here, say I guys, why all
remember that even ten years ago, she was nominated only as a crap, created exclusively for printing.
No, I do not mean that there are interfaces or syakie not about the fact that all samotychnye screen is like or not like. I mean what I have lying around the house
What AJ-products such that there is good? I think it's too soon comes into disrepair over Sonyami.
Shl. I epplovsky interface do not like it, I'd even say annoying.
ZZY. I have a friend give to by Apple products are always on trial, much of which was not all some abiotic it turned out, did not go into widespread use.
ZZY. The fact that any goats obsessive trumpeting Learn about the advantage of Apple, of course - paid for, it is unclear why people continue to buy unneeded junk for the insane price.
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