None of it did not expect this:)
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Things To Use As Lube For Male Masterbation
a long time since I have not taken into the hands of detectives.
Wonderful reading - saaspens, info, plus a love of Greenland. Earlier This desert area is absolutely not interested in me, now willingly will visit on occasion.
good little book, essential reading.
Shl. Incidentally, I adore snow and ice, if you had time to forget.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Johnson Bros China Old English
Frendo, but help me please, I'm yesterday's eye saw the bear met
Shl. I would be happy to place here the photo of this character for public discussion.
Monday, January 17, 2011
What Does It Mean When Hematocrit Level
Here on the one event I brought the stoparik vodka. As presented, I would have to drink it, already shaken .... began to refuse to invoke close competitions, etc.
looked at me like an idiot, and right off the bat: "You have che, do not respect?"
"No - I say - do not respect it because you want me to rape"
Just do not end up a fight, the right word, it's better to say that wired an alcoholic, not a man did not offend. What kind of people eksel-moksel ...
So it goes.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Pokemon Heartgold Sprite Sheets
Reading this book will inevitably come to the conclusion that life is as taint appears in more or less appropriate for her circumstances, would probably not surprising that it find somewhere else besides Earth, but what if it suddenly does not find (but this I tell you, practically impossible).
Friday, January 14, 2011
Couple Budget Template
1. We live not far from the circus Sparrow Hills - not the best neighborhood, I must say. But today was just a mess: all the cars parked on the street at night was taken Copernicus in an unknown direction in order, to seamlessly accommodate coaches leading up to the circus children (as I understand it, from children's homes). Difficult, probably have something against this, but I allow myself a few words.
Imagine a situation where you're going in the morning from home, do not find a parked car in the evening; surely, the residents of neighborhoods mentally prepared for this turn of events, because, if not the first time, but where do you want to look for his wheelbarrow? Do you think it accurately moved into a nearby yard? Yeah, right ....
second moment: do you think of the buses drove modestly waiting for their passengers who traveled on child holiday? You are extremely naive - almost none of them jamming the engine (shabby provincial buses on diesel fuel have seen counterfeit - they are), and they stand in neposredstvkennoy proximity to houses, but where they go bydlovodily pogadit, too, can easily understand.
In principle, a great event - were brought orphans to the circus (not the most, among other things, an intellectual of the classes), report back good and trumpeted it in the campaign, how nice! This is not a daily painstaking cultivation of high-grade man is cheap and cheerful! Russia cares about its children ....
2. Our children are engaged in language in the school of additional education, if you have no idea what it is - I'll explain: after regular classes they attend something more like free linguistic circle, which, in fact, more than just a linguistic circle. Them there and teach dance and songs, and a lot of what else ..... kids love these lessons and run on them running, even though its high load. It should be noted that blyagodarya additional training, they say the language very well.
general DO teach in multiple languages, in addition to the main European there just a lot of Chinese ... Do you know of places where children are taught the Chinese?
should add that education to the free, take back all comers (not all, of course, children are interviewed at admission, which is quite natural, and can say that taking a very objective, you are not some shitty MGIMO ...). It is also assumed that the salary of teachers was not terribly kind, believe me, I am a professional can not judge the person's income povidu this man himself ....
In principle, anyone is to not interfere, but ...!!! They occupy space, they also burning heat and electricity ... so yesterday during class (I stress, the middle classes (such as, children in the ass) in the UP there are people from Sobyakina and sobyakinsky read out an order to cease funding and weaning facilities). And quickly, with sweeping ...
Actually, not add, not subtract that .... I say - another confirmation of the strategy and tactics upyrskih nits, whatever it is called - a plan Doe?
In principle, all reasonable and practical, Pupkin sobyakinyh and easy to understand - what with their hands to nurture those who subsequently will consider them as inferior, in spite of all circumstances and all the propaganda? They are not very fond of the Moscow intelligentsia, just before the tremor and involuntary salivation.
Please note we are not talking about the transition to self-financing DO, the introduction of tuition fees, maintenance facilities, etc. Parents, perhaps it would be somehow moved .... not-a root cause is found, so the output is only one - Liquidation.
Obviously, children from orphanages are much more appreciative audience in all respects for the plan ny ...
Well, wait and see.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Who Is Kate From Kates Playground
Endemic англификация расстраивает меня. Как бы это повежливее сказать, но в России англомания всегда считалась уделом людей не самого лучшего характера и тяжёлого disposition, and
current version of it to the same highly defective poshiba - U.S., which absorbed most repulsive and misanthropic from the Anglo-Saxon culture .... Well, God bless him, I do not about that.
Once upon a time I was a boy and studied at the school, where he taught French. I studied well, probably a good thing, but the French were interested in me, just like a mind game, imagine that ever need to apply it in practice, in those dark times was impossible.
course in high school, I became aware of the attractive force of a different culture, but rather only as an opportunity for fresh air, sticking his nose at cover soviet garbage bin. By tenth grade I was able to achieve quite a decent level that allows easily to talk about nonsense and read gossip detectives without a dictionary! Actually since the language is not particularly rusts in the head, in those infrequent moments when you have to speak French, it turns out almost stress-free, almost automatically, that, frankly, surprised me. That's what it means to learn the language as a child!
But again, I is not about ...
Actually, I want to introduce a French song, which I think needs to hear every cultured man, the more so because it does not take much time and does not require
intellectual strain. This is a classic French song that showcases the depths of the French soul. Translation, I hope not need there and everything is clear:)
Alas, video is not embedded, but not too lazy to click on the link, great cartoon.
this song we sang in the first grade choir boys, and I am still tormented by the question, if only the Methodists of Rono, who owned not a foreign language, penetrated the intricacies of the plot, they would have remained cool, or shown shovels vigilance?
time passed, replaced by junior middle, then, of course, the time has come an overabundance of hormones, and even in France there is just one interesting topic is really rewarding - the language and culture allows dive into it very thoroughly.
bad influence Anglo mentality seems to me at least that peredmet having in French no less ten reflect the subtleties of names in the current Russian language is exhausted in short, unmistakable signs of having a tracing from the English (speaking, Of course, pro Tits), and it went very vulgar, it's not in Russian in the end ...
course, we are addicted to the Anglo-American music, as well as other peers knew by heart the content of album mega-groups Seventy; but that French music - is something quite different, a different attitude to life and to himself and to others, pity that in our country, this topic is not delayed, so it seems, and the French themselves are now quite different.
Incidentally, in France, the Anglo-American rock ever was not particularly popular, its enough. Let us, and we look funny clip from the 70's, he looks good and is now quite easy (this song, forgetting about the chronicles of a small boat, we sang in high school:)
Returning to the hypothetical people of RONO I can say that such forms of immersion, they would not approved. Although there is not anything special - a common thing for young people (although sex education in schools were introduced much later).
Now all this it seems ridiculous, but we must acknowledge that such liberties in the middle of the party and Combes pioneer mentality rolled just because firstly School We had no extra soviet piety, and secondly (and this is important!) the teacher, we were cool: young, charming, intelligent and bright - I'm still in love with them at all. It was they who paved the duct in the Soviet cloaca and trim our oak and brick brains to more or less the human condition. For what they are, Of course, a tremendous merci!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Footed Pajamas Sewing Pattern
Here's how you run for a year?
If you do not like jogging, then, probably, not at all .... but I seem to know how much per year overcame a run, good people do not give to forget ....
2005 - 1507 km
2006 - 1562 km
2007 - 1473 km
2008 - 1314 km
2009 - 1197 km
2010 - 1262 km
In general, it is understandable why in previous years, I was thinner , than now, then, will work.
course, it's winter, I have miles to 800 rolls on skis, but the summer tyschonku at large, but still, compared to the cross-country fanatics, none of my volumes.
Whenever summing up, I draw a guglirfe circle diameter of the annual distance (just for fun) in the past year I managed to reach the Stockholm ... we'll see what happens in this:)
Friday, January 7, 2011
Pastor Anniversary Letters Of Congratulations
See on Yandex.Maps
Impressed yesterday Travel map Ugranskogo studied region of Smolensk region. The names on the map stirred my immature mind, neighing. That is, a blatant example:
Mokhnatko - Village in Ugranskom district of Smolensk region, Russia. Included in the Podsosonskogo rural settlement. Population - 4 person (2007).
Located in the south-eastern region, 22 km south-east of the Ugra, 16 km south of the R132 highway Vyazma - Kaluga - Tula - Ryazan, on the banks of the river Popolta. At 21 km west of the village is a railway station on the line Vertehovo Torzhok-Bryansk.
, however, think, like you used to live in a village with a population of four! resident? whether there is electricity and other benefits of civilization, I think you answer yourself.
Unfortunate my country ....
Reasons For Bleeding After Polypectomy In Uterus
went to visit Vassilich in Smolensk. (5-th and on January 6)
Vassilich lives right near the ski slopes, so the city could not see:) but rode naslavu.
track is small, only about 4 km, is preparing by local skiers - not ideal, but for such circumstances is good, we had fun.
the evening went to a restaurant Smolensk Fortress - A real, 100% tavern, if not full of other places without visitors, everything would have been awful:) and so completely.
morning drive another tridtsatochku, had dinner and went to in Kaluga for children, stayed with an aunt.
way, Minsk highway - quite tolerable, unlike the infamous road to Peter, and the coating, and equipment (with a cafe, of course, Ass, as elsewhere in Russia).
But on the road from Smolensk to Kaluga, had to travel 150 km from Kaluga Vyazma to local highway to be honest, expecting the worst, but it turned out reasonably well - almost always managed to go 90-100, though the highway was almost empty.
from Kaluga and Moscow went to Kiev highway - also very decent, True, a decent part starts only on the Kaluga and Bryansk in the direction (we had to drive through the site five miles) is a magical nightmare to go there strongly do not recommend (one lane in each direction, asphalt like a washboard).
the middle of the road in the city were Balabanovo attack cops, who were sitting in ambush - garbage fabricated a fake computer image speeding, disgusting, of course, let zadavyastya, nits. However, it did not spoil our overall impression.
So, hello to all of Smolensk and Kaluga:)
Shl. Yes, keep in mind that the snow from the streets to Solenske practically clean, and in Kaluga all licked up the last snowflake. These cases ...
