Демченко, называя его идолом, раскольником и т.д., призывая жителей городка не ходить in the Virgin church, and most of. Basil immediately repent to Metropolitan Vladimir (Sabodanom). The old lady is a local "traditional healer" and, therefore, has a certain prestige among the people who are concerned about their health.
Featured TV programs became another link in the company for defamation as. Basil Demchenko, and our entire Russian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate conducted in cooperation with the Ukrainian government structures.
RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH OUTSIDE * * CHRONICLE Odessa diocese diocesan life http://www.ipc.od.ua/
17.03.04 Bishop Agafangel accepted into the fellowship passed from Odessa Holy Assumption Monastery (MT) Superior Parfenov (Griniuk).
in Odessa Gauvin Clergy and Diocesan MEETING
16 to March 17 at St. Michael's Diocesan House passed govenie clergy and a collection of the Odessa diocese, which was attended by 18 of the 25 clergymen. At the meeting, Bishop Agafangel spoke about past meetings of the clergy of ROCOR and the last Council of Bishops. Questions were raised in our relationship Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. Rector of Holy Assumption parish in Zaporozhye Priest Vladimir Pavlenko said that Kiev has five parishes have expressed desire to join our church . Earlier, at the Synod of Bishops, it was decided to allocate Zaporizhzhya Diocese and the appointment of His Eminence Agathangel the manager and this Diocese. Upon receipt of the relevant Decree of the Synod, Bishop Agafangel intended to appeal to the State Committee of Ukraine for registration of the Charter of the Diocese of ROCOR.
16.03.04 Bishop Agafangel adopted in the Odessa diocese of Holy Assumption Parish village of Great Krynki Globinsky district, Poltava region.
14.03.04 at Odessa St. Michael's Church Bishop Agafangel ordained a priest, deacon Sergius Mole. Sergiy O. okormljaet Parish of St. Sergei Radonezhsky in Rovenky Lugansk region, which is in full force decided to join our church. Earlier arrival was in the UOC-KP. Address parish: St. Kuznetsova, 33, Rovenky Luhansk region.
07.03.04. at Odessa St. Michael's Church consecrated bishop Agafangel the rank of priest Deacon Sergius Kahlo. On this day, to His Grace Agathangelus concelebrated George Abbot, Fr Sophrony (abbot of the Pskov region RF), Priest Alexander, Fr Hilarion, Fr Maxim with three deacons. O. Sergius was appointed second priest in the parish of St.. Ignatius Brianchaninov in Ceadir-Lunga, Republic of Moldova.
06.03.04. Bishop Agafangel accepted into the fellowship has passed from the MP Priest Maxim Vologdin from Yalta.
29.02.04. in Odessa at the address. Novgorod, 16-A (District zhilmassiva Tairov) Agafangel bishop consecrated a church in honor of st. Seraphim Sarov. The temple was built by Alexander Petrenko works priest belonging to him land. The consecration was attended by parishioners and Churchwarden novosooruzhennogo temple. Parish of St. Seraphim of Sarov - the fourth coming of our Church in Odessa.
In the Holy Protection parish was MALIN
21.03.04 at Sunday's Divine Liturgy at the Holy Protection parish, the Malin Zhytomyr region prayed, confessed and received Communion St. Mysteries of Christ, among other parishioners, U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine John Herbst and his family.
Shortly after the end of worship, a delegate from the recruiting office, located adjacent to the Pokrovsky temple (which settled Alternative parish MP), a representative of the Moscow Patriarchate, John Herbst presented a paper with the signatures of some donors to build a temple in which the means that they donate money only to the Moscow Patriarchate.
established around the Holy Virgin Protection Church is also interested in the situation MP from the district Anatoly Pisarenko, who is now trying to establish on what grounds the Governor of Zhytomyr region Ryzhuk without proceedings quashed taken two years ago to the regional administration to amend the charter of the parish community. As it turned out after persistent attempts, Mr. Ryzhuk stubbornly refuses to meet with both the People's Deputy Pisarenko, and with the U.S. ambassador, who also asked him about the meeting. At the same time, it became known that the governor of Zhytomyr region Ryzhuk took an illegal decision to bypass the Committee on Religious Affairs under the Governor's own, using for an explicit violation of the law of its legal department (!). The head of the Committee on Religious Affairs under the Zhytomyr Regional Administration Anton Bezdetko reported that cause illegal actions dr. Ryzhuk was that supposedly part of the Holy Protection of the community, the Malin decided to stay in the Moscow Patriarchate. However, this the statement is untrue, since all of about 30 people standing at the start of registration and the construction of the temple, remained faithful his abbot about. Vasily Demchenko, except for about 5 people who have long fallen away from church life and dropped out naturally from the members parish, and whose representatives are now trying to present the MP as full members of the community, adding to their number of its adherents, are generally not available no relation to the Protection church. To date, illegal efforts of dr. Ryzhuk, Holy Protection Church legally belongs to the Moscow Patriarchy.
GOVERNOR OF ZHYTOMYR decided to transfer the Holy Protection Church in the Moscow Patriarchate MALIN
15.03.04. According to information received information newly appointed governor of Zhytomyr region dr. Ryzhuk took the decision to deprive the faithful of our ownership of the constructed Malin in the Holy Protection of the temple and its transfer of the Moscow Patriarchate. Unfortunately, in today's Ukraine is an open violation of the rights of religious people is completely possible, as clearly demonstrated dr. Ryzhuk. The Committee on Religious Affairs in Kiev was advised to go to court.
CONTINUE attempts to discredit The rector of a parish in MALIN
Saturday, January 31 at 19:00 Zhytomyr regional TV channel aired the story, in which 90-year-old grandmother in every way порочила настоятеля малинского Свято-Покровского прихода о. Василия Демченко, называя его идолом, раскольником и т.д., призывая жителей городка не ходить in the Virgin church, and most of. Basil immediately repent to Metropolitan Vladimir (Sabodanom). The old lady is a local "traditional healer" and, therefore, has a certain prestige among the people who are concerned about their health.
Featured TV programs became another link in the company for defamation as. Basil Demchenko, and our entire Russian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate conducted in cooperation with the Ukrainian government structures.
Monday, March 22, 2004
Acceder So Navman F20
of the Orthodox Church in Kosovo miraculously managed to escape from the Albanian pogrom
of the Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas in Kosovo's capital Pristina, said that miraculously saved from the mob of Muslim rioters, szhegshih March 18 his temple, and the morning of 19 March - Parish House
"I was lucky that they are not looked into the basement - said in an interview with the Norwegian Agency" Forum 18 "priest Miroslav Popadich. - I hid in the basement of the parish house before they arrived, doused with gasoline and set fire to the church ".
In general, attacked the crowd of Albanians were dozens of Orthodox churches throughout Kosovo after the clashes on March 17. Muslims during the riots killed dozens of Orthodox Christians children, women.
crowd of armed Albanians stormed into the temple of the Holy. Nicholas at 8.30 am on March 18 and defiled the church before they ignite. The next day, the Albanians back and burning the parish house. Priest evacuated soldiers from the brigade of KFOR.
As announced. Popadich, the forces of KFOR evacuated about 300 Serbs. Among them were pregnant women and two children of 2-3 weeks of age ..
of the Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas in Kosovo's capital Pristina, said that miraculously saved from the mob of Muslim rioters, szhegshih March 18 his temple, and the morning of 19 March - Parish House
"I was lucky that they are not looked into the basement - said in an interview with the Norwegian Agency" Forum 18 "priest Miroslav Popadich. - I hid in the basement of the parish house before they arrived, doused with gasoline and set fire to the church ".
In general, attacked the crowd of Albanians were dozens of Orthodox churches throughout Kosovo after the clashes on March 17. Muslims during the riots killed dozens of Orthodox Christians children, women.
crowd of armed Albanians stormed into the temple of the Holy. Nicholas at 8.30 am on March 18 and defiled the church before they ignite. The next day, the Albanians back and burning the parish house. Priest evacuated soldiers from the brigade of KFOR.
As announced. Popadich, the forces of KFOR evacuated about 300 Serbs. Among them were pregnant women and two children of 2-3 weeks of age ..
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children of MT in Europe, united in faith with Catholics - fruits ecumenical bishops MP
Excerpt from a Russian-Italian internet forum
Lenika (MP)
My daughter is 9 years old. Three years departed on katehizmo to church like everyone else. And now in May Comunione or first communion as I understand it. I did all this weak apart. So, we're - ortodosy.
I carried the certificate of baptism, the priest of our church. And he says to me that Comunione can do unless ortodoskaya church belongs to the catalytic line turns There are two lines, as he explained to me, just ortodoskaya and Catholic-ortadoskaya. While a year ago, said that if a Christian does not matter! And now, says that figure out what my church. Me all the same. And my daughter really wants Comunione pass - a very beautiful ceremony (white dress and all that), and all her classmates are, Of course it hurt and did not understand all the religious zamorochek as me though. So who is already doing and doing it for our children, baptized at us??
Marianna (MP)
your priest (Roman Catholic) is wrong. Practically it turns out that a girl he does not admit to Communion? If this is the first communion in a Catholic church, what is not a "first communion"? And in general, incorrect statement of the case from him - first 3 years (!!!) to the catechism go, and then - Tanti Salute!
Do not give up, go to the higher duhovestvu an appointment! Time has little remains, it is necessary to urgently contact the authorities.
