I have a weakness, I'm partial to knives.
noticed this peculiarity in childhood: I liked take knife in hand, worn on a belt or pocket, is very like the process of grinding, but most of all I liked to use knives: cut, chip, scrape, cut something ...
Interestingly, this tendency is characteristic of all men in general (something genetic, inherited from ancestors), and may not be the only men, but for women too? Women are in fact used knives constantly and much, certainly not less, if not more men ...
Now, I also constantly wear with a knife, suitable to the occasion (of several).
folding pocket knives
1. Knife lying in the backpack - perfect for an autopsy packing, cutting the seals, for other random work necessary townspeople. Firm type Magnum, the country of origin is unknown.
2.Nozh lying in the portfolio - has one distinct advantage: not vyzvanivaetsya metal detectors, apparently due to the small size and thin blade. In life it is mainly have to cut apples and peaches for spontaneous office feasts.
Classic (albeit tiny), Opinel, bought in France.
3. Knife lying in the inner pocket of his jacket off. Used on the same spontaneous feasts in polite society, when the public moves in an unexpected place. Ideal for cutting cheese, pates and cured meats. Made of soft steel nerzhaveyushey quickly sharpen to razor sharpness. Classic lagiol from the "cow":) Bought in France.
4. Where do without Swiss knife? I take it with you when traveling, because it performs many functions, as you yourself guess by looking at the picture. Donated to the DR about ten years ago:
Knives utility
5. Classic northern knife made of modern materials. Very uhvatisty and lightweight, the water does not sink. I take it with you hiking, when a heavy backpack. Bought in Sweden. Not a bad steel, which, впрочем, достаточно легко заточнить об любой камень:
6. Рыбный нож: им и почистить хорошо, и выпотрошить, и распластовать. Также отлично годится для slicing mushrooms, vegetables and soft meat. Bought in Finland:
7. The modern version of Fink. Few pontovat, but good at simple incursions into the forest and at the picnic. In any case, the belt looks very impressive. Bought in Finland.
Here, these are the knives, which are almost constantly in use (as appropriate situations arise, of course).
There are several special, and a few souvenirs brought back from distant countries, if you're interested, I can then write and about them.
Say, you use the knives in their daily lives, whether to carry a folding knife?
Shl. Cchitaetsya that the knife must operate. The fate of a good knife, lying without use, it seems to me fatally unnatural.
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