Monday, January 3, 2011
On Grid Inverter Schematic
I have a weakness, I'm partial to knives.
noticed this peculiarity in childhood: I liked take knife in hand, worn on a belt or pocket, is very like the process of grinding, but most of all I liked to use knives: cut, chip, scrape, cut something ...
Interestingly, this tendency is characteristic of all men in general (something genetic, inherited from ancestors), and may not be the only men, but for women too? Women are in fact used knives constantly and much, certainly not less, if not more men ...
Now, I also constantly wear with a knife, suitable to the occasion (of several).
folding pocket knives
1. Knife lying in the backpack - perfect for an autopsy packing, cutting the seals, for other random work necessary townspeople. Firm type Magnum, the country of origin is unknown.
2.Nozh lying in the portfolio - has one distinct advantage: not vyzvanivaetsya metal detectors, apparently due to the small size and thin blade. In life it is mainly have to cut apples and peaches for spontaneous office feasts.
Classic (albeit tiny), Opinel, bought in France.
3. Knife lying in the inner pocket of his jacket off. Used on the same spontaneous feasts in polite society, when the public moves in an unexpected place. Ideal for cutting cheese, pates and cured meats. Made of soft steel nerzhaveyushey quickly sharpen to razor sharpness. Classic lagiol from the "cow":) Bought in France.
4. Where do without Swiss knife? I take it with you when traveling, because it performs many functions, as you yourself guess by looking at the picture. Donated to the DR about ten years ago:
Knives utility
5. Classic northern knife made of modern materials. Very uhvatisty and lightweight, the water does not sink. I take it with you hiking, when a heavy backpack. Bought in Sweden. Not a bad steel, which, впрочем, достаточно легко заточнить об любой камень:
6. Рыбный нож: им и почистить хорошо, и выпотрошить, и распластовать. Также отлично годится для slicing mushrooms, vegetables and soft meat. Bought in Finland:
7. The modern version of Fink. Few pontovat, but good at simple incursions into the forest and at the picnic. In any case, the belt looks very impressive. Bought in Finland.
Here, these are the knives, which are almost constantly in use (as appropriate situations arise, of course).
There are several special, and a few souvenirs brought back from distant countries, if you're interested, I can then write and about them.
Say, you use the knives in their daily lives, whether to carry a folding knife?
Shl. Cchitaetsya that the knife must operate. The fate of a good knife, lying without use, it seems to me fatally unnatural.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Womens Girdles And Hose
I wrote this fic for the 4th of fanfic_italia p0rn fest. Hey this is the first time I participate (and I write a story p0rn!), Have mercy! : D
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco / Harry
Rating: Red, NC17
Prompt: Draco Malfoy / Harry Potter, "How, pray?" "Enchantment Sturaorecchie, Malfoy . The Wizengamot gave you probation, but only to my care "
Genre : I was
Disclaimer: The characters do not belong to me but to JK Rowlings (not that I ever write something about them XD), we do not gain a penny apart from your own reviews, so be lengthy
* _ * Warnings: slash, lemon, language, sadomasochism, non-consensual, BDSM, bondage, crossdressing, violence, descriptive, descriptive sex, extreme sex.
In the four days that separated him from the process, the other man returned five times. Three of them in the company of others.
Draco really began to hope that condemned him to kiss, or that he did fulfill Potter - not that there were their to count, given the way in which they had left - finally giving him the right to commit suicide.
did not believe that his body was like a torture device. His education was based on guilt and emotional blackmail. Previously, he had taken only by Potter, during the days preceding and at school - but there it was fisticuffs between puppies, nothing more.
And Draco realized that even in the past few days together ... there was no malice in shots Potter, when he raised his hands. There was violence, yes, there was a rush, and sadism ... but not evil. There was passion and love ... almost
And his humiliation ... even there, there was no malice. There was a perversion, and a certain sadistic pleasure, and a kind of absurd complicity, recognizing the power of the other, almost with love ... yes, Potter had given them to him for this, for love.
And Draco had taken for love.
When he arrived the day of the trial, Draco was lying naked in the cell, the vacant look dirty and legs, cheeks smeared with tears now dried.
did not know what day it was or what year it was or who he was and why was the world.
The first few times he tried to kick and had caught a couple of Cruciatus Fracci and a beating. So
had become a dead thing. A dead thing has a couple of holes open now available to anyone.
Draco Malfoy wandered lost in the maze of his mind and remained only on the earthly world her body, a broken body, in very poor conditions and barely react only to pain.
Draco Malfoy had forgotten to be alive.
When the door opened, and a wand was pointed at him, Draco did not even move his eyes.
"Detainee A-407, is the time of your trial."
still does not move and fix a point in a vacuum.
"Are you deaf? Get up and move, disgusting. Why are not you wearing pants? "
Draco stood up and picked up his pants and put them on and all this seemed completely pointless. Man knew because she was wearing under his uniform on.
"It stinks to be sick." Said the man when he knelt to free from the shackles and handcuffed his wrists and ankles.
not answered.
'Well, you waiting for? Out and walk. "
He did as he was ordered. The man led him into the room of the change in uniform and put his hand box.
Draco looked at him inquiringly. He opened the box and took the collar, rigirandoselo in one hand.
"I do not have my clothes." He said.
"I have no clothes. Apart from those who wear it. "
" I'm yours. "
" I know. "
" And how do you go to trial? With this thing on? We are already late. "
Draco shrugged. He winks at his uniform, visibly stained with blood, and more. To carry it so, the guards threatened them, the process, all right.
"Shit." The man put his hand through his hair. Open one of the other boxes out of the question was: To prevent theft, each was equipped with a magic mechanism that allowed it to open only at the trial of the prisoner concerned. suddenly a great knock on the door made him almost be a hit. He turned to Draco. "On your knees, on the wall with their hands up."
Draco obeyed, a bit 'slow movements from the handcuffs. His eyes were fixed on the wall and could not see what was going on behind itself, but also heard the voice.
"I'm here for the trial of Mr. Malfoy ..."
"Oh, Mr. Potter! There was a small problem with the clothes .... I ... "
" Excuse me, but the Wizengamot has been waiting for half an hour and you are likely to delay the deliberation process. Where is Draco? "
" Draco? "
" Mr. Malfoy. "
" Oh, well 'is ... here. "
" Well, let me go. "
" ... It is not very presentable. "
" It does not matter. Let me go. "
" I repeat that ... "
" let me in. I said! And I take off your hands off me! Stupeficium "
Draco felt the thud of the guard fell to the ground, rattling the floor under her knees. And the voice of Harry and his hands on him.
"Dr ... Malfoy, Malfoy oh, What have they done? "
There was shooting and Harry looked around and examine it with shining eyes. "Oh my God" The pointed his wand on his legs. "Scratch Net." Touched his hand clutching the collar. "Does it hurt anything, Malfoy?"
Draco did not answer. Harry casts spell some analgesic on his body and had a slight feeling of relief. Then he transfigured the rags he was wearing a shirt and a pair of pants. Not that the situation would improve greatly.
"We must we go, Malfoy, or lose the trial and sent him back a month. "
Draco did not answer yet, but it seemed that he understood.
Harry took him by the wrist. "Come."
"The defendant sit down."
Harry shook. Draco seemed to be the worst of the murderers, the vacant look and the hands still stained with blood. Had not noticed, when cleaned, and although it was probably his blood, did a nice effect. Draco obeyed passively, as it seemed to do with any order. The chains rattled the chair, but did not move as they had done with him thousands of years ago. He sighed with relief. Maybe it was a good sign in his favor, at least one.
listened to the list of accusations and shook it again. There was for several life terms. There was a kiss.
"The defendant has something to say?"
Draco did not move. Do not even move his eyes.
"The witnesses for the prosecution to rise up."
were fifteen. The first twelve Harry did not know them, but he was almost on his knees praying for Ron and Luna help him.
Ron, however, said a few broken phrases about how the mead was not prepared for him that did nothing but emphasize the attempted murder of Dumbledore.
"I mean, could not have known that would happen in my hand, no? He wanted to kill the president. So here, in reality has not really tried to kill me ... oh, miseriaccia. "
Luna made a pathetic speech on the alleged property Gorgosprizzi and sweating of Draco.
"You see, the cells of the Manor were infested of Gorgosprizzi! And probably Malfoy secretes some substance through the skin ... maybe it's present in his sweats. When he came to check that we had not escaped or that Ollivander was still alive after the torture, all Gorgosprizzi melted away! "
He probably wanted to highlight this alleged ability to Malfoy elementally of Gorgosprizzi as a merit, but the result was only worse.
Katie Bell made a tirade about how he could die and also made use of various medical reports. A roar of indignation burst from the crowd. Something was launched from the ramparts of the public and when he went to hit on the shoulder Harry saw Draco that it was a rotten egg. The judge struck the gavel.
Ten pm in the silence became almost unbearable.
"Witnesses for the defense: Harry Potter."
Draco had left the chair as the embrace of a Dementor. The chains were shaken but had left him in peace. It was concentrated by being present at his trial, but the company seemed impossible. His mind continued to leave. He barely heard the speeches of the fifteen witnesses for the prosecution. The only one that had seemed have a minimum of direction had been to Luna Lovegood, which was saying something. However, he ceased to be any illusion.
was dead.
After the pull of Katie Bell, someone threw a rotten egg at him. He closed his eyes. He had no hope.
And then, Harry Potter began his testimony. He talked and talked and Draco did not do nothing but watch his lips and eyes, and he could not hear a single word.
And yet, the jury retired for the verdict.
Draco could not believe his ears.
"By decree of the Wizengamot Mr. Hyperion Draco Malfoy is acquitted of all charges, based on the testimony of Mr. Harry James Potter. The Wizengamot recalls Mr. Malfoy that may apply in the testamentary provisions of the Ministerial Severus Snape. The court withdraws. The session was closed. "
Acquitted of all charges.
The court withdraws.
The sitting closed.
Draco found himself in the sunlight with the collar in one hand and divided miserable and leaned against the wall of the Ministry trying to avoid the many looks that said they were ostensibly completely disagree with the decision of the Wizengamot. Leaned against the wall and waited for Harry.
Harry went out with his hands in his pockets and his head down. Draco saw him and approached him. She looked at him, opened his mouth and he was without words.
"Malfoy." Harry looked uncomfortable. "Now you're free."