Lenika (MP)
... No we have never received communion in the Orthodox Church, therefore thought that we can do it here. And three years ago when my daughter was going to katehizmo, nuns (Catholic) said that to get first Communion here, because as we all Christians, and now I understand nothing. And of course, my Kate wants to show off in a white dress in church like all the girls her age, she is only 9 years old, I do not think that they are very serious then all this are, just as the holiday. Kids! Now wait I say Prete (Catholic).
And anyway if I was just three years ago, explained what was happening (and I'm asking), I would have told my daughter and explained, and now when everything is ready for the holiday ka try to explain to her that it was not for her!
Daria (MP)
Well, if you're not such ardent Orthodox, I'm your girl would perevla to Catholicism ... it will live here, and so more than she wants to be with. Talk to Prete - he will do rite of passage in the Catholic and all!
- What you can do this?? I would too so I did. And do Do this if the child's parents are Orthodox, do not you know? In the mess then!
- Of course you can! (Especially the girl had already passed katehezis)
Lenika (MP)
Girls, thank you for the answers, the day after tomorrow I will go to Prete! (Catholic)
Marianna (MP)
I understand the policy of Catholic Church, a man with orthodox baptism allowed to all the sacraments and the Catholic church.
Share on Greek Orthodox / Vikings / Russian / Zulu - incorrectly, as but political differences, differences in doctrine, for example, between the Greek Orthodox Church and the Orthodox Church does not exist. Tarred with the same brush, as they say.
first confession, too, exists in katolichesive and usually the children go through this event somewhere for six months before the first communion. This is also a great event to prepare themselves.
IMHO, the situation has arisen because of the narrow-mindedness of the unit to your father's (Catholic), which is simply not informed.
Fr. Andrew (ROCOR):
Orthodox Christians can not be take the sacrament in the Catholic Church ...
If you decide to involve your daughter to a papist, the great sin will fall upon you and all who contribute to it. Lord said about such people:
And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it would be better if it were hanged about his millstone around the neck and threw him into Sea. From Mark
holy gospel. Chapter 9. Verse 42.
Elka-Stick (unbelievers)
Congratulations, dear Fr. Andrew, showed true Christian tolerance!
you read this gloom and poradueshsya that does not belong to one of the world's religions. Immediately obvious that they do not teach respect for automatically or views other people, no unit goodwill. And in that raze - why are they all?
Lenika you correctly Daria said that the best option: that girl moved to Catholicism. While it remains the Orthodox, it can not participate in the Catholic rite of first communion (because the Orthodox baptism considered and for the first communion).
Religion parents in general has absolutely no significance to the faith of the child. He has his own relationship with God.
me here that is strange: why did the priest (Catholic) three years he taught catechism and the girl never got around in time to solve the problem. Formalist one.
In my opinion, on the contrary, a person standing aloof from the religious disputes, just might take a look at the matter impartially. Solely in the interests of the child. And according to the rules. And not from a simple desire to cling to the hair supporter of an alien religion.
Fr. Andrew (ROCOR)
Orthodox Christians should not take Communion in the Catholic Church.
Katusik (MP)
Because of this, with all due respect to Christianity, senility, I have children of their (future) baptize in the Catholic Church. I was terribly ashamed and uncomfortable to hear these postulates are "righteous Orthodox Christians" who openly hate their brothers in fact Catholic. In view of this and other reasons (or rather the "rules" Orthodox Church) is seriously thinking about moving to Catholicism
nilla (MP)
Psycho one .. (of an Orthodox priest reminded of the church canons)
You better tell me in what church you are, that I should, God forbid, to you confess to not come.
Katusik (MP)
What are you! Among Catholics, obscurantist, no less. As in any family: not without its black sheep. What sense then to run the family in the family?
I basically do not like the aggressive attitude towards the Orthodox Catholics (I could understand if it was a pagan, and it is virtually the same religion). Do not understand what love can there be, if I'm in the Orthodox Church can only see rejection, if not hatred.
specific detail that kill me: women are forbidden to enter the temple in the critical days "(understandably - to check nobody can, but you "get" a sin), women in "men's clothing (trousers), and in short skirts (those above the heel) to enter the temple can not make up too is prohibited. And I would have scored on these rules, but at the entrance sits an old woman, who looks at you, and if you will pass "the exam on your clothes," before entering, make lipstick erase (Subtle).
Elka-Stick (unbelievers)
Here in our parish Catholic Church does not hurt a friendly priest. And the trail of the rich. But because of the same Catholics do not go to another religion. Stop often to go to church. Home believe. But in general you are right. Catholics can not be that found fault to the pants, made a lipstick or a handkerchief to wipe fasten. Maybe that's why I do not believe. It is very necessary to comply with silly and purely formal rites.
zurro (Pagan)
- Walk to the Old Believers, do not pridirayutstsa (for trousers), because they are Orthodox, no change Nikon's.
Kalina (MP) - Fr. Andrew
Country Your approach ...
Ivan O. in the church of St. Nicholas in Chisinau told me that it does not matter in a skirt there came a woman, or in the pants thing is that in her heart had faith in the Lord, and if you can not attend an Orthodox church in Italy, I can safely go to the Catholic messu.Ved Lord, and it does not matter in what place you are praying, the main - What you believe.
Imagine that I am not a believer, was married with a Roman Catholic in a Catholic church by a special procedure. Curia gave their consent, as regulations so require.
- And I do too.
you subscribe gave about the religious upbringing of children?
Katusik (MP)
RA, question for you. If I'm Orthodox, crown with a Catholic by a special procedure - I will also cohabit whoring if you do not know, clarify what is meant by a special procedure: I need resolution of an Orthodox priest, a letter from my parents that I was baptized and married in the church was not previously (mk in Orthodoxy does not make a document on this account), and the wedding will take place with the two priests - Catholic and Orthodox (MP). Right? Or am I at the same time an Orthodox priest will be for you traitors?
Nike (MP)
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, here's to you and love ....
my daughter to a Catholic baptism and are going to pursue this line. Until now, the Orthodox priests (MP) is not perturbed in this way, a private business Kajo, said. Secondly, as I - Orthodox, my future husband - a Catholic, his relatives generally adhere to some strange religion, we decided to hold a ceremony for Catholic (with the permission of both churches) since it is here, with time, in the Orthodox church, more for my family; and shamanistic rites of his relatives because he is a very unusual and beautiful.
Elka-Stick - Orthodox priest
Sorry, pA, you are a fool or a Russian language does not understand?
A special ceremony that's the kind: Catholic, is crowned by its ritual, answers questions, and the priest says the prayers are different. A I stand beside him and said nothing. For Roman Catholics believe that he was married. And then we go to the municipality and there are passing civil registration ... if the bride Orthodox, one or both of the priest (Catholic and MP) perform the rite together (in turn say that we should), or a ritual performed first in one church, then in another.
Paper to raise children in the Catholic faith, I did not sign. But I myself wanted to baptize his daughter's Catholic. And she was raised in the Catholic faith and took first communion. Nothing bad I can not find in religion. About how we are pioneers walked. Teach morals and good behavior.
Look, well, just funny to listen to it all! What about what division we can say, Orthodox, Catholics .... God is one for all! and C. Marie-ONE! "Though as you call them! I'm Orthodox, son baptized in the Catholic Church! KNOWINGLY! How do you think, sir, I am a sinner ????? I go to a Catholic church and pray for the Catholic Mother of God! Sin ??????
I am sure that our Lord does not care who profess any religion, "The main thing is to live under the laws of God, chioe," Thou shalt not kill "," Thou shalt not steal ", etc. .... Do not even here to sow hatred based on religion!
- the books of the Holy Father:
These books are written by people earth! Not a god!
I have my own relationship with God and Heaven, so no "instructions" I do not need!
I communicate with my father (MP) in Russia, but never anything like this (that you can not receive communion for Catholics) do not hear from them.
As if the Lord does not say: "Come unto me all who are in need, someone with problems. I will deliver you from problems."
I myself studied 7 years of theology ka west, and east. I therefore want to immediately warn the questions like "Who are you."
'm sorry, but your personal point of view is not an Orthodox perspective Church. Look at http://www.russian-orthodox-church.org.ru/vr110771.htm
"The Orthodox Church (MP), in turn, ALWAYS recognize the validity of the sacraments of the Catholic Church. Probably evidence of this is the fact that Catholics are accepted into the Orthodox Church on the so-called third rite of reception into Orthodoxy, not through baptism, How are non-Christians and sects, and not through Confirmation, as Protestants, and through repentance, as the dissenters. Clergy of the Catholic Church accepted the same rank in the existing rank, ie, with preservation of the extent of the priesthood, on which were erected in his Church. "
Check out all the other documents Orthodox Church.
close the door, my dear, is to overcome himself, continuous circulation of the heart, not Churanov the modern world. "
absurd that ... believers shy of the modern world. This is - a perversion of Christianity itself. This - obscurantism.
No he is not a priest ... I talked with one of the Orthodox priest (of MP): Can an Orthodox Communion in the Catholic Church (if necessary, for example on a business trip in kat.strane and sick, or something) (only desirable to confess - not necessarily for a Catholic, if he knows that since the last confession was not named in mortal sin).
Well, quite so do not ask to speak neresi about Catholic rules (I say this as a Catholic). You can walk in the pants to church, because long ago they were women's clothes. And not necessarily long skirts (well, of course not mini bikini). The only restriction - should be covered by the shoulders, in the summer, some sort of shawl.
