Monday, February 28, 2011

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Instead Russian aircraft will build China

... have to take the brackets all the evidence, all Experimental accumulated material and ask the reader to take my word for that, firstly, when I say "class-neurotic," I do not juggle beautiful words, and enter full-fledged concept. And, secondly, the class neuroticism, as well as any other neuroticism, is based on the presence of two poles - positive and negative.
In our case, the positive pole (also known as the Hegelian "thesis") contains the unshakable confidence in this class absolute well-being of the current situation. Key words that make out that confidence in the Chief exclusive, and I would even say, esoteric slogan era: "All in chocolate." It is pronounced so often and so confidently, that I sometimes dream at night chocolate, I swear! But I will not bore the reader my goyevskimi (and even borhesovskimi) nightmares about chocolate.

I turn immediately to the second - the negative - the pole in the discussion I fateful bipolar psychological model. (I urge the reader not accidentally confused with bipolar geopolitical model, but if very much want to, then please).

At the negative pole (also known as the Hegelian "antithesis") - today a complete panic. Our political class, no matter how he tried to neurotically supplant the experience of Egyptian colleagues in general, and Mubarak, in particular, in the depths of the soul can not understand that the Egyptian bell tolls for him. The loss of power on the Egyptian model leads to a loss of property - the same model. And that loss of power and property in an environment where enemies "on-go-go as" they "on-th-th which "leads to the loss of life. That's what wanders into the subconscious (and in the inner corners of consciousness) in our class neurotic. Wanders - despite all the talk about "Chocolate".

So, is the Hegelian thesis and antithesis, Hegel. A synthesis is not. That is, it do not exist. One hundred percent no, you know?



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