"Draco. Call me Draco. Thanks, Harry. "
" Do not thank me. I did what was right. "
" I ... I'm in big trouble, Harry. I need your help. I ... "
" Have not you heard, in the process? Snape she left her home in Spinner's End is a bit of galleons in the bank. There is no need for you ... ask me. "
" It's not that. I ... I can not put one thing alone. You should think about you. "
" What? "
Draco held out his collar. The studs sparkled for a moment in the sun, in contrast to the shiny black leather.
"tie it to me, please?"
Dynorooz Bowling Shoes Canada
I wrote this fic for the 4th of fanfic_italia p0rn fest. Hey this is the first time I participate (and I write a story p0rn!), Have mercy! : D
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco / Harry
Rating: Red, NC17
Prompt: Draco Malfoy / Harry Potter, "How, pray?" "Enchantment Sturaorecchie, Malfoy . The Wizengamot gave you probation, but only to my care "
Genre: I was
Disclaimer: The characters do not belong to me but to JK Rowlings (I do not think that ever would write something about them XD) we do not gain a penny apart from your own reviews, so be verbose * _ *
Warnings: slash, lemon, language, sadomasochism, non-consensual, BDSM, bondage, crossdressing, violence, descriptive, descriptive sex, extreme sex.
The next morning he woke up on the couch. A tray with breakfast on the table was down there before and Draco stared at him sitting on the ground, smoking, an ashtray at his side.
"... I've prepared the breakfast?"
"And that?" He pointed to the tray .
"It was the Blue Fairy."
"Did you dress ... woman? "
" No. "
" And those? "
" They are the clothes of yesterday. "
" ... "
" ... "
"I did not know you smoked."
"Sometimes." Draco hesitated. "I took one of yours. I hope you do not mind. "
" No, I do not mind. "
" ... "
" ... "
"I'm sorry for last night."
Harry looked surprised but did not answer, let it continue.
"It's just that ... I do not know."
Harry approached him and gently stroked her cheek. "Maybe I was the force too much time."
Draco frowned. "I do not know."
"You want to talk about?"
"It's all very confusing." Began. Then he realized that was the very first time in recent years, the part that someone asked him how he felt about something. "Very confused." He repeated.
"It's not like you poisoned my coffee, right?"
"Evita unhappy characters, Potter."
Harry closed his eyes. Rosmerta. The poisoned mead. Ron drooling white foam on the ground with convulsions.
Draco's past was a minefield.
"Sorry, I was not referring to ..."
“Ieri sembravi molto arrabbiato.”
“Lo ero.” Esitò. “Ero anche molto spaventato.”
“E oggi cos’è cambiato?”
“Non lo so. Non importa più, suppongo.”
“Che cosa non importa più?”
“Niente. Non importa più niente. Puoi farmi tutto quello che vuoi.”
“Cosa intendi con ‘non importa più niente’?”
"What ... how to put things ... nothing has more importance now."
"Nothing is more important?"
"I do not know."
"Draco & hellip and if nothing matters, what does it matter? * "
Draco stood up and took off slowly. It stands naked and thin in light, in front of Harry. He had nothing on him now. Only the collar and make-up tired, and yet it was beautiful.
He took a few steps and knelt at his feet, dirty bare shoulders and between her legs, her hands on the flap of his trousers. He pulled down his blue jeans and stuck his thumbs in the briefs and Harry stared at him trying to understand.
Then it happened just that Draco took it in his mouth, gently, and then sucked and licked and let it go to slam sull'ugola, and I really felt in my throat to vomit, and Harry felt breathe and breathe faster and faster, and forced and forced until Harry came in, a stream of dense and hot sperm. She swallowed and
Harry licked his penis and felt a tear round settle on his pubic hair and looked down and met the desperate look of Draco.
"Import that you respect the deal." He clenched his eyes. "Import I do whatever you want, whatever you want, Potter, I'll be your whore, without emotion, your slave without pride, the dog that brings you your slippers holding them in his mouth, and I'll let you hit me and abuse me as you want in these days that remain, and no matter whether the process will arrive bruised and your semen, I do not care more leads us on a leash if I dressed up as the worst of whores, I do not care if the whole wizarding world will treat me for the rest of my life as the foul that gave away the ass to be done, I do not care if you say I'm a fag pervert and corrupt I do not care if the name of my family is ruined forever, all that matters is ... "
" You? "Harry asked hopefully.
"is that you respect the deal. Now they are in dance, dance. I'll do what you want, you let her do what you want. And you get me the acquittal at the trial. "
" You ... think in these terms? You're doing to do these things just to buy you freedom? "Harry looked stunned.
"You've never seen Azkaban, Potter? You know what awaits me there? "
" This has nothing to do. You live like this ... blackmail? Violence ... a ... abuse? "
" Why, what is for you this? "
" of a game. Of ... "Harry's mouth opened and closed a couple of times, without speaking. "A fucking game ... love."
"Love?" The roaring laughter of Draco's sent a shiver down the spine. "Here we talk about everything but love, Potter."
"You're wrong, I ..."
"You what? Do you love me? "He had said in a sarcastic tone so that Harry did not dare say yes.
"I ..."
"Potter." Draco dropped back down and crossed his legs. "Here I am, naked and available with a collar around his neck. You have four days to get me the fuck you want. I told you not plant them the most grief and do not oppose more resistance to anything, as long as you help me with the process. What the fuck more do you want? "
" I do not know, Malfoy ... if you live it as a violence, none of this makes sense. "
"What?" Draco's eyes grew huge. "How should I live this? Be dragged to a collar, naked, humiliated, violated and treated as the last of the whores from your enemy of all time? What should be, for you? "
Love, Harry thought, but merely said:" An erotic pleasure .. a game. "
" An erotic pleasure? A game? This is a perversion, Potter, shit! "
" But it turns me on. "The Harry did this.
Draco fell silent and looked down. "It is not true." He whispered.
yes it is true, thought Harry. And suddenly he understood.
"You have not released any of them." He said.
"They who?"
"I thought that when we did those things ... I am the Master, thou slave, and there was no one else ..."
"Potter, what the fuck are you talking about ?
not found the words to explain it. But he understood, finally. They were not alone. Draco was not alone. Draco was the omnipresent shadow of love Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, dozens of generations of fucking Malfoy set with the rigor and decency and honor, made love in the shadow of all his fucking meaning of fault, all the people who had nearly died or had died from what he considered his responsibility to fix it while you were there was to dress up as Harry Potter woman, his father, his mother, his teachers, his friends, all who had completely different image him.
Suddenly, Harry felt a wave of horror vacui image of the abyss of shame and violence that Draco must have felt, maybe it was just too humiliating for him to make love with a man ... yet Draco was gay, was clearly gay, but could not agree to be in the eyes of Lucius and Narcissa or her ancestors and her eyes were constantly on him constantly on his soul, even though Lucius and Narcissa were miles away and her ancestors were lying white in the small family cemetery of the Manor who knows ... it had been humiliating to lend to be fucked, used, mistreated, humiliated, with those eyes staring at him ... that's why he threw up ... that's why burst into tears out of nothing.
"You let yourself do this only for the process? You did not understand nothing, nothing ... nothing these days, anything about me. "
" What do you mean, Potter? "
" Do you think the kind of person who lets himself be bribed with sex or making sexual harassment? I will say at the trial, Draco, has nothing, nothing to do with your presence here or not. "
"Are you saying that all this was useless?"
"No, I'm not saying that. But obviously, if that's what you think, yeah, it was all in vain. "
" I will defend to the process? "
" I did not say that either. Draco ... "
" Do not call me Draco, please. "
Harry bit his lip. "Malfoy, you do not understand anything. The reason why I did this ... I wanted us to be ... you and me. I wanted you 'bout to feel ashamed and feel guilty about things you're not responsible. I realized I wanted this. I wanted ... "
" What the fuck are you talking about? "
" You feel guilty ... you feel guilty for the attack on the school, for the final battle, you feel guilty about Voldemort, you feeling guilty for the arrest of your father, the death of your mother ... you feel guilty for things that make no sense, Draco, because you are a fragile person and the world out there takes advantage of you. Do not you understand? For you, it makes sense to feel guilty for having contravened to my order?! I know ... when I told you to look at me, yesterday in the bathroom, or when my dinner was a bit 'burnt? "
" No, Potter, "Draco began acid, but Harry did not let him finish.
"Exactly! There is no point feeling guilty about things like that, as there is no point feeling guilty about all the dead War Magic! Not your fault! It is di Non. Guilt. Your! Draco ... no sense of shame in front of me go to the bathroom or dress like a woman or make dinner or get me a blow job, just like no sense of shame to have that mark on your arm or your father or the son of a ... "
" Enough, please. "Draco's face was hidden in his hands. "Enough! I can not. "
" Stop! Cut it out of shame, DRACO! That's what I was trying to do, that's what I wanted to ... get rid of all those feelings of guilt and shame and the shame that useless and all that prevents you from living your life as you deserve! It was not to punish you for something in particular. It was fucking punish you because you have this irrational need to be punished, for your fucking, irrational guilt, here. "
" ... You wanted to break free. "Draco was looking at him like watching a crazy dangerous. "And why, pray?"
"Oh Draco, how do you not understand? Because I ... I love you. Maybe before I was violent, but try to understand, I'm the fucking hero of the wizarding world! The pagan idol goodness! I never allowed a moment of cruelty, a time in the wrong ... all have expectations in my comparisons, you expect me to be always good, always with reason. But you do not expect anything from me ... Merlin, Draco, you can be with Harry. With you I can be myself, I have to download the repressed, and I lot of repressed, I admit, but it is for me because you're different from everyone, you ... Morgana, Draco, I love you. Really. I love you. "
" You're sick. "Draco stepped back a few steps. "You are really sick. You're a pervert. I do not need a cock. Nor to be punished. Neither of you . "
" Draco ... "
"Do not touch!" Draco almost escaped.
"Draco, you do not understand, I ..."
"You have brought me here because I love to humiliate , and all I had to pass through your hands will not count for shit process to say exactly what you want? "
" I ... yes, that is ... "
" I want you to bring me back to the Ministry, Potter. Now. "
" No! You do not understand, I ... "
" Take me to that fucking cell ministerial "
Harry's arms fell to the sides of his body. "You really lived as an act of violence? I can not ... I can not believe it, Malfoy ... why did not you say anything? Why, then, at times it seemed that you like ... "Draco had
back up to find himself more and more cornered. His eyes were wide and short of breath.