Excerpt from a Russian-Italian internet forum
Lenika (MP)
My daughter is 9 years old. Three years departed on katehizmo to church like everyone else. And now in May Comunione or first communion as I understand it. I did all this weak apart. So, we're - ortodosy.
I carried the certificate of baptism, the priest of our church. And he says to me that Comunione can do unless ortodoskaya church belongs to the catalytic line turns There are two lines, as he explained to me, just ortodoskaya and Catholic-ortadoskaya. While a year ago, said that if a Christian does not matter! And now, says that figure out what my church. Me all the same. And my daughter really wants Comunione pass - a very beautiful ceremony (white dress and all that), and all her classmates are, Of course it hurt and did not understand all the religious zamorochek as me though. So who is already doing and doing it for our children, baptized at us??
Marianna (MP)
your priest (Roman Catholic) is wrong. Practically it turns out that a girl he does not admit to Communion? If this is the first communion in a Catholic church, what is not a "first communion"? And in general, incorrect statement of the case from him - first 3 years (!!!) to the catechism go, and then - Tanti Salute!
Do not give up, go to the higher duhovestvu an appointment! Time has little remains, it is necessary to urgently contact the authorities.
Lenika (MP)
... No we have never received communion in the Orthodox Church, therefore thought that we can do it here. And three years ago when my daughter was going to katehizmo, nuns (Catholic) said that to get first Communion here, because as we all Christians, and now I understand nothing. And of course, my Kate wants to show off in a white dress in church like all the girls her age, she is only 9 years old, I do not think that they are very serious then all this are, just as the holiday. Kids! Now wait I say Prete (Catholic).
And anyway if I was just three years ago, explained what was happening (and I'm asking), I would have told my daughter and explained, and now when everything is ready for the holiday ka try to explain to her that it was not for her!
Daria (MP)
Well, if you're not such ardent Orthodox, I'm your girl would perevla to Catholicism ... it will live here, and so more than she wants to be with. Talk to Prete - he will do rite of passage in the Catholic and all!
- What you can do this?? I would too so I did. And do Do this if the child's parents are Orthodox, do not you know? In the mess then!
- Of course you can! (Especially the girl had already passed katehezis)
Lenika (MP)
Girls, thank you for the answers, the day after tomorrow I will go to Prete! (Catholic)
Marianna (MP)
I understand the policy of Catholic Church, a man with orthodox baptism allowed to all the sacraments and the Catholic church.
Share on Greek Orthodox / Vikings / Russian / Zulu - incorrectly, as but political differences, differences in doctrine, for example, between the Greek Orthodox Church and the Orthodox Church does not exist. Tarred with the same brush, as they say.
first confession, too, exists in katolichesive and usually the children go through this event somewhere for six months before the first communion. This is also a great event to prepare themselves.
IMHO, the situation has arisen because of the narrow-mindedness of the unit to your father's (Catholic), which is simply not informed.
Fr. Andrew (ROCOR):
Orthodox Christians can not be take the sacrament in the Catholic Church ...
If you decide to involve your daughter to a papist, the great sin will fall upon you and all who contribute to it. Lord said about such people:
And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it would be better if it were hanged about his millstone around the neck and threw him into Sea. From Mark
holy gospel. Chapter 9. Verse 42.
Elka-Stick (unbelievers)
Congratulations, dear Fr. Andrew, showed true Christian tolerance!
you read this gloom and poradueshsya that does not belong to one of the world's religions. Immediately obvious that they do not teach respect for automatically or views other people, no unit goodwill. And in that raze - why are they all?
Lenika you correctly Daria said that the best option: that girl moved to Catholicism. While it remains the Orthodox, it can not participate in the Catholic rite of first communion (because the Orthodox baptism considered and for the first communion).
Religion parents in general has absolutely no significance to the faith of the child. He has his own relationship with God.
me here that is strange: why did the priest (Catholic) three years he taught catechism and the girl never got around in time to solve the problem. Formalist one.
In my opinion, on the contrary, a person standing aloof from the religious disputes, just might take a look at the matter impartially. Solely in the interests of the child. And according to the rules. And not from a simple desire to cling to the hair supporter of an alien religion.
Fr. Andrew (ROCOR)
Orthodox Christians should not take Communion in the Catholic Church.
Katusik (MP)
Because of this, with all due respect to Christianity, senility, I have children of their (future) baptize in the Catholic Church. I was terribly ashamed and uncomfortable to hear these postulates are "righteous Orthodox Christians" who openly hate their brothers in fact Catholic. In view of this and other reasons (or rather the "rules" Orthodox Church) is seriously thinking about moving to Catholicism
nilla (MP)
Psycho one .. (of an Orthodox priest reminded of the church canons)
You better tell me in what church you are, that I should, God forbid, to you confess to not come.
Katusik (MP)
What are you! Among Catholics, obscurantist, no less. As in any family: not without its black sheep. What sense then to run the family in the family?
I basically do not like the aggressive attitude towards the Orthodox Catholics (I could understand if it was a pagan, and it is virtually the same religion). Do not understand what love can there be, if I'm in the Orthodox Church can only see rejection, if not hatred.
specific detail that kill me: women are forbidden to enter the temple in the critical days "(understandably - to check nobody can, but you "get" a sin), women in "men's clothing (trousers), and in short skirts (those above the heel) to enter the temple can not make up too is prohibited. And I would have scored on these rules, but at the entrance sits an old woman, who looks at you, and if you will pass "the exam on your clothes," before entering, make lipstick erase (Subtle).
Elka-Stick (unbelievers)
Here in our parish Catholic Church does not hurt a friendly priest. And the trail of the rich. But because of the same Catholics do not go to another religion. Stop often to go to church. Home believe. But in general you are right. Catholics can not be that found fault to the pants, made a lipstick or a handkerchief to wipe fasten. Maybe that's why I do not believe. It is very necessary to comply with silly and purely formal rites.
zurro (Pagan)
- Walk to the Old Believers, do not pridirayutstsa (for trousers), because they are Orthodox, no change Nikon's.
Kalina (MP) - Fr. Andrew
Country Your approach ...
Ivan O. in the church of St. Nicholas in Chisinau told me that it does not matter in a skirt there came a woman, or in the pants thing is that in her heart had faith in the Lord, and if you can not attend an Orthodox church in Italy, I can safely go to the Catholic messu.Ved Lord, and it does not matter in what place you are praying, the main - What you believe.
Imagine that I am not a believer, was married with a Roman Catholic in a Catholic church by a special procedure. Curia gave their consent, as regulations so require.
- And I do too.
you subscribe gave about the religious upbringing of children?
Katusik (MP)
RA, question for you. If I'm Orthodox, crown with a Catholic by a special procedure - I will also cohabit whoring if you do not know, clarify what is meant by a special procedure: I need resolution of an Orthodox priest, a letter from my parents that I was baptized and married in the church was not previously (mk in Orthodoxy does not make a document on this account), and the wedding will take place with the two priests - Catholic and Orthodox (MP). Right? Or am I at the same time an Orthodox priest will be for you traitors?
Nike (MP)
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, here's to you and love ....
my daughter to a Catholic baptism and are going to pursue this line. Until now, the Orthodox priests (MP) is not perturbed in this way, a private business Kajo, said. Secondly, as I - Orthodox, my future husband - a Catholic, his relatives generally adhere to some strange religion, we decided to hold a ceremony for Catholic (with the permission of both churches) since it is here, with time, in the Orthodox church, more for my family; and shamanistic rites of his relatives because he is a very unusual and beautiful.
Elka-Stick - Orthodox priest
Sorry, pA, you are a fool or a Russian language does not understand?
A special ceremony that's the kind: Catholic, is crowned by its ritual, answers questions, and the priest says the prayers are different. A I stand beside him and said nothing. For Roman Catholics believe that he was married. And then we go to the municipality and there are passing civil registration ... if the bride Orthodox, one or both of the priest (Catholic and MP) perform the rite together (in turn say that we should), or a ritual performed first in one church, then in another.
Paper to raise children in the Catholic faith, I did not sign. But I myself wanted to baptize his daughter's Catholic. And she was raised in the Catholic faith and took first communion. Nothing bad I can not find in religion. About how we are pioneers walked. Teach morals and good behavior.
Look, well, just funny to listen to it all! What about what division we can say, Orthodox, Catholics .... God is one for all! and C. Marie-ONE! "Though as you call them! I'm Orthodox, son baptized in the Catholic Church! KNOWINGLY! How do you think, sir, I am a sinner ????? I go to a Catholic church and pray for the Catholic Mother of God! Sin ??????
I am sure that our Lord does not care who profess any religion, "The main thing is to live under the laws of God, chioe," Thou shalt not kill "," Thou shalt not steal ", etc. .... Do not even here to sow hatred based on religion!
- the books of the Holy Father:
These books are written by people earth! Not a god!
I have my own relationship with God and Heaven, so no "instructions" I do not need!
I communicate with my father (MP) in Russia, but never anything like this (that you can not receive communion for Catholics) do not hear from them.
As if the Lord does not say: "Come unto me all who are in need, someone with problems. I will deliver you from problems."
I myself studied 7 years of theology ka west, and east. I therefore want to immediately warn the questions like "Who are you."