"Take me to the Ministry, Potter."
Harry swallowed and looked at him a long look disappointed. "If this is what you want."
picked up a pack of cigarettes left in the floor and lit it. He drew a long breath and bowed his head.
"Yes, that's what I want. I want to bring me back right away. "
" Go and play, "murmured Harry. "Do not I can certainly bring that."
"My clothes have them thrown in the garbage."
"They were disgusting. Take something from me. "
Draco turned away and walked into the bedroom. When she returned, she was wearing a simple white t-shirt and a pair of jeans lysis. The jeans were the size of Harry, but fell to pieces. The t-shirt had belonged to Dudley and it was huge. It seemed that we sailed into Draco.
"You chose the clothes I had worse."
"So I make them just coming off."
Harry bit his lip. Damn, damn. He did not understand anything, and now that one possibility che avevano era svanita per sempre.
“Toglimi questo dannato affare.” Draco infilò due dita nel collare di cuoio e Potter lo fissò, sempre con quello sguardo inespressivo.
Si avvicinò e gli tolse il collare, poi glielo ficcò in mano. “Portatelo via, per favore. Buttalo, facci quello che ti pare.”
"I do not want. Would hate to have it before my eyes. "
" Get him yourself. "
" I can not do. "
" So I take that too, just arrived. "
Harry ignored the latter comment. He just ask
"Are you ready for the Joint Dematerialization?"
"Give me your hand."
cells were patients of the Ministry. Nothing seemed to have changed a bit since there appeared to pick up Malfoy. A row of gray doors, endless in its squalor. He handed Malfoy
two guards in the room to change uniform. The bit immediately against the rods.
"What's the matter in hand, Death Eaters?"
"A personal item."
"Do not be granted personal effects. Da ' here. "Draco glanced at Harry, and stuck his neck in the hands of one of the two.
"I thought they burned your house filthy with all the shit that was inside." Said one.
"Mr. Potter, you can go." She added other things, lightning.
"... I have to break a contract with Mr. Malfoy."
"Ah. Then wait here. You undress and put the clothes in the box one by one, you bastard. "
Draco undressed and put the clothes in the box.
"T-Shirt white one." Marked the guard. "Blue jeans, either. Shoes, either. Blank Canvas. "
" are his clothes. "
" His whom? "
" Potter. "
" You mean Mr. Potter, the son of a bitch . The guard gave him a backhander. Pop echoed in the room, but Draco did not blink. And Harry bowed his head. He was also concerned that any noticeable marks on the body of Malfoy. What an idiot.
"I am also his shoes." He Malfoy.
One of the guards gestured to another, which took out the clothes from the box and delivered them to Potter.
"Put the uniform, disgusting."
Draco wore the uniform and waited, standing, stiff.
"Anything to declare? Diseases, allergies? "
" No. "
" Mr. Potter, can proceed. "
Harry pulled out the contract. She handed him a pen. "Clear your signature. "He said.
Draco the gate, without looking at him, then laid down his pen. Harry hesitated, took it and also erased his signature.
The contract fell apart in the air between them. Harry looked at Draco. Draco looked away.
"Then it ends." Said Harry.
"Go." Draco replied without looking at him, earning glares from the guards.
Harry hesitated for a second last and still is dematerialized.
The prison began as before. Monotonous and violent.
As soon as they had beaten in his cell, Draco lay down on the only side remained to healthy as he could from the just previous lesson in good manners of the guards. Had seemed to them that they had behaved as it should be or with another or with Mr. Potter. It had taken care to communicate more directly that, in the transition from the change room to the cell.
even now was bleeding from one eye. The left. At the touch was so swollen and hard to doubt that began to be able to open again. Perhaps it would be become an old convict with a ball and chain and an eye patch and he would be called Guercio. And the mothers would tell their children: do the good, or I'll call the Guercio Guercio that ugly! And children would have done good.
Or maybe the Dementors would have kissed him.
Potter Or maybe it would prove to be lousy Gryffindor who claimed to be sentimental, and fulfilled and he would be out of there and he would commit suicide.
Who knows. There were all possibilities, and as in Russian roulette, not that it was really reassuring. Life is
a perverse game. Where had I heard, that phrase? Locked
the eye healthy. Slaps him again resounded in my ears.
"Potter." He whispered to nothing.
Maybe it was the case of falling asleep. To get some sleep '.
To die a little '.
Hoping not to dream here, not that.
It made a kind of cushion with his arm, pulled further down the shirt of his uniform as possible against the cold, and then your knees to your chest and thumb, almost unconsciously, in the mouth, collapsed in sleep like a sick child.
He awoke in the cell, and there was neither time nor space. Two square feet except for two square meters. It could be night like day. Piss in the grate on the floor and groping in the dark, as they had trained long ago, he recognized with a finger bowl of water and a piece of stale bread. He decided to leave food for later, but he was too thirsty. He drank the water.
At one point his tongue recognized something different consistency, more slippery. Almost threw up. The spat had
Coughing and gurgling, stumbled in the chain and ran into the metal door, making a hellish noise. Frightened, retreated and crouched down in the opposite corner of the cell. Hoping that the noise had not ... had not ... But
. Distinctly hear the knock of a rod that was leaning on the door, the vague murmur of a spell, the trigger locks. A shaft of light struck him for a moment, the door opened and shut on its defenseless body.
"What the fuck you were doing, filthy Eaters? Lumos. "
" Nothing. "
" trying to escape? "
" No. I tripped. "
" Sure, you tripped, right. I'm taking the piss? Tell me, take me for a ride? "
The man's hand grabbed her cheeks and pulled. It hurt.
"No." Draco moaned.
"You spit in the dog of your father. Filthy murderess. "The man drew a powerful punch to the stomach. Draco gasped.
"On your knees, dirt Eaters."
"No. Please, no. "
'Do as I told you, dog!" The pointed his wand at. Draco dropped to his knees.
The man undid his pants and raped her mouth. He moved in him pulling his hair back with one hand and pointed his wand on the temple with the other.
That's what made you Potter, tried thinking about Draco. We're already past. That's what made you Potter. Nothing else.
Apart from a wand pointed at his temple and the fact that this guy calls you "dirty Eaters" and "murderess" and your father calls "dog".
"You have a pretty mouth, asshole. Like that bitch your mother. "
your mother" bitch. "
Draco closed his eyes. It was all different. Harry threatened him with death. Harry Fucking as if he were an object. Harry cuddled. The prepared breakfast. Harry also took care of her pleasure.
Harry had never called Death Eaters. " He never insulted his mother and even his father.
Harry had told him that she loved him. Since
call him Harry?
The man came out of his mouth was just hard. Without moving the wand, ordered him to turn around.
"No ..." she pleaded.
"Hush, slave disgusting." I slammed the wall of rudeness. Draco heard the sound of his pasty cheeks flapping against stone, metal well known in the blood, pain.
Then he broke. With the intention
likely to give him all the harm possible. A dry, moving into him brutally, savagely, knocking him against the stone. Shouting "filthy Eaters" and "bastard servant of Voldemort."
When he had finished, I dropped to the ground like a lifeless doll and spit on them.
Draco had no more tears to cry. He stared into the dark trying to focus on something other than nausea, pain, wet between the legs and the feeling of be split in two.
Two bright green eyes, brown curls, peach skin. A lovely red mouth, nasty, iridium spark to him. A face loomed in the dark like an effigy of salvation.
Harry ... oh, Harry.
me away from here.
continues in the next post: D
NOTE * This sentence is JSFoer, but it was too good to not steal it.
Places To Get Prolexis
I wrote this fic for the 4th of fanfic_italia p0rn fest. Hey this is the first time I participate (and I write a story p0rn!), Have mercy! : D
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco / Harry
Rating: Red, NC17
Prompt: Draco Malfoy / Harry Potter, "How, pray?" "Enchantment Sturaorecchie, Malfoy . The Wizengamot gave you probation, but only to my care "
Genre: I was
Disclaimer: The characters do not belong to me but to JK Rowlings (which I never would write something about them XD), we do not gain a penny apart from your own reviews, so be lengthy * _ *
Warnings: slash, lemon, language, sadomasochism, non-consensual, BDSM, bondage, crossdressing, violence, descriptive, descriptive sex, extreme sex.
The next morning, waking, he found himself next to Potter and a tray with breakfast. Eggs with bacon and sausages, two toast, toast with butter, biscuits, coffee, juice, and even a flower in a glass. Potter smiled.
"You're beautiful when you open your eyes."
"How much stuff." Then he remembered that he should not speak and put his hand over her mouth. "Sorry." He added.
"I imagined that I hungry. You can talk, Draco. "
" Thanks. "Indeed it had. Pounced the bacon and eggs as if they had not eaten for days. To tell the truth, did not eat for days decently.
"You feel a bit 'better?" Asked Harry, his hair unkempt halo framing the beautiful and bright green eyes . How can something so good turn into the monster last night? Draco wondered.
"Where's the catch?"
"The trick?"
"Why are you so kind? There some perverse game behind? "
" Oh, fuck. No, Draco. Why do not you trust me? Life is all a perverse game. They are nice because they want you to trust me. Do you trust me? "
" Are you crazy? Of course not. "
" Nominami one person you trusted that you do not have betrayed. "
Draco remained speechless for a moment. "My mother ..."
"In addition to her."
"I will not betray you, Draco. But you have to have the utmost confidence in me. "
" Potter ... "
" Harry. "
" Harry, until last night I was obliged to call you 'Master'. "
"You are still required to do so."
"Oh. So I ... I punirai again? "
" Sure. "
" Why did not I called you ... I gave you. "
" Shit, no. No, Draco. I will not do for this. That's a game. It's a sexual thing. "
" Why then? "
" Why you like , Malfoy. You like. That's what I want, be punished . "
Draco blushed to the tips of his ears, but again, for some reason ... did not find the courage to refuse. His whole world was falling apart.
And then he's my only chance , repeated.
'Do with me what you want, Potter. "She whispered.
A broad grin on Harry's face widened. "Did you have any doubts about this?"
Harry went to work that morning and closed the cage Draco. It was too small to stand or move, he could sit or lie down at most.
"You can not just stay at home?"