'm sorry, but your personal point of view is not an Orthodox perspective Church. Look at http://www.russian-orthodox-church.org.ru/vr110771.htm
"The Orthodox Church (MP), in turn, ALWAYS recognize the validity of the sacraments of the Catholic Church. Probably evidence of this is the fact that Catholics are accepted into the Orthodox Church on the so-called third rite of reception into Orthodoxy, not through baptism, How are non-Christians and sects, and not through Confirmation, as Protestants, and through repentance, as the dissenters. Clergy of the Catholic Church accepted the same rank in the existing rank, ie, with preservation of the extent of the priesthood, on which were erected in his Church. "
Check out all the other documents Orthodox Church.
close the door, my dear, is to overcome himself, continuous circulation of the heart, not Churanov the modern world. "
absurd that ... believers shy of the modern world. This is - a perversion of Christianity itself. This - obscurantism.
No he is not a priest ... I talked with one of the Orthodox priest (of MP): Can an Orthodox Communion in the Catholic Church (if necessary, for example on a business trip in kat.strane and sick, or something) (only desirable to confess - not necessarily for a Catholic, if he knows that since the last confession was not named in mortal sin).
Well, quite so do not ask to speak neresi about Catholic rules (I say this as a Catholic). You can walk in the pants to church, because long ago they were women's clothes. And not necessarily long skirts (well, of course not mini bikini). The only restriction - should be covered by the shoulders, in the summer, some sort of shawl.
Sunday, March 21, 2004
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Raised Terrace Designs
priest George ROC + ROCOR =... promised
bring to your attention statyusvyaschennika George Belodurova
fater_go of the Moscow Patriarchate.
I asked him to express their views on the theme "Connecting the MP and ROCOR (L). I would like to say straight away that does not agree with much of the article. George, but it seems useful provide an opinion of the priest MP "from remote places."
Maybe someone takes the trouble to translate it into English for those who do not read in Russian?
Original article is in the diary, Fr. George
************************** **********************************************
One of my Learn Friend (
preteandrei ) asked me to comment on the recently hot "and now a slightly receded into the background theme of" Connecting the MP and ROCOR (L). The fact is what about this more moderate liberals were writing, but opinion is more conservative wing of the clergy of the MP was ignored. I do not know how much I have right to represent the conservatives, since not delegated to anyone, but if the proposal was received, it is not a sin to use it.
Before proceeding to the actual subject, I would like to designate their place in a wide range of forces and attitudes present in the MP. To the extreme I can not in any way not belong. Those struggling with TIN require the canonization of Rasputin and Ivan the Terrible, rush to the neck every zarubezhniku and mostly suffer from a mental disorder that department staff, which ensures the existence of the ordinary people of common sense. But on the other hand, I have consistently antiekumenist, in the sense that Orthodoxy has in the fullness of religious truth and grace, and that the Church as the Body of Christ, is incomparable to any other ORGANIZATIONS, as if they did not call themselves.
Borders Church held in the hearts of people and cover all arriving in one mind tenets and grace of the Holy Sacraments. If two or three Orthodox bark, as dogs, it is unlikely that a "member of the Church", because they are not collected in the name of Christ, and therefore there is no Christ in their midst (Matt. 18, 20).
And so should avoid the "thin community" (1 Cor. 15, 33), store in the heart of the world, but about God and the Church bear witness only in spirit and truth.
Almost all "Protestants" that make up in ecumenical organizations the majority, are a heretical community fall under the anathema of the Holy Ecumenical Councils - or not worship of the true Virgin Mother of God, or not honoring Sv.Ikony, as well as practicing female priesthood and the protection of Sodom sin. Call any community sister Churches - grave sin, humbles the True Church, and true faith. Indulge in it - is a sin, but because of this sin in a certain group of individuals to refuse the grace of the Sacraments, which stores Church - complete madness. And so, remembering that for 2000 years the church regularly cleaned from all defilement, and we will tirelessly preaching and prayer working in the field of God in the Church, which feeds us secrets (we were not the "- that's where the hidden sergianism), saves us (we are not her), and we are not ungrateful children. It - our Mother! Do not cast her on what to dress her down dirty drop of our sins.
the outset of the ROC. It should be noted that it varies. It contains different views, likes and dislikes on a variety of church issues. This is due, as to spiritual causes, for example. in the case of kochetkovtsami - a group professing own exclusivity, elitism. It is clear that such mindsets are peculiar only to those who are subordinate to their pride. There filokatoliki ready and serve with the Catholics, and to recognize the primacy of the Roman Pontiff. There are fans of Protestant theology. They have their own theological seminaries and academies ... right! St. Peterbourgskaya! All of them are friends with each other, and all of them would have long time to throw. But the brothers goes to the Friend of the Department of External Church Relations,. And this structure is very strong. And here's why. The stronger the DECR, the more influence
has its head Met. Cyril. And from here, and ecumenism. There will be no ecumenism, lose its value DECR. Lose value DECR - then who will be deemed to M. Cyril?
And what do you understand what this metropolitan all-powerful, but in elderly patients Patriarch, can not allow that. That has to compete with anyone ...
But there are a great many, I say without exaggeration - Most, bishops and priests who, each in its proper place in his diocese and his parish of the Russian people defending the right to know and practice their faith, protect the flock from predators Wolves - sectarian and heterodox. And they are sometimes in opposition and government, with its increasingly pro-Western orientation, and even in opposition, although not disputed, all-powerful metropolitans, with their ecumenism for the sake of personal power. No criticism of the MP, branding it as a graceless and inflict a blow, but just that, honest Pastors of the Church. It is our work, to extract from the secularism and sectarianism are denied by the Russian people and indulge in desecration.
Sometimes I feel covers doubt - and do I need to join this proud tribe of "foreign" kritikanov? But the thirst to have in the Church even greater advantage, the need to forgive her - is always convinces me to reach out to Orthodox Christians of the ROCOR.
Foreign Orthodoxy same multi-faceted, multi-faceted as the people that make up Russian Diaspora. Someone coming over the cordon, easily poured into a new environment,
learns to live as "natives." For them, it is natural that the Church should not oppose them to their new friends and colleagues. "Father, today we will be visiting colleagues. They are such lovely people and my husband is very important to have among them support. " There will then share their views "as was the Sunday service. And Methodist will talk about his faith, and Orthodox - of their own. The priest does not make round eyes and screaming that they go to the heretical gathering with people with whom you can not canon to not only read a prayer before eating, but to sit at one table. In the parish of the priest will be collected just such "ecumenical Russian." And the parish they will have an ecumenical, such as the OCA Paris or the hierarchy under the jurisdiction of Constantinople. Others, finding themselves in a strange land feel isolated, looking for fellow countrymen, again and again to drink in spirit of the lost homeland, to enjoy their own, never ending road of church atmosphere,
crouching at the feet of Orthodoxy ... including, and as a native Russian, National faith.
Among those parishioners meet the parish of ROCOR.
being granted to itself Abroad Russian Orthodox split long and well. There were splits and in Russia. But they were not such as abroad. In Russia, only the MP was able to survive. And not only survive, but generally combine all tserkvonye force. Initially, the ROCOR and MP acknowledged and supported it. Just remember that it Dzhordanvilskoe publisher to supply us the lion's share of the Orthodox literature. But then, for unknown
bewitchment, the leadership of the ROCA impression. That MPs - only the iceberg, hiding a huge part of the Catacomb. Speech talked about many millions of secret believers. Maybe then and prividilos that in Russia there is a separation like that overseas, and for the OCA meets MP and for the ROCOR - catacombs, and therefore inevitable confrontation with the Patriarchate. For this knfrontatsii were formulated demeaning ideologies that in MP there is no grace, and in Russia there are no Russian,
and live only obolvanennye assholes - scoops. Further history from the discovery in Russia's own ROCOR parishes and attempts legalize non-existent catacombs shows the fallacy of such a confrontation. Instead of a coherent structure of the church - only a few parishes (in mainly of priests, troublemakers) + splinter ROCA RAPTS branch (the same is not free!) + is not quite clear relationship with polusektantami-catacombniks, which by day the fire will not find (the exception is
Bishop Lazarus Zhurbenko known KGB shny snitch). By the way, the current catacombniks - entirely a replica, not having no historical roots (in the splits 20-ies), or fertile soil.
At the same time, most of the ROCOR, seeing the process of liberation from the shackles of MP Soviets, felt the need to establish extensive contacts with compatriots. This is natural.
Cohesive-in-exile precisely because of love for the motherland, they must were to implement his main hope - to establish a spiritual union with the Motherland. Decision of the Council in 2000 was due to just that.
In connection with this part, especially pessimistic clerics with Metropolitan. Vitali broke away from the majority of the ROCOR, headed by Metropolitan. Laurus. I think this situation should only welcome because 20-30 years ROCA (Vitali) will finally turn into a dwarf apocalyptic sect, and disappear from the face of the earth.
left alive in the ROCOR (Laurus) to unite with the MP in the Russian Orthodox Church. However, this process must be very gradual. One has to respect the mutual self-esteem and exercise commitment to the canonical connection - eg. MP eliminate overseas portion, passing her government, together with the bishops of the ROCOR (L), and she sends his Russian parishes of the Patriarchate. We must remember that both sides have claims to each other. Both sides have and weaknesses. In MP this ecumenism and the presence in the ranks of alien element. Y ROCA - fighting Sergianism, which does not exactly identified and serves more as a general term denoting the weak position of Orthodoxy in Russia during the Bolshevik persecution. But this should temper claims for the truth, they beat us, but not broken enrolled in the category of losses, and in the category of the Holy New Martyrs. So everything is very difficult. Before the war, talk about canonical discipline, when one bishop with the drug could blame other bishops that in the other bunk, completely impossible. After administration of the Church, and make imennoeto bishops can not call it! But the last war and the people recognized the ROC's their only church, the catacombs poured into the MP, and it's evidence that the church returned to its normal state.
summarize. The historical association of the MP and ROCOR will inevitably and desirable. Perhaps
communion will be established as early as next year or two. However, the structural union will not be quick.