"If you do not trust me, I do not trust you." Grinned Harry.
"At least give me a book. What the heck do until dinner? "
" If you complain once more, Malfoy, I assure you that tonight your ass is the exact color of the curtains of the bed. You can masturbate if you get bored just as much. "
Malfoy was silent sulking. Harry muttered something unintelligible. Then suddenly brightened.
"I have an idea about what you do until tonight, because you do not like to masturbate." Then she smiled. And Draco trembled in the face of that smile.
He was right. Potter gave a engorge on the cage, enlarging it enough to allow it to stand. Now, with that size, Draco noticed the metal hook on the ceiling. "Wait here." Harry told him. Then he disappeared and returned shortly after with his hands full. A chain, rope and ... and what a . Dall’aspetto abbastanza preoccupante.
"What the fuck is that ..."
Harry's hand suddenly covered his mouth. "Shh. A good girl does not say these words. Sta ' silent and still. "
Draco obeyed. Harry shuddered with desire, when his hands touched the trembling flesh of the blonde girl. But merely to tie the thing around the mouth.
"That," he explained "is a bit gag . Not so much because the whole neighborhood to hear you scream, kind of a whore. "
" MMmmffhhh. "Malfoy protested. Harry played for a " Shit are you doing? "and loosened a spank. Draco groaned.
"I told you not to swear, missy. Down. "Orders. "A four-legged."
Draco could not see what Harry was doing behind him. But at some point all doubt vanished when she felt a hot, greasy finger room for themselves within him. Followed by another. And another.
kneeling on the floor of the Potter house, with three fingers of the potter in the ass. Seven years ago when he appeared seventeen, she thought of something like "potion" or "Medimago. Not "in custody" and "Potter's a bitch."
Life is a perverse game, Potter. How you're right.
fingers Draco sighed and went out, the erection already half in the shot. She had a mouth full of saliva and because of that thing could not swallow. Drool. The fingers were almost simultaneously replaced by something else. Something that vibrates. A dildo, a lot of lubrication. Draco felt Harry push in slowly, gently. The anus is contracted around it.
"craving slut." Commented Harry.
Che cazzo di intenzioni hai? Pensò Draco, ma si limitò ad ubbidire passivamente quando Harry gli ordinò di alzarsi. Il vibratore si mosse dentro di lui. D’improvviso provò talmente tanta vergogna da voler sprofondare.
“Porgi le mani” disse Harry, e quando lui non accennò a muoversi, gliele afferrò e gliele legò sul davanti, stringendo troppo forte. Draco trattenne un gemito. Harry fissò le due mani legate alla catena e la catena al gancio sul soffitto. Era lasca, notò Draco.
“Hai visto quant’è Generate your Master? You can feel when standing up or kneeling. "
Draco tried to respond, with the sole result of a trickle of saliva dripping on his chin and neck.
"You're already excited to the point of drooling?" Potter put his hand to his apparent erection. Draco groaned. He was excited to do disgusting, the vibrations coming from under spills chills down the back, and right now he begged to come. Fucking Potter.
"You want to make you a better saw, eh? But I do not hand me the dirty, thankless for a slave like you. "Potter left his grip on the State Draco. Draco's eyes sparkled with pleasure and excitement unexpressed.
Harry stared at her green irises in those pools of melting ice.
"Tell that begged me to fuck you. Tell me, disgusting slut. Tell me, I only beg for permission to masturbate now. "
Harry's hand traced a path from her lips thoughtfully nipples sex with Draco. Draco nodded frantically.
"You are completely in my power, bitch. And I like it. "Draco said again nodded. Potter, kind of fucking bastard, fuck me NOW.
"See you when I come home from work." Threw out Harry. She kissed his cheek and bolted the lock of the cage, then took his coat and closed the door behind him.
Harry came home in the evening around seven, took off his smile diplomatic hero of the wizarding world and put it out the door, then painted with a sadistic grin on his lips, he ventured to taking the stairs leading up to his room, or rather, to the dungeon. "Love, I'm home." Grid Iron from the ground.
He flung open the door.
Draco was in the cage, knees, writhing as tarantolato, for what little he was allowed to move. He had his chin and neck smeared with saliva, the whole body drenched in sweat, and the bird as hard as Harry had ever seen him. He was panting and moaning, as the gag would permit. Harry looked at him and knew he would do anything for him. Whatever. In
it so, even his erection woke up and snapped to attention.
"Do you miss me?" He said persuasively, approaching the cage.
"You're excited, Malfoy?"
Draco nodded. It was through the roof. Fucking son of a bitch, Potter, fuck me otherwise I will die instantly. Over time, the erection had become pretty damn painful. Potter would do anything he wanted, but Merlin
infamous ... "You know what you are?" Said Harry, while lovingly undid the gag. "A bitch. Nothing but a wild bitch in heat. "The hands-free.
"Fuck me NOW, Potter. "
" First I want to hear you beg. "
" NOW! "Draco roared, in which Potter's relaxed a spank. Draco yelped.
"Do not be coy with me, missy. I want to hear you beg. Got it? "Growl, while two fingers slipped off the vibrator and lubricate the opening.
"Please. Please let's do it now, Potter. Please. Let's do it or I'll die here, in the bedroom. "
" Potter? "Harry tilted an eyebrow.
"No. Sorry. Forgiveness. Master. Fuck me. Master. "
" I want to hear you beg. Of 'that you deserve. "
" I implore, I beseech you, sbattimelo inside punish me, sir, are a bastard vile, a dirty whore, but please do not deserve so much shit, please! Now, now, Merlin dog straziami! My Master. Please, you imploroaaaAAH! FUCK, YES, SO, STRONGER, POTTER, MORE, PUSH, YES, AS, AH, AH, aaaah, AH, AH, YES, YES, YES, YES, Siiiii, SÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ! Shit, Oh shit ... "Draco was.
Harry gave a few more push, and then it was too, with a kind of roar.
roll away from each other on a bed of silk Potter, breathing heavily. They were hot and sweaty wet.
trembled, inconceivably happy with something so wrong .
And then, as the evening faded into night and the sweat froze on their skin, it happened.
Draco reached out a hand for Harry to find.
And Harry squeezed.
The next morning, Harry woke up very early - the sun had not yet arisen.
"Today we begin your training." He said.
Harry had told him a chair. On which chair lay a pair of smoke-colored tights, a tight black corset, full of strings, a short and low-cut dress, a white apron and a headband. At the foot of the chair, women's shoes black and shiny, high-heeled and stiletto, and a small suitcase.
"What the fuck am hours ..." The slap
that Harry let go enough to get rid of any residue of sleep.
"Excuse me, Master." Gurgled, his lip split and bleeding.
"insolent and ungrateful. Is' good attentive. The match all, you know. "
Draco fell silent. Harry seemed excited already.
"So. This thing you're at home without making a dick while I break your back to work has to end, you too will agree. Especially given the fact that you are my slave. "
" Yes, Master. "
" So I found a solution. "He pointed to the clothes. "I serve. Will you be my maid, my cook, my cleaning lady. "
" I can not ... I can not do this dress ... normal? "said Draco weakly. He did not even passed my mind to protest, the cheek was still burning so much.
"And where would humiliation?"
"In slavery."
"Do you know why you're my maid and my waiter? The reason is that I want you to be my maid, Malfoy, not my waiter. "
" Hm. "
" It is clear, missy? You were a child bad for too long, just a girl. Now I will turn it into a young lady at Modine. "
" Lord ... "
" What? "
" Potter, please, I ... I do what I want, but this is a bit 'too much, really, is not it? "
" Lord, for you filthy scum. Give me of you. No, this is not too much. This is the minimum. "The lifted her chin. "Do not be afraid of who you are, Draco. "
Draco bowed his head. There was no way out.
"Stripped. Today I'll teach you how to dress, to wear makeup and get ready to eat. "
And while Draco, ashamed as a thief, he unbuttoned his shirt of his pajamas, the unthinkable happened to him.
of malice and smiled with excitement, and Harry's heart was opened.
When the pants were falling on the ground, Harry turned a critical eye to his boxers.
"From today no longer wear underwear. Or better added sardonically, "no longer wear underwear for men."
Draco's smile disappeared and her cheeks turn red. He put on his socks vanished, the bra lace, culottes, and then the corset, with cheeks that were purple.
"Merlin, Draco, you're a fucking vision."
"I guess."
Harry came up and ran a hand through his hair.
"Sit down."
began to brush. Sweetly, quietly, until the liscissimi silver wires touched the shoulders. Then he proceeded to fake it. Mascara, eyeliner, eye shadow, pencil. Blusher and powder. Lipstick and lip gloss.
If it had been a woman, would have seemed a whore.
But Draco was a man, and it seemed a miracle, a beautiful woman.
"Look in the mirror. Look how beautiful you are. "
Draco obeyed, and it was amazing. In the mirror, a beautiful blonde girl stare bilayers, red mouth of hell opened up. And the girl was not him. It was a female, undeniably. A whore.
"Put the apron of lace."
Harry tied him with gestures of kindness.
"I look like a woman's." Whispered Malfoy.
"The intent was precisely that."
"... A scarlet woman."
Harry laughed. "Fine, miss, I like a milder language like this."
"Potter ..."
" Master."
"Master Verg ... I ... I ..."
"Can you cook, Malfoy?" Interrupted Harry.
"No, I ..."
"I think it's time to learn, is not it?"
"I ..."
"you can not do anything without magic, right?"
"Sex?" Malfoy grinned suddenly.
Harry grinned in return. "First I'll teach you how to turn on your microwave. Here, look. "
Harry turned and went out. "Now try it yourself. "
Draco executed, a bit 'scared, but eventually it was feasible.
"In the freezer there are pre-cooked meals. The freezer is this object here, see? You open the door, take the meal, close the door, you put it in the microwave, turn on your microwave, set up the first "Thaw" and then this with the two slots, this one. This however is the time, you have to look on the package. For now I'll settle this, then I will teach you how to cook decently. "
" It looks fabulous. "
"A little spirit. I'm going to work, you keep up the house. Broom, mop, mop and cleaning products in the closet on the second floor. I'll be back at eight. I want the house tidy and dinner on the table. And you on my knees beside the table. Perfectly laid. For a single person. The cutlery is here. "He opened a drawer. "It is clear, slut?" The claws his cheek between his thumb and forefinger.
"I dress so clean?"
Harry laughed. "Of course not, Malfoy, as you can think of?"
Draco heaved a sigh of relief.
"Do you miss high heels."
Sadistic pervert. Draco stayed dall'infilargli a fork in the jugular.
The shoes were open heel and twelve, with a strap around the ankle. Harry helped him putting it and watched it take its first steps.
"You're beautiful."
The slap came, but he had expected. He grinned.
"Laugh a little." He said Harry cheerfully. 'All' to get busy, Schiavetti. And do not try to remove or the shoes or the bust. They have a magical control, you would only hurt. Away I go out. See you tonight. "
turned into the front door and left.
When he returned that evening, the floor of the entrance was still drying, freshly washed. The trampled careless and walked into the kitchen.
the vision he had, the opened heart.
Dinner was ready in table, a little 'burnt, but decided to get over it. The equipment was perfect. And Malfoy ... oh, Merlin, Malfoy on his knees beside his chair, dressed as a woman ... Malfoy for him, he had prepared dinner for him , kneeling for him ... he woke up at his erection ' moment.
But he did nothing for now. This would reward later.
"Malfoy." He said. "Get up, take my jacket and place it in the closet."
Malfoy rose without saying a word and outstretched arms. The jacket fell into the hands and he disappeared to go and put in place.
Harry sat down and began to eat. It was not great, but - although in the end it had been a thaw frozen food - for the first time I cooked, Malfoy had done a great job. Within minutes, he finished what he had in the pot and threw it in the sink.
"The meal sucked." He said, when Malfoy came back into the room.
Draco stood dumbfounded for a moment. "I'm sorry."
"But what I do with you, Malfoy?"
"testifies in my favor and get me the acquittal at the trial."
Harry looked at him wrong. "This exit had nothing to do nothing."
Malfoy rolled his eyes but said nothing. Harry rubbed his temples. Then suddenly grinned.
"You know, Malfoy, I am very tired. It was a long day. I think I will get a bit 'in an armchair to read. "
Malfoy nodded.
'Prepare a foot bath. "
From the face he did, did not seem to prepare a foot bath was the most ardent of his desires, but Malfoy just nodded again.
met Harry moved into the living room, picked up a book at random from the library and waited for Malfoy arrived. Draco made his entrance with a basin of warm water and fragrant and put it under his feet. Then he winks to the chair next to her, asking for permission with your eyes.
'Well, you waiting for? In knee and take off my shoes. "
Draco did so reluctantly and with an expression of disgust bent down to untie the strings. His face was at the feet of Harry. The erection of which became almost painful to that vision.
"Socks." Orders when he had finished. Malfoy did so, more and more disgusted. "Why do you make that face? You should be grateful that you give this task, bitch. "
" Sure. Twice. "Draco hissed. not react . Think of the process.
Harry plunged his feet into the water, splashing her face and let out a sigh of pleasure. Draco started to rise.
"Where you going? I want them to massage me. " Think of the process. Think of the process. Think about the process.
began to massage my feet wet with Potter and prayed that no one, ever, the world knew about this. Harry made an enormous effort to avoid masturbating.
"Good ... good my bitch." Potter held him so about ten minutes, then suddenly lifted his right foot and took him to an inch from his face. "Kiss." Orders.
"Potter ..."
"Kiss it, I said ..."
Draco closed his eyes. "Potter. There are limited ... "
" MASTER! You need to call BOSS! Kiss And NOW! "Roared Harry. It was a moment, and Draco's lips were pressed against his big toe.
He was surprised himself. She looked at him with that puzzled, and Harry could not resist the urge to kiss him. It slammed against the wall and stuck his tongue in her mouth violently, feeling his erection pressing against her dress. A slight pressure that even his hardened member. Pushed him against the table. "Down, bitch. Open your legs. "Draco obeyed, purple with embarrassment and hard. "Stay like that. If you move I'll kill you. "Harry disappeared and reappeared carrying a bottle of oil. If she poured it on his hand and shoved two fingers inside, then three. Prepared him for a few seconds, then pulled the trigger finger and penetrated. The purpose
long, banging on the floor, he bit his fingers bloody, drooling, not screaming, moaning excited. "Scream, dirty whore, I want to hear you scream." He pushed strongly and without any sweetness, and Draco let out a shrill cry and broken, of pain and pleasure together.
Harry came in without restraint, then went out and stared at the fucking dirt.
"We have a dirty ass, eh Malfoy?"
"I ... I'm sorry, Master."
"This thing will cost you twenty lashes, you know, Malfoy?"
Malfoy swallowed, nodding . "Excuse me, Master."
"Today we are even here. Your personal hygiene. "Harry gave a wolfish smile. "Row to prepare the chamomile."
"chamomile?" Malfoy asked, then added hastily: "... Master?"
"chamomile. The third shelf. One or two liters, I would say to begin with. "
" I have to drink two liters of chamomile, Master? "
" Oh, no. Do not worry. I do not have to drink. "Potter added, with a satanic grin. 'Go make it, meanwhile. Ah, Malfoy? "
" Yes, Master? "
" not hot, please. And bring me flowers on the tablecloth, the washable plastic. "
Malfoy reappeared several minutes later.
"Chamomile is ready, Master. Here is the tablecloth. "
" Bravo. Spread it on the couch and then mettitici above. A bare apples. "
Draco took off with movements while Potter looked uncertain. ;
"What are you ashamed of yourself, Malfoy? Of me? "
of blond cheeks became purple. Malfoy shook his head.
"You're white." Harry came up and kissed him on the lips. Draco left to do. "But you know that you have the most beautiful ass I've ever seen, ass to the moon?"
Malfoy continued not to respond.
"It's nice Chiappe of the Moon, as the name, is not it? Type the American Indians. "
" charming, "said Draco clenched teeth.
"How did you drive, blond. We'll have to see to be loosed. Wait here. "
tie his hands behind his neck with a spell and walked into the kitchen.
He returned after a few moments. In one hand he held a steaming cup ... and the other from a bulb enema.
"What the fuck are your intentions, Potter?"
"As we sboccatelli, miss. As punishment, double dose. Do you like the chamomile? "
" Fuck you, untie, pervert. "
" You the pervert you, bitch. I assure you that you will like. Want to bet? "
" I bet you saw, Potter, now untie. "
For answer came to him a slap. The lip is already a bit 'felt completely broke and a trickle of blood ran down his chin.
"You are so sexy with the blood of the mouth, slave." He took a sip from the cup. "In any case, it came really good."
"You make me sick, Potter."
"Oh yeah?" Potter's fingers rubbed for a split second, his apparent erection. "You would not think."
fingers moved almost immediately from his penis still dirty little hole in semen. Several were lubricated and Harry introduced gradually, first one, then two. When the anus was quite relaxed, introduced the spout of the pump, and Draco felt that it was oiled. Did him no harm. He sighed with relief. Harry squeezed the pump and felt a gush of hot liquid invade the gut. It was not as painful as sudden and surprising ... in a way. He had never been touched at certain points. They were the deepest intimacy of her body and no one had ever ... in other ways, it was physically impossible. But so ... let out a slow moan of pleasure unexpected, but was interrupted by the voice of Potter.
"Squeeze your ass, Malfoy. Moving on to the second. "
One word. It seemed impossible to contract the muscle of the gut, the gut filled with hot liquid.
"I can not, Potter."
"Maybe I put too much glycerin. Come on, do quickly. I have already prepared, there It only takes a moment. "
Draco pledged. Harry pulled out the bulb and the first lightning or insert another. Draco let out a groan. In some strange way ... it was nice.
"So you like it? Who is the pervert? "
Harry squeezed the pump, emptying it of almost all of a sudden. This time the jet was more powerful and almost painful. Draco felt filled with agony, pain of stars that danced on the bottom of the eyes. He groaned again, his breath always shorter and quicker. "No, Potter, please. "
" One last effort. "Harry squeezed what was left, then took the bulb, insert a plug and untied Draco. He did turn up and crouched over him and began to massage the belly with slow circular movements.
Draco had tears in his eyes, a bit 'in pain and a little' for the pleasure.
smiled. "I am afraid to go to the bathroom."
"Now I'll take you. Hold on a minute. "
Massage again, until realized that Draco was the limit.
"Can you walk?"
Draco ventured to take a step. He squeezed his eyes to a thick. "AAH!"
"Does it hurt?"
She bit her lips to answer yes.
" Levicorpus ." Levitate Harry took Draco to the bathroom. It landed softly and dropped the toilet seat. Then he untied her arms.
"Es ... there."
"No, I'm staying here."
Draco's mouth was open so that Harry feared could fall. "Exit immediately from this room."
"Draco. I. I'll stay. Here. A. Look. Point. "
" Potter, Merlin ... please. You can not do this to me. ... It is too shameless. "
" Draco, you're feeling bad, is not it? It's been too long. Released. "
" Do not ... ... before you. Exit "
"Draco, I do not care if you stand up to rattle the pain sooner or later cederai and I am still here."
"Potter. AAAH ... please. We pray .... "
Harry folded his arms and sat on the edge of the tub. "I have all the time in the world."
Draco continued to pray for the ten minutes that followed, almost to the point that Harry decided to give up. He could feel really bad. It had to be a game, and was turning into a vicious torture.
At one point fell on his back, his arms around the abdomen, sobbing, the tears that flowed from his eyes. Harry stood up warily.
And then she heard him. A real gasp of pain.
raised his voice. "Shit, DRACO, forget the shame! Forget the shame! Marched fucking plug and makes' you have to do now! "
And Draco gave way. Harry had never seen an expression so much defeat. Her eyes avoided him, staring on the tiled bathroom floor.
"Look at me looking at you."
Draco disobeyed. Harry came up to fix it straight in the eye, while still holding his head with two fingers. Up to distinguish the contours of every single tear trickling down her cheeks.