Apparently this is correct, and therefore not worth much force on this atmosphere. There is still much work
glory of God. And we ... and you ...
priest George Belodurov
Temple St. Nicholas
March 3, st. Piamy virgins.
bring to your attention statyusvyaschennika George Belodurova
I asked him to express their views on the theme "Connecting the MP and ROCOR (L). I would like to say straight away that does not agree with much of the article. George, but it seems useful provide an opinion of the priest MP "from remote places."
Maybe someone takes the trouble to translate it into English for those who do not read in Russian?
Original article is in the diary, Fr. George
************************** **********************************************
One of my Learn Friend (
Before proceeding to the actual subject, I would like to designate their place in a wide range of forces and attitudes present in the MP. To the extreme I can not in any way not belong. Those struggling with TIN require the canonization of Rasputin and Ivan the Terrible, rush to the neck every zarubezhniku and mostly suffer from a mental disorder that department staff, which ensures the existence of the ordinary people of common sense. But on the other hand, I have consistently antiekumenist, in the sense that Orthodoxy has in the fullness of religious truth and grace, and that the Church as the Body of Christ, is incomparable to any other ORGANIZATIONS, as if they did not call themselves.
Borders Church held in the hearts of people and cover all arriving in one mind tenets and grace of the Holy Sacraments. If two or three Orthodox bark, as dogs, it is unlikely that a "member of the Church", because they are not collected in the name of Christ, and therefore there is no Christ in their midst (Matt. 18, 20).
And so should avoid the "thin community" (1 Cor. 15, 33), store in the heart of the world, but about God and the Church bear witness only in spirit and truth.
Almost all "Protestants" that make up in ecumenical organizations the majority, are a heretical community fall under the anathema of the Holy Ecumenical Councils - or not worship of the true Virgin Mother of God, or not honoring Sv.Ikony, as well as practicing female priesthood and the protection of Sodom sin. Call any community sister Churches - grave sin, humbles the True Church, and true faith. Indulge in it - is a sin, but because of this sin in a certain group of individuals to refuse the grace of the Sacraments, which stores Church - complete madness. And so, remembering that for 2000 years the church regularly cleaned from all defilement, and we will tirelessly preaching and prayer working in the field of God in the Church, which feeds us secrets (we were not the "- that's where the hidden sergianism), saves us (we are not her), and we are not ungrateful children. It - our Mother! Do not cast her on what to dress her down dirty drop of our sins.
the outset of the ROC. It should be noted that it varies. It contains different views, likes and dislikes on a variety of church issues. This is due, as to spiritual causes, for example. in the case of kochetkovtsami - a group professing own exclusivity, elitism. It is clear that such mindsets are peculiar only to those who are subordinate to their pride. There filokatoliki ready and serve with the Catholics, and to recognize the primacy of the Roman Pontiff. There are fans of Protestant theology. They have their own theological seminaries and academies ... right! St. Peterbourgskaya! All of them are friends with each other, and all of them would have long time to throw. But the brothers goes to the Friend of the Department of External Church Relations,. And this structure is very strong. And here's why. The stronger the DECR, the more influence
has its head Met. Cyril. And from here, and ecumenism. There will be no ecumenism, lose its value DECR. Lose value DECR - then who will be deemed to M. Cyril?
And what do you understand what this metropolitan all-powerful, but in elderly patients Patriarch, can not allow that. That has to compete with anyone ...
But there are a great many, I say without exaggeration - Most, bishops and priests who, each in its proper place in his diocese and his parish of the Russian people defending the right to know and practice their faith, protect the flock from predators Wolves - sectarian and heterodox. And they are sometimes in opposition and government, with its increasingly pro-Western orientation, and even in opposition, although not disputed, all-powerful metropolitans, with their ecumenism for the sake of personal power. No criticism of the MP, branding it as a graceless and inflict a blow, but just that, honest Pastors of the Church. It is our work, to extract from the secularism and sectarianism are denied by the Russian people and indulge in desecration.
Sometimes I feel covers doubt - and do I need to join this proud tribe of "foreign" kritikanov? But the thirst to have in the Church even greater advantage, the need to forgive her - is always convinces me to reach out to Orthodox Christians of the ROCOR.
Foreign Orthodoxy same multi-faceted, multi-faceted as the people that make up Russian Diaspora. Someone coming over the cordon, easily poured into a new environment,
learns to live as "natives." For them, it is natural that the Church should not oppose them to their new friends and colleagues. "Father, today we will be visiting colleagues. They are such lovely people and my husband is very important to have among them support. " There will then share their views "as was the Sunday service. And Methodist will talk about his faith, and Orthodox - of their own. The priest does not make round eyes and screaming that they go to the heretical gathering with people with whom you can not canon to not only read a prayer before eating, but to sit at one table. In the parish of the priest will be collected just such "ecumenical Russian." And the parish they will have an ecumenical, such as the OCA Paris or the hierarchy under the jurisdiction of Constantinople. Others, finding themselves in a strange land feel isolated, looking for fellow countrymen, again and again to drink in spirit of the lost homeland, to enjoy their own, never ending road of church atmosphere,
crouching at the feet of Orthodoxy ... including, and as a native Russian, National faith.
Among those parishioners meet the parish of ROCOR.
being granted to itself Abroad Russian Orthodox split long and well. There were splits and in Russia. But they were not such as abroad. In Russia, only the MP was able to survive. And not only survive, but generally combine all tserkvonye force. Initially, the ROCOR and MP acknowledged and supported it. Just remember that it Dzhordanvilskoe publisher to supply us the lion's share of the Orthodox literature. But then, for unknown
bewitchment, the leadership of the ROCA impression. That MPs - only the iceberg, hiding a huge part of the Catacomb. Speech talked about many millions of secret believers. Maybe then and prividilos that in Russia there is a separation like that overseas, and for the OCA meets MP and for the ROCOR - catacombs, and therefore inevitable confrontation with the Patriarchate. For this knfrontatsii were formulated demeaning ideologies that in MP there is no grace, and in Russia there are no Russian,
and live only obolvanennye assholes - scoops. Further history from the discovery in Russia's own ROCOR parishes and attempts legalize non-existent catacombs shows the fallacy of such a confrontation. Instead of a coherent structure of the church - only a few parishes (in mainly of priests, troublemakers) + splinter ROCA RAPTS branch (the same is not free!) + is not quite clear relationship with polusektantami-catacombniks, which by day the fire will not find (the exception is
Bishop Lazarus Zhurbenko known KGB shny snitch). By the way, the current catacombniks - entirely a replica, not having no historical roots (in the splits 20-ies), or fertile soil.
At the same time, most of the ROCOR, seeing the process of liberation from the shackles of MP Soviets, felt the need to establish extensive contacts with compatriots. This is natural.
Cohesive-in-exile precisely because of love for the motherland, they must were to implement his main hope - to establish a spiritual union with the Motherland. Decision of the Council in 2000 was due to just that.
In connection with this part, especially pessimistic clerics with Metropolitan. Vitali broke away from the majority of the ROCOR, headed by Metropolitan. Laurus. I think this situation should only welcome because 20-30 years ROCA (Vitali) will finally turn into a dwarf apocalyptic sect, and disappear from the face of the earth.
left alive in the ROCOR (Laurus) to unite with the MP in the Russian Orthodox Church. However, this process must be very gradual. One has to respect the mutual self-esteem and exercise commitment to the canonical connection - eg. MP eliminate overseas portion, passing her government, together with the bishops of the ROCOR (L), and she sends his Russian parishes of the Patriarchate. We must remember that both sides have claims to each other. Both sides have and weaknesses. In MP this ecumenism and the presence in the ranks of alien element. Y ROCA - fighting Sergianism, which does not exactly identified and serves more as a general term denoting the weak position of Orthodoxy in Russia during the Bolshevik persecution. But this should temper claims for the truth, they beat us, but not broken enrolled in the category of losses, and in the category of the Holy New Martyrs. So everything is very difficult. Before the war, talk about canonical discipline, when one bishop with the drug could blame other bishops that in the other bunk, completely impossible. After administration of the Church, and make imennoeto bishops can not call it! But the last war and the people recognized the ROC's their only church, the catacombs poured into the MP, and it's evidence that the church returned to its normal state.
summarize. The historical association of the MP and ROCOR will inevitably and desirable. Perhaps
communion will be established as early as next year or two. However, the structural union will not be quick.
Apparently this is correct, and therefore not worth much force on this atmosphere. There is still much work
glory of God. And we ... and you ...
priest George Belodurov
Temple St. Nicholas
March 3, st. Piamy virgins.
Saturday, March 13, 2004
Dancewear Sewing Patterns
Spiritual Foundations Addiction
Spiritual Foundations Addiction
Only at the highest levels of Satanism people can see and communicate directly with Satan. This - Satanists Level 6, the so-called adherents: they can see Satan and communicate with them, as well as have authority over the minor demons. It should be noted that at the level of drug addiction demons may be drug addicts or in its ugly form, either in the form "Angel of light, always causing confusion and fear, until the terror. Repeatedly to confession I had to listen from the drug on these phenomena. Very impressive were the stories of three drug addicts on how to post a prayer or a visit to the temple and it's important not to "breaking down", they suddenly opened a heavy vomiting. At the same time with vomiting came out some cloud-like wriggling stinking worm-like "creature." The output of this "creature" was very painful, but always after come marvelous relief, and people stopped using drugs. Sometimes this "creature" came out immediately, but within a few days, bringing young man ineffable pain.
This, of course, were not worms, but rather a thick vaporous gray or dark gray foul creature which, according to exit from the throat, twisting, slowly dissolves in the air, emitting a heavy stench. Such cases are not uncommon. That's what the newspaper published Moscow News March 6, 2000: "Terrible, is not amenable to scientific explanation accident happened to a resident near Moscow Stupino Vyacheslav Ostahovym. Drunkard, a prayer before the icon "The Inexhaustible Cup" burped out yourself some sort of vile creatures - gray worm 1,5-2 cm long with two "horns" on a small head (which, except for horns, it was possible to distinguish between her mouth and tiny eyes). Shove their spouses in a bottle of wine, being not only not died in it, but began to grow with startling speed: the week increased to 10 cm when the wine in the bottle is almost finished, we decided to pour the vodka back. From this moment it began to grow even faster.
The couple brought the substance in the bottle Vysotsky monastery in Serpukhov. "My brother has long been considered a creature, - says Nikon's father - and finally decided that it was - nothing like imp, which is the Mother of God had expelled from the drunkard. Only removed the cork - a bottle burst such a stench that all present felt bad. Bottle with the substance remained in the monastery: we simply do not know what to do with it. And then we started to happen Strange things: many began to ache all the feel in my soul incomprehensible burden ... "The monks have brought alcoholized being in Moscow and showed Associate Professor Department of Invertebrate Biology Faculty of Moscow Vasily Ivanovich Vasiliev. He carefully studied the "unknown zverushku" then said that nothing similar in their practices are not met. Creature showed scientists involved in mutations. They said that too, nothing like this has never seen.
Associate Professor Vasiliev has decided to independently investigate the essence, but several days later fell ill and was hospitalized. He gave his research working zoologist Cyril Resurrection, but he soon died. Point in this case put Nikon's father, learning about what is happening with people who somehow come into contact with besenkom. He asked scientists to burn it, and that was fulfilled. However, it remains to documentary evidence that this is not a mass delirium, but a real fact: employees biological faculty of Moscow State University had written "stranger" on videotape.
As Vyacheslav Ostahova, then after this event all his life is turned upside down: he stopped drinking, smoking, began going to church, got a good job. " Here's what miracles happen when people come with a sincere prayer and faith to the Holy Mother.
Thus, addiction is a state of demon possession, the manifestation of Satanism, and it does not matter, is aware of it myself addict or unaware of, because Satan does not leave a business card. The basis of addiction is spiritual, because it is not amenable to medical treatment, but quickly is handling a drug addict to God and repentance. One example is the above case with the drunkard and izrygnutym them after prayers besenkom.
Ieromonah Anatoly Berestov. full article http://www.ihtus.ru/22003/tr17.shtml
Only at the highest levels of Satanism people can see and communicate directly with Satan. This - Satanists Level 6, the so-called adherents: they can see Satan and communicate with them, as well as have authority over the minor demons. It should be noted that at the level of drug addiction demons may be drug addicts or in its ugly form, either in the form "Angel of light, always causing confusion and fear, until the terror. Repeatedly to confession I had to listen from the drug on these phenomena. Very impressive were the stories of three drug addicts on how to post a prayer or a visit to the temple and it's important not to "breaking down", they suddenly opened a heavy vomiting. At the same time with vomiting came out some cloud-like wriggling stinking worm-like "creature." The output of this "creature" was very painful, but always after come marvelous relief, and people stopped using drugs. Sometimes this "creature" came out immediately, but within a few days, bringing young man ineffable pain.
This, of course, were not worms, but rather a thick vaporous gray or dark gray foul creature which, according to exit from the throat, twisting, slowly dissolves in the air, emitting a heavy stench. Such cases are not uncommon. That's what the newspaper published Moscow News March 6, 2000: "Terrible, is not amenable to scientific explanation accident happened to a resident near Moscow Stupino Vyacheslav Ostahovym. Drunkard, a prayer before the icon "The Inexhaustible Cup" burped out yourself some sort of vile creatures - gray worm 1,5-2 cm long with two "horns" on a small head (which, except for horns, it was possible to distinguish between her mouth and tiny eyes). Shove their spouses in a bottle of wine, being not only not died in it, but began to grow with startling speed: the week increased to 10 cm when the wine in the bottle is almost finished, we decided to pour the vodka back. From this moment it began to grow even faster.
The couple brought the substance in the bottle Vysotsky monastery in Serpukhov. "My brother has long been considered a creature, - says Nikon's father - and finally decided that it was - nothing like imp, which is the Mother of God had expelled from the drunkard. Only removed the cork - a bottle burst such a stench that all present felt bad. Bottle with the substance remained in the monastery: we simply do not know what to do with it. And then we started to happen Strange things: many began to ache all the feel in my soul incomprehensible burden ... "The monks have brought alcoholized being in Moscow and showed Associate Professor Department of Invertebrate Biology Faculty of Moscow Vasily Ivanovich Vasiliev. He carefully studied the "unknown zverushku" then said that nothing similar in their practices are not met. Creature showed scientists involved in mutations. They said that too, nothing like this has never seen.
Associate Professor Vasiliev has decided to independently investigate the essence, but several days later fell ill and was hospitalized. He gave his research working zoologist Cyril Resurrection, but he soon died. Point in this case put Nikon's father, learning about what is happening with people who somehow come into contact with besenkom. He asked scientists to burn it, and that was fulfilled. However, it remains to documentary evidence that this is not a mass delirium, but a real fact: employees biological faculty of Moscow State University had written "stranger" on videotape.
As Vyacheslav Ostahova, then after this event all his life is turned upside down: he stopped drinking, smoking, began going to church, got a good job. " Here's what miracles happen when people come with a sincere prayer and faith to the Holy Mother.
Thus, addiction is a state of demon possession, the manifestation of Satanism, and it does not matter, is aware of it myself addict or unaware of, because Satan does not leave a business card. The basis of addiction is spiritual, because it is not amenable to medical treatment, but quickly is handling a drug addict to God and repentance. One example is the above case with the drunkard and izrygnutym them after prayers besenkom.
Ieromonah Anatoly Berestov. full article http://www.ihtus.ru/22003/tr17.shtml
Can I Fly With Gestational Diabetes
a means of turning to God
St. Theophanes the Recluse
trouble when, in the heart of a man well fed and contented, and where as well when he hungry! Beggar and bitter cold running under windows and requests. Went whether he would, if he had a piece of bread?
when he feels the trouble, then trouble and labor of a human no end. The same with my heart: When will affect his sense of misfortune, poverty and hunger, the rest does not give any body nor soul: and do something, and another podvignis. Then it is samozhaleniyu There is no place, and every labor is not in labor. But hunger and distress the Lord sends praying and making supplication. This is a sign of health. The patient has no appetite, it is full, even though by week do not eat.
Bird, tied a short thread, vsporhnet and fall, and fall vsporhnet. When the thread is long, the bird and fly high and fly far, and all attract to the same place. If I do not train, flew to the bird in the red meadow. And in a large cage birds fly, but not all at liberty. How to come off? When fire threatens
tied, it blows so hard that not only the thread a little, but the iron chain perervet. Therefore, not a big deal: you light the trouble around him. What
then ignite trouble around him? This is - a deep sense of insecurity of their situation and the dangers of extreme from which there is no other salvation, as in the Lord Jesus Christ. This feeling will drive us to the Lord and make constantly crying: "Help me, protect!" It was all saints and never left. Contrary to a a sense of contentment with their situation, which soothes the rights and repay it all care about their salvation. God have mercy on us from this!
St. Theophanes the Recluse
trouble when, in the heart of a man well fed and contented, and where as well when he hungry! Beggar and bitter cold running under windows and requests. Went whether he would, if he had a piece of bread?
when he feels the trouble, then trouble and labor of a human no end. The same with my heart: When will affect his sense of misfortune, poverty and hunger, the rest does not give any body nor soul: and do something, and another podvignis. Then it is samozhaleniyu There is no place, and every labor is not in labor. But hunger and distress the Lord sends praying and making supplication. This is a sign of health. The patient has no appetite, it is full, even though by week do not eat.
Bird, tied a short thread, vsporhnet and fall, and fall vsporhnet. When the thread is long, the bird and fly high and fly far, and all attract to the same place. If I do not train, flew to the bird in the red meadow. And in a large cage birds fly, but not all at liberty. How to come off? When fire threatens
tied, it blows so hard that not only the thread a little, but the iron chain perervet. Therefore, not a big deal: you light the trouble around him. What
then ignite trouble around him? This is - a deep sense of insecurity of their situation and the dangers of extreme from which there is no other salvation, as in the Lord Jesus Christ. This feeling will drive us to the Lord and make constantly crying: "Help me, protect!" It was all saints and never left. Contrary to a a sense of contentment with their situation, which soothes the rights and repay it all care about their salvation. God have mercy on us from this!