"You're beautiful. Washed now. "
had to always wash before him. The hot water on the skin gave him a feeling of repulsion and attraction together. Harry allowed him to cover himself with a towel. Draco did not stop crying even for a moment. She wept in silence. She cried stumbling out of the tub, he cried when Harry touched him, and wept as they walked into the bedroom. He refused to share a bed with Harry, even to prefer the metal floor, hard and cold of his cage. He refused to watch any part of Harry's body for a time that seemed endless to him. At last, Harry held out his own quilt red and Draco one in Corinth, crying and staring at a point in a vacuum. Harry went into the kitchen. He sat at the table and put his head in his hands. Maybe it was all a mistake, everything a fucking mistake.
continues in the next post: D
Elfa Rubbermaid Compatible
I wrote this fic for the 4th of fanfic_italia p0rn fest. Hey this is the first time I take part (and I write a story p0rn!), have mercy! : D
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco / Harry
Rating: Red, NC17
Prompt: Draco Malfoy / Harry Potter, "How, pray?" "Enchantment Sturaorecchie, Malfoy . The Wizengamot gave you probation, but only to my care "
Genre: I was
Disclaimer: The characters do not belong to me but to JK Rowlings (not that I ever write something about them XD ), we do not gain a penny in your hand reviews, so be verbose * _ *
Warnings: slash, lemon, language, sadomasochism, non-consensual, BDSM, bondage, crossdressing, violence, descriptive, descriptive sex, extreme sex.
"Hello, Malfoy."
Draco felt his smile in his voice, even before putting a fire in the dark. No, not the smile.
's grin.
"... Potter? Is that you? "
" No. I'm Hannah Abbott. "
Potter knelt beside him and his hands were bound hand and touched his head. Draco felt his heart pounding. Gritted his teeth and took a breath fund. He found himself coughing heavily. He was sitting on the floor of a squalid cell in the Ministry, a peaceful room with peeling walls, the reinforced door and no windows. The Auror who had interrogated him pinned to the bar of the bunk bed that was intended for the prisoners. What's more, had smoked while twisted it. Now those two square feet of air were plagued by the hood. He was shirtless, his skin still sensitive from the barrel of the previous interrogations. While coughing Potter's hand went to touch the exact spot of her neck that the Aurors had chosen to use as an ashtray. She bit her lip and tried not to yelp not winking, but decided to commit suicide and treacherous tear fell from his eyes, crashing on the floor.
"Fuck you, you're not funny."
"Oh. Funny. That's exactly my intention, you know? "
" Do not be funny? "
"No. L ' other thing you said. "
Draco blanched. "What?"
"Oh, do not worry. There will be time. A lot of time. If you come with me, of course. "
" Come with you where? "
" Oh, do not tell me that you like here. I was at home for the search, before gave everything to the flames. In fact, I was there already, the seventh year, remember ... "
" I remember perfectly, with Potter. "
" All that luxury. Your mother had really good taste, you know? The paintings ... the pageantry, silk, mahogany. It was a beautiful house. "
" And you've burned. "
" It was the procedure. There was something dark around every corner, there. "
" There's something dark, even behind every corner of your candid Ministry, Scarred. "
" In fact, you do not you give on fire if you could? "
"What the fuck ... that has to do is another matter. It is the people who are running here. "
" You do quite right. Do you know who is the first that should end at the stake? "
" The two Aurors who smoke like chimneys sanguesporco? "
" No. "Harry chuckled. 'Well, maybe, but someone before them. "
" Who? "Surrendered Draco.
"I do." Whispered Harry. He bent down to be level with Draco. He stroked her face, winning platinum-colored hair on his fingers. "I am the most profoundly dark, dirty and wrong you have ever known, Draco Malfoy."
Draco laughed. "I met the Lord, Potty. Macnair, Dolohov. Greyback. My aunt Bellatrix. And yet my father. "
" Oh, a nice clique, of course. But none of them ever dared to do this . "Harry's breath was hot and close, too close. Draco was paralyzed. And then it happened. Something hot and wet crossed the neck, back up ear. Something hard and sharp stuck in the left lobe, tormenting him until the skin pearly still a tiny drop of blood.
That was the language of Potter, Morgan slut. Those were the teeth of Potter.
Under the procedure, informed him his brain, now you should get to scream, namely the words "What the fuck are you doing, kind of disgusting freak!?".
Draco heard the suggestion of his brain, but failed to implement it. All I could do was breathing heavily, his heart and squeezed the breath from the lips of Harry, who walked across the white line of the neck sucking and stroking the bruises scratches, and startled when Harry's hand - cold sweat - undid his pants torn he was wearing and penetrated below the slip dirty. The thumb and forefinger of Harry encircled his member and the beautiful, terrifying sense of up and down tilt gradually began to send the neurons in his brain already exhausted, he stopped to kick and spit sentences, leaving the Joy all his mind and his body.
"We have panties dirty, eh Malfoy? "Harry grinned, while his left hand grazed his chest. Draco jumped back and was very close to come when the nails of Harry's squeeze the left nipple, scratching. Harry stepped up the beat, and hold more, and the groans escaped Draco's mouth stubborn legacies. Potter's mouth closed around the nipple and sucked and bit damaged up to feel the taste of blood. A Then came the answer to your question, whining and modulated orgasm.
"Fuck you." Malfoy whispered, and came into Harry's hand with a powerful toward the throat.
"I would be delighted, I say. In any case ... "Harry glanced at the hole in the concrete they were" Do not you miss the clean laundry, Malfoy? Do not you miss eating something that is not rancid rice or brown slop? Do not you miss someone to talk to? "
" What, teasing? Want to get a laugh on the desperation of someone? Vaf ... fuck you, scarred. You already know everything, what can I say? Yes, I miss my mother. Killed in cold blood by the fanatics of Light. Yes, I miss my father. Thrown in Azkaban without a fight for life. Yes I'm broken, happy? I miss clean clothes. I miss eating something that is not rotting for days. I miss someone who speaks to me without putting hands on him, okay? I miss my strafottutissima life has meaning. Are you satisfied now? You took off the whim of sex. Without your laughter, spit on him, maybe spaccami face while you're at, but then do me a favor, go away. Go away. "Draco spat, angrily.
Harry did not seem impressed by that monologue. Knelt beside him.
"Will you come and stay with me until the trial, Draco?"
Draco blinked, swallowed hard. "What are you doing, Potter, taking the piss?"
Harry took his chin with two fingers and guided her in her eyes.
"I am very serious."
And something in those two pieces of jade brilliant convinced Draco, who opened his mouth and looked at him in amazement. He released her head back, exhausted.
"And what you want in return, Potter? "
He had expected that the information asked. Names. Spy. Straight complaints. Collaboration with the Order. Potter trembled when he answered.
"You know what does the acronym BDSM, Malfoy?"
"Sadomasochism?" He said.
"Not exactly. BD, Bondage & Discipline. DS, Domination & Submission. SM, Sadism & Masochism. "
stroked the chains around his hands, which rattled in a worrying way. "You know what bondage, Malfoy? "
" I think I guess. "unstressed Draco whispered, eyes wide.
"Do you like?"
Draco did not answer, she blushed.
Harry insisted. "With me, you like that? Not only bondage, all the letters. "He smiled and licked his lips.
"Did it matter if I like it? You are a witness at my trial. "
Harry's face broke into a wide grin. "And before the trial, we would have a whole week."
"It is useless to ask the roles."
raped Harry's mouth. It was really rude. Pulled her hair, throwing his head back, slamming against the wall, and penetrated her lips with his tongue as if raped. Draco had never been kissed in that manner. It was also the first time that Potter kissed him, he realized. His tongue was driving the kiss, forcing Draco to follow the movements. Her teeth morsero the lips and cheeks, and suddenly Draco tried again without oxygen. For a horrible moment, he realized that would have really been able to Potter beg to let him breathe. His erection down there awoke. He tried to establish itself not to get excited, but the situation was getting much too hot. After several long seconds, Harry broke away, allowing him to catch his breath. Draco gasped. He could choke, he thought.
"Just as the answer?" Potter grinned.
Draco nodded frantically. Yes, it was enough. For now , said something in his head. Not his brain. He feared that the message came from very lower.
Potter put a hand on the throat pack and laughed. Draco could not do anything but watch it with their hands tied as well.
"You're hard to suck, bitch. They want more, eh? "Harry's fingers tightened around his cock. Draco shivered, shivering automaledicendosi for the touch and the words of Harry's aroused. He did not answer.
"Well, good, you learn quickly. Never respond to the Lord. If you do not - Yes, My Lord -. You're just a dirty whore, Malfoy. Tell me, would you be ready at this time begging for me to fuck you, if not SODDING pride for your dick. "
Hell, yes, he really begged . He had to bite his tongue to keep from moaning as Harry's fingers rub against the skin of the glans shiny and wet. But he was silent.
"Do not give in, eh? Pride Malfoy's cock. Accept the reality, Draco Malfoy. You're nothing but a slut to two pennies, you bathe only hear my voice, is not it? You're a fucking pervert and that is that I want you to exhaustion purposes, bound hand and foot, after we whipped up a nerve, and I made you scream until you lose the voice. "
Draco's eyes, dark, slipped on the floor, away from both the face and the hands of Harry, there at the bottom. Still no answer.
"Whatever you say - Yes, Potter, you agree to take me into custody until the trial date. Under your full jurisdiction. I have already agreed with the Minister of Magic. "
" How, pray? "
" Enchantment Sturaorecchie, Malfoy. The Wizengamot gave you probation, but only to my care. "
Draco did not raise even gaze. "Yes, Potter. I allow you to take me into custody until the trial date. "
Harry's eyes widened Le. He evoked the form and a pen to sign and freed one hand.
"Under ... under your complete jurisdiction." Draco continued. Signed. The signature sparkled for a moment and appeared a thin golden thread that bound his wrist to Harry. Then he disappeared.
"Bravissimo, Draco. You're such a good girl. "Gongoli Harry.
"Only otherwise testify against me in the process. "
Draco saw the sudden change on the face of Harry. Satisfaction turn into anger. He had expected. What I had not foreseen was that Harry's slap in the face relaxed. It was not fast enough to raise the only free hand. The slap smacked in the silence of the cell. Draco groaned and his eyes watered with pain.
"filthy whore. This is not believe to get away. You'll pay, oh, if you will pay. "Harry got up. "But later, at home. Shall we go? "
Draco shook. Suddenly, he thought he had made a choice not wrong, totally wrong. Harry crashed into the other chain and abruptly pushed out of the cell.
Disapparate A moment before, stared at Harry and asked, "What you really want, Potter?"
"Give meaning to your life strafottutissima, Malfoy."
When they arrived at house of Potter, Draco had a strange feeling.
"I've been here." She whispered.
"Probably." Said Harry, sprawl on a sofa. "This house belonged to Black."
Draco blinked. "I was here ... in a memory. In my mother's Pensieve. "
Harry chuckled. "Spiavi memories of your parents, Malfoy?"
'Well. Like everyone else. You do not want me to drink you ... "he realized too late the gaffe. Retreated, back to the wall. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Potter. I really do not want to. I swear. Really. I swear. "
" Never mind "Potter whispered, staring. "There is a bathroom. Go and wash, you suck. "
Draco nodded, grateful. A few weeks ago wanted a bath more than anything else. She closed the door behind him, opened the taps and stepped into the tub. For the next half hour he tried to make order in their thoughts, while rubbing his skin, wiping blood from scale and dirt. So, he realized. He was in the house of Potter. He had agreed to submit to sexual desires of Potter in exchange for his testimony in favor of the process. Process to be held in a week states. He had done well to accept the offer? The eyes of Potter, his words - that slap - all led him to repent. But by rejecting or pulling back now, the chance that Potter witnesses in his favor would be lowered to zero. And at that point was in danger of spending to Azkaban the next twenty years of his life. No, he could play the card of the Chosen One. Why - The thought hit him like a blade, was desperately trying not to get in touch with their emotions - it was really just now. Of his family, his father remained alone. Already in Azkaban for summary, waiting for the kiss. His mother was m .... his mother was not there, here. His name? Discredited. His money? Seized. Home? Burned. He had a fucking
Dark Mark on his arm and not a single chance to rot in prison, and that possibility was called Harry Potter.
Then Fuck of right and wrong, honor and pride. Life, his life was before. Ever been minimally Gryffindor. Proud, but to a certain point. Slytherin was the very marrow. Computer and interested. That was why he accepted, he said. Personal interest and calculation. Better than two weeks to lick the ass of a Potter to life in Azkaban Dementors, Death Eaters and Aurors, all ready to pay him only the act of breathing.
Oh, no. Merlin. Better still two weeks to lick literally Potter's ass for two weeks to lick the ass of some rotten warden of the Ministry. At least Potter was young and beautiful.
While you were showing a lot of perverse.
Draco sighed and walked out from the tank. Fuck. Fate had not ever presented as something he could change, rather it was always treated with guidelines to follow.
And once again, as always, would obey his fate.
back into the room. Naked with a towel around his waist. He had decided not to call his pants dirty.
"Could you lend me a pair of pants ..."
"We've put a lot ', bitch." Harry did not seem to have moved.
"I was dirty." Snapped Draco, uncomfortable.
"Oh-oh. Wrong answer. That is right - I humbly ask forgiveness, my lord and master. How can I get your pardon? You should punish me for what I did - "
" Do you really want to say this? "Draco's eyes widened. "Okay humiliation, but Potter, Merlin ... to a certain extent."
"is playing." Potter said. "If you want to work, you must obey. Tu. Sei. Lo. Slave. "Round his fingers materialized a black leather collar, studded. "The slave." He stood up and walked over to Draco, stood behind him and tied him in the back. Large enough to breathe without effort. Sufficiently close that they can not ever forget his presence. "On your knees." Ordered, pushing him down.
Draco collapsed on his knees, without a shadow of a smile on his face, but dared not protest while Potter fumbled around his neck.
"I. Am. Il. Master. "Draco heard a pop and turned around. Potter was in his hand a whip, a long leather whip, also black. "The Master." He smiled in a way that Draco thought a lot left. "And you were a slave very, very naughty, my child."
"I humbly ask forgiveness, my lord and master. How can I get your pardon? You should punish me for what I did. "He played Draco sarcastically.
Harry brightened. "But bravo! Bravo, you learn quickly. "
Then I whipped.
"These are for having responded in kind before."
Pain in the brain of Draco exploded as a supernova. He could not formulate any coherent thought, while the second and third beat whipped on his back. yelled.
"I gave you permission to yell, bitch? It will have one more each time I cry. "
Draco bit his lips and tongue to keep from screaming, while Harry was raging on her skin three more times.
"The first was why you cried. The other because you have taken the floor. You did it twice, Malfoy. You never have to speak first without my permission. Is that clear? Do you understand, slut? "
Draco nodded, a bubble of blood on his tongue bitten. Tears flowed down her cheeks.
"You have to answer when the boss asks you a question! Who are you? "Asked Harry, hitting him again.
Draco fell. He maintained the balance on his knees too long. He fell, crying silently for the pain, the humiliation. He fell and answered.
"The slave who?"
"Your slave." The look of Harry's was enough to correct. "Your. Your slave. Forgive me, Master. I humbly ask forgiveness. How can I get your pardon? "
The most humiliating thing of the whole thing was that Draco was getting really hard. He wondered how it was possible, after six lashes on the floor of the Potter house, kneeling in a collar on him to say bullshit perverted, yet it was so. Painfully hard. Painfully hard.
"I should punish you for what you did." Potter murmured, touching the bruised shoulder blades with the whip. "But perhaps I could be magnanimous. This time, I'll give you the opportunity to get my forgiveness in another way. "
Draco nodded, eyes down, without finding the courage to watch it.
"Come with me." Stopped him before he could get up. "Crawling on his knees."
It was really humiliating. Potter followed his knees, his back on fire, the towel that was as slow as around the waist, rubbing against his erection. He blushed more than a human limitation, but all his embarrassment Potter and his shame, he would have sworn we enjoyed. Once in a flight of stairs, dropped the towel completely. Harry did not allow him to pick it up or not to do the stairs. He had to get naked on their knees scrambling up the steps, and although Harry authorized him to use his hands to help at least, when it finally arrived on the second floor hurt anything. Harry and smiled. He was beaming. A door opened and Draco followed him. Was to be his room. It was big, almost as much to his Manor. What time was burned. And his mother was banished ... m thinking. It was great. Point. Gorgeous. The four-poster bed, bed, huge, enthroned at the center. Seta dark red, and black. The environment was too old and above to be able to give some sense of intimacy. The room was full of stuff. The tent was the only right of the canopy spread, the other two were side by side. A closet, a library (he was sure that Potter had never even touched one of those books), a desk, a rug, tapestry depicting geometric patterns, always in red and black. And at the foot of the bed, a large cage (at least two meters long), a cage for a fair from a noble lineage, perhaps a leopard? At the time it was empty. Potter intercepted his eye.
"You like?"
"Yes, sir." Draco said, thinking it best to make him happy.
"Good, because that is where you sleep."
Draco's eyes widened. Fuck you, Potter. Then? For if you need someone to try the spiked club in the hall of armor? No, because there is so much Draco Malfoy. At the risk Azkaban, Potter only witness in favor. In favor. Maybe. Probably
there would have fucked on the bed. He wondered if he would lubricated. Or would have swept dry, his back torn by laid, to punish him for giving him the ... to you, telling him that thing in the cell to have tormented for years, to exist? He would beat him again?
And suddenly he realized that ... more of a feeling that a real thought ... it did not matter what he would do. He did not care, really. It was hard to be frightening and hard for Potter, hard at the thought that he would hit again, in the wrong way, that way prohibited. The only coherent thought he had come.
Potter did not say anything when he pushed the desk to the side, revealing two strains metal embedded in the wall. Performed without protest when ordered him to stick his hands. She left him chained to the wall, arms outstretched, knees, naked.
Harry turned the key in the handcuffs and then throw them at random behind him and glanced mockingly towards the erection of Draco. Then you stood in front of him, exactly at the crotch of her face.
"Open your mouth, bitch." Orders. Draco performed. Harry pulled his shirt and threw it on the bed. "Slacciami the blue jeans. With teeth. "
I bluejeans Harry fell to the ground only after two or three minutes of intense work. His cock's it stood before his face, slapping her cheek for a moment. He was big and long, longer than her - natural, Potter, Potter would have been if it had not been beaten in anything - and had a pungent odor and bitter. Draco was undecided whether he had more desire to vomit or to come. He held his breath.
"What we will do," Harry informed him "Deep Throat is called . Can you imagine what it's like, doll? "
" Deep Throat "translated Draco, mechanically. "Master ..." she added late.
"Well done my child. It means that slam your cock down your throat so that risks to speak in falsetto for the rest of your life. What that basically fits the pansy you are, huh bitch? "
Draco did not answer.
"Did I one question ... slave. "
" I would rather speak normally, sir. "
In response, Harry took his dick and shoved him in the mouth. "Expressing dissent is not among your options. If you want to eat and maybe get some clothes. And if you do not want another ten tonight. In addition to those that may accumulate throughout the day. "He was referring to the lashes. "You're just a slut craving, Malfoy. You are already hard and I've barely touched upon. It sucks, you bastard. "And then Harry pushed. He pushed hard. Draco was not prepared. Almost slammed his head against the wall, his mouth full of that strange thing and pulsating. It was not pleasant. Not at all. One of the most disgusting feeling I ever had. The lack of air, mouth fucking occupied by Harry Potter.
He felt hardly denigrating the laugh of Potter, who was still oblivious to go to him in his mouth - probably the body part to him the most intimate and private. "Take it all inside. It sucks, move your tongue, do 'something, bitch. "Ordered Harry. Draco obeyed. He took it all inside. He sucked and licked and Harry groaned and began to breathe more and faster and stronger and pushed . Draco merely follow and indulge in the pleasure of the Lord, passively obeying his orders. Maybe I suck at this even, he thought. Potter seemed to him that it was putting an eternity to come. Suddenly, Draco felt dirty, dirty as he had never heard before. Potter came into his throat, moaning. "If you dare to spit, I do lick the floor. As you take the strap. I'm not kidding. "
He had no intention to investigate if he was joking or not. Harry came out of his mouth - from his throat - and he swallowed hard. He thought it was over now, but the Lord ordered him to still use his tongue to clean his penis. He licked the glans, the entire length of Harry's cock and balls, licking her hair and her inner thigh until the last drop white had disappeared into her mouth.
"Good girl." Rewards him for his master. He pulled up his jeans, tied them, put your shirt. Draco was exhausted. His head lolled on his chest and arms stretched up started to really hurt him. Harry opened the handcuffs and Draco dropped to the ground, exhausted, and began to masturbate compulsively until it came with a groan, splashing on the tiles. Harry looked at him smiling.
"You're a whore, Malfoy. Look what