Friday, March 12, 2004
Pirate Name For Parts Of Ship
preteandrei @ 2004-03-12T20: 27:00
From: Bishop Ambrose
To: Saint Gregory Palamas Monastery
Bishop Auxentios
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2004 10:48 AM
This morning, at 7.30 local time, a large group of armed police entered the
Church of the Iveron Icon in Gldani, Tbilisi, Georgia, where a congregation
of around 500 parishioners had gathered for the Pre-Sanctified Liturgy, and
having attacked and seriously injured a large number of persons, including
children, arrested the dean, Archpriest Vasili Mklavishvili , the priest
Gabriel Neimiridze and another eight people. It is unknown where they are
being held, and their safety is in great doubt. It is unquestionably the case
that this attack is the result of a request made last last week by a group of
American Senators demanding that the new Georgian government place under
arrest the "religious fanatics" who are impeding the missionary activities of
foreign sectarian groups in Georgia. The parish in Gldani has for the past
nine years been under the jurisdiction of His Eminence Metropolitan Cyprian
of Oropos and Fili. Those who know the conditions in Georgian penitenciaries
will realize that the survival of those under arrest (and those others who
will probably follow them into prison) is in great danger. We therefore
implore you to make a vehement protest to the Georgian Embassy in your
country, in order for the Georgian authorities to realise that their actions
are being observed internationally, and that any arbitrary injustice on their
part will not go unnoticed.
+ Ambrose, bishop of Methoni, assistant to his Eminence Metropolitan Cyprian of Oropos and Fili
From: Bishop Ambrose
To: Saint Gregory Palamas Monastery
Bishop Auxentios
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2004 10:48 AM
This morning, at 7.30 local time, a large group of armed police entered the
Church of the Iveron Icon in Gldani, Tbilisi, Georgia, where a congregation
of around 500 parishioners had gathered for the Pre-Sanctified Liturgy, and
having attacked and seriously injured a large number of persons, including
children, arrested the dean, Archpriest Vasili Mklavishvili , the priest
Gabriel Neimiridze and another eight people. It is unknown where they are
being held, and their safety is in great doubt. It is unquestionably the case
that this attack is the result of a request made last last week by a group of
American Senators demanding that the new Georgian government place under
arrest the "religious fanatics" who are impeding the missionary activities of
foreign sectarian groups in Georgia. The parish in Gldani has for the past
nine years been under the jurisdiction of His Eminence Metropolitan Cyprian
of Oropos and Fili. Those who know the conditions in Georgian penitenciaries
will realize that the survival of those under arrest (and those others who
will probably follow them into prison) is in great danger. We therefore
implore you to make a vehement protest to the Georgian Embassy in your
country, in order for the Georgian authorities to realise that their actions
are being observed internationally, and that any arbitrary injustice on their
part will not go unnoticed.
+ Ambrose, bishop of Methoni, assistant to his Eminence Metropolitan Cyprian of Oropos and Fili
Atlanta Cruise Line Auditions
"yuppie" Saakashvili show teeth, storming CHURCHES
Georgian special forces stormed the church, where he served Liturgy protopresviter Basil Mkalavishvili,
************** ***************
assault began when Father Basil Presanctified liturgy in the church, located in Gldani district. During the attack on the church hundreds of Saakashvili thugs who were in the church congregation were trying to protect the abbot, they hunted with tear gas and clubbed. About 20 people, among them children, were wounded, three of them were taken to hospital, defensively they set fire to a car commandos. Pogrom directed personally head the Internal Affairs Directorate and Chairman Georgian National Security Council, obviously. Basil's worst security threat that Chechen terrorists are just kittens compared with him.
Now Father Basil is in jail. He was wanted by police since June 2003, refusing to comply with the decision of Tbilisi court and jailed on charges of burning of the Baptist and iegovistskoy paper. Along with him was arrested a priest Gabriel Neymiridze and 8 other members.
Father Basil came out of Georgia Patriarchate in 1995, he now belongs to the "Synod in Resistance" True Orthodox Church of Greece under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Fili and Oropos Cyprian. In retaliation, he was excommunicated from the GP and was deprived of dignity, though he did not recognize. In Georgia, it is known as the organizer of the crowded stock in defense of Orthodoxy.
Georgian special forces stormed the church, where he served Liturgy protopresviter Basil Mkalavishvili,
************** ***************
assault began when Father Basil Presanctified liturgy in the church, located in Gldani district. During the attack on the church hundreds of Saakashvili thugs who were in the church congregation were trying to protect the abbot, they hunted with tear gas and clubbed. About 20 people, among them children, were wounded, three of them were taken to hospital, defensively they set fire to a car commandos. Pogrom directed personally head the Internal Affairs Directorate and Chairman Georgian National Security Council, obviously. Basil's worst security threat that Chechen terrorists are just kittens compared with him.
Now Father Basil is in jail. He was wanted by police since June 2003, refusing to comply with the decision of Tbilisi court and jailed on charges of burning of the Baptist and iegovistskoy paper. Along with him was arrested a priest Gabriel Neymiridze and 8 other members.
Father Basil came out of Georgia Patriarchate in 1995, he now belongs to the "Synod in Resistance" True Orthodox Church of Greece under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Fili and Oropos Cyprian. In retaliation, he was excommunicated from the GP and was deprived of dignity, though he did not recognize. In Georgia, it is known as the organizer of the crowded stock in defense of Orthodoxy.
I Found A Lump Around My Bum Hole What Do I Do
Known RPATsovtsy openly acknowledge themselves as supporters of the Declaration of 1927 Sergius of the Old Episcopal
known publicist ROAC openly acknowledge themselves as supporters of the Declaration of 1927 Sergius of the Old
********************************** ****
March 9, 2004 the two most known socio-religious figure ROAC, Yegor Kholmogorov and Hieromonk Gregory (Lourie), publicly declared themselves supporters of the Declaration of 1927 Sergius of Old Town, distinguished between the right to their point of view of the Declaration of St. Sergius of the Old Town and the proper sergianism "(which Hieromonk Gregory (Lourie) and his supporters understood solely as all the pre-revolutionary heritage of the Church as a whole. Pc). http://www.livejournal.com/users/holmogor/698821.html
Kholmogorov in their "Learn", said:
«The position expressed in the Declaration the formula "We need not just in words but in deeds show that faithful citizens of the Soviet Union, loyal to the Soviet government, can not only be indifferent to Orthodoxy, people who are not only traitors to him, but the most ardent supporters of his, for which it is costly, both truth and life, with all its dogmas and traditions, with all its canonical and liturgical way of life. We want to be Orthodox and at the same time conscious of the Soviet Union our civilian homeland, joy and the success of which - our joys and successes, and failures - of our failures. Every blow aimed at the Union, be it war, boycott, any public calamity or manslaughter because of the angle, like Warsaw, admits us as a blow aimed at us. Being Orthodox, we remember our duty to be citizens Union is not only out of fear, but also for conscience 'as he taught us the apostle (Rom. XIII, 5). "- I think is absolutely fair and faithful church-political position in the circumstances"
Kholmogorov continued:
«So if we assume that sergianism - a recognition of Soviet power as a civilian power in Russia, the authorities, which may strengthen the rule of law, prosperity of the country, etc., then sergianism - certainly justified the church's position and the Met. Sergius nothing to reproach. More than that - it can be something to put the credit - the revolution was the time of faithlessness monstrous, monstrous osataneniya people and we had to understand that any This wave will rise higher and vyshei church will be destroyed at all - not just sveruh, but the bottom (and it's important that we should understand - the anti-religious Bolshevik campaign was not an act of pure apical). Actually, the other possibility to survive in a revolution, but as a patronage state. authorities, the Russian Orthodox Church as canonical institute a local church was not.
Talking about the position of the Church Abroad and catacombniks, Kholmogorov said:
"... It is not clear - why the position of the Orthodox Christian was supposed to be a partisan political stance. To justify this political partisan - and the parishes, and in the catacombs, to create a totally insane, totally heretical theory, turning some of the new catacombniks edition of the Old Believers-bespopovtsev with their "spiritual Antichrist" »
only thing from the standpoint of Yegor Kholmogorova negatively" absolutely fair " Sergianism position - this idea of him as the top of martyrdom and his spiritualization "and the" offset anticanonical exiled bishops. " Yegor Kholmogorov declared that those who are separated from Mitr.Sergiya, separated from him not because of the "correct" declaration. That the principles reflected in the Declaration, adhered to even "leaders of the church movement" Mitr.Iosif Petrograd.
Hieromonk Gregory (Lourie), in response to these words fully concurred with him in these words:
«Yes, something like that. This is especially important distinction between the Declaration and the actual Sergianism »
However, after several hours after mailing Romanitas "These words from the thread topic has been withdrawn. Nevertheless, the approving words Hieromonk Gregory (Lourie) Article Yegor Kholmogorova and words the attitude towards the Declaration of 1927 has had time to read a lot of people. References to them were at the conference "Paradosis", on anloyazychnye and Russian Orthodox sites.
Earlier this event, positive-neutral Declaration Mitr.Sergiya Old Town spoke third public-church leader ROAC, editor of Portal Credo.Ru Alexander Soldatov, who in an editorial on the Portal by Sept. 8, 2003 equated Mitr.Sergy Old Town to the "great era of the bishops of the Ecumenical Cathedrals, and the word sergianism put in quotation marks.
Thus we can say that all of the most influential and well-known publicists ROAC, near Metropolitan Valentine of Suzdal environment, unanimously and strongly formally declared themselves supporters of the Declaration of 1927 and the opponents of the traditional antideklaratsionnoy rhetoric of the ROCOR and the Catacomb Church. And, three years after the start of his sergianist path, which has written Romanitas, as well as after the departure of the last ROAC Orthodox, have announced this openly.
9.03.2004, the "Romanitas» http://www.romanitas.ru/Actual/Declaracia% 20i% 20RPAC.htm
known publicist ROAC openly acknowledge themselves as supporters of the Declaration of 1927 Sergius of the Old
********************************** ****
March 9, 2004 the two most known socio-religious figure ROAC, Yegor Kholmogorov and Hieromonk Gregory (Lourie), publicly declared themselves supporters of the Declaration of 1927 Sergius of Old Town, distinguished between the right to their point of view of the Declaration of St. Sergius of the Old Town and the proper sergianism "(which Hieromonk Gregory (Lourie) and his supporters understood solely as all the pre-revolutionary heritage of the Church as a whole. Pc). http://www.livejournal.com/users/holmogor/698821.html
Kholmogorov in their "Learn", said:
«The position expressed in the Declaration the formula "We need not just in words but in deeds show that faithful citizens of the Soviet Union, loyal to the Soviet government, can not only be indifferent to Orthodoxy, people who are not only traitors to him, but the most ardent supporters of his, for which it is costly, both truth and life, with all its dogmas and traditions, with all its canonical and liturgical way of life. We want to be Orthodox and at the same time conscious of the Soviet Union our civilian homeland, joy and the success of which - our joys and successes, and failures - of our failures. Every blow aimed at the Union, be it war, boycott, any public calamity or manslaughter because of the angle, like Warsaw, admits us as a blow aimed at us. Being Orthodox, we remember our duty to be citizens Union is not only out of fear, but also for conscience 'as he taught us the apostle (Rom. XIII, 5). "- I think is absolutely fair and faithful church-political position in the circumstances"
Kholmogorov continued:
«So if we assume that sergianism - a recognition of Soviet power as a civilian power in Russia, the authorities, which may strengthen the rule of law, prosperity of the country, etc., then sergianism - certainly justified the church's position and the Met. Sergius nothing to reproach. More than that - it can be something to put the credit - the revolution was the time of faithlessness monstrous, monstrous osataneniya people and we had to understand that any This wave will rise higher and vyshei church will be destroyed at all - not just sveruh, but the bottom (and it's important that we should understand - the anti-religious Bolshevik campaign was not an act of pure apical). Actually, the other possibility to survive in a revolution, but as a patronage state. authorities, the Russian Orthodox Church as canonical institute a local church was not.
Talking about the position of the Church Abroad and catacombniks, Kholmogorov said:
"... It is not clear - why the position of the Orthodox Christian was supposed to be a partisan political stance. To justify this political partisan - and the parishes, and in the catacombs, to create a totally insane, totally heretical theory, turning some of the new catacombniks edition of the Old Believers-bespopovtsev with their "spiritual Antichrist" »
only thing from the standpoint of Yegor Kholmogorova negatively" absolutely fair " Sergianism position - this idea of him as the top of martyrdom and his spiritualization "and the" offset anticanonical exiled bishops. " Yegor Kholmogorov declared that those who are separated from Mitr.Sergiya, separated from him not because of the "correct" declaration. That the principles reflected in the Declaration, adhered to even "leaders of the church movement" Mitr.Iosif Petrograd.
Hieromonk Gregory (Lourie), in response to these words fully concurred with him in these words:
«Yes, something like that. This is especially important distinction between the Declaration and the actual Sergianism »
However, after several hours after mailing Romanitas "These words from the thread topic has been withdrawn. Nevertheless, the approving words Hieromonk Gregory (Lourie) Article Yegor Kholmogorova and words the attitude towards the Declaration of 1927 has had time to read a lot of people. References to them were at the conference "Paradosis", on anloyazychnye and Russian Orthodox sites.
Earlier this event, positive-neutral Declaration Mitr.Sergiya Old Town spoke third public-church leader ROAC, editor of Portal Credo.Ru Alexander Soldatov, who in an editorial on the Portal by Sept. 8, 2003 equated Mitr.Sergy Old Town to the "great era of the bishops of the Ecumenical Cathedrals, and the word sergianism put in quotation marks.
Thus we can say that all of the most influential and well-known publicists ROAC, near Metropolitan Valentine of Suzdal environment, unanimously and strongly formally declared themselves supporters of the Declaration of 1927 and the opponents of the traditional antideklaratsionnoy rhetoric of the ROCOR and the Catacomb Church. And, three years after the start of his sergianist path, which has written Romanitas, as well as after the departure of the last ROAC Orthodox, have announced this openly.
9.03.2004, the "Romanitas» http://www.romanitas.ru/Actual/Declaracia% 20i% 20RPAC.htm
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Church in Connecticut allowed the animals to commune
Clergy Episcopal Church in Connecticut allowed parishioners to attend services with their pets, and to allow animals to the adoption of the Holy Communion.
According to the St. Francis Episcopal Church in Stamford, is only part of a new initiative aimed at attracting the temple pets. Much part of the clergy welcomed the completion of his flock at the expense of smaller brothers, because recently the number of believers has decreased significantly. Under this initiative, some priests have even invented a special service and prayers for the four-legged parishioners, and others go to sick animals at home. Priests often accompany pet owners to veterinary hospitals, if unhappy at serious risk - to be with them at the last minute. Some priests even Episcopalians funeral of dogs and cats at the funeral.
true that some believers express their dissatisfaction with the fact that they have be in the church side by side with the animals. For example, one longtime parishioner, church leaders sent an email with a complaint that his son-in occurred attack of allergies. In addition, in his opinion, from dog bites can hurt children.
I remember Bishop Mark of Berlin said that when he was celibate priest, he had to serve in a German city, where the Orthodox parish rented part of the temple with a separate entrance from the Lutherans.
Service at the Orthodox and evangelists came to an end almost simultaneously, and he does not just have to see how "svyaschennitsa - Protestant liturgy after the rabbits were fed remnants of the Eucharist and the wine (blood of Christ) is simply poured onto the lawn.
Clergy Episcopal Church in Connecticut allowed parishioners to attend services with their pets, and to allow animals to the adoption of the Holy Communion.
According to the St. Francis Episcopal Church in Stamford, is only part of a new initiative aimed at attracting the temple pets. Much part of the clergy welcomed the completion of his flock at the expense of smaller brothers, because recently the number of believers has decreased significantly. Under this initiative, some priests have even invented a special service and prayers for the four-legged parishioners, and others go to sick animals at home. Priests often accompany pet owners to veterinary hospitals, if unhappy at serious risk - to be with them at the last minute. Some priests even Episcopalians funeral of dogs and cats at the funeral.
true that some believers express their dissatisfaction with the fact that they have be in the church side by side with the animals. For example, one longtime parishioner, church leaders sent an email with a complaint that his son-in occurred attack of allergies. In addition, in his opinion, from dog bites can hurt children.
I remember Bishop Mark of Berlin said that when he was celibate priest, he had to serve in a German city, where the Orthodox parish rented part of the temple with a separate entrance from the Lutherans.
Service at the Orthodox and evangelists came to an end almost simultaneously, and he does not just have to see how "svyaschennitsa - Protestant liturgy after the rabbits were fed remnants of the Eucharist and the wine (blood of Christ) is simply poured onto the lawn.
Thursday, March 11, 2004
Mw2 Russian To English Patch
preteandrei @ 2004-03-11T13: 25:00
E. Pilgrim told
interesting case from his childhood:
They lived in Georgia, in their terrain on the mountain was an old Orthodox church, to which all residents once a year pilgrimage.
When they once again went there to pray during the feast, together sovsemi went and her uncle, Mr., a strange man, always muttering something under his breath and did not communicate. His father, during the persecutions of the Church, was the most active destroyer of the temple and the city has done much harm to Christians.
When everything came to the foot of the mountain, has suddenly took off and flew to the church on top. Through the narrow little window in the dome, through which could enter unless a bird, he flew into the temple, all numb with surprise. Entering the church Pilgrims saw that G. was sitting near the altar and speaks to swallow, squatting in front. Although all clearly heard the conversation, no one could understand a word.
G. could not remember anything of what happened.
Pilgrim asked me, can I pray for the already deceased uncle Mr and put a candle for him in the temple?
interesting case from his childhood:
They lived in Georgia, in their terrain on the mountain was an old Orthodox church, to which all residents once a year pilgrimage.
When they once again went there to pray during the feast, together sovsemi went and her uncle, Mr., a strange man, always muttering something under his breath and did not communicate. His father, during the persecutions of the Church, was the most active destroyer of the temple and the city has done much harm to Christians.
When everything came to the foot of the mountain, has suddenly took off and flew to the church on top. Through the narrow little window in the dome, through which could enter unless a bird, he flew into the temple, all numb with surprise. Entering the church Pilgrims saw that G. was sitting near the altar and speaks to swallow, squatting in front. Although all clearly heard the conversation, no one could understand a word.
G. could not remember anything of what happened.
Pilgrim asked me, can I pray for the already deceased uncle Mr and put a candle for him in the temple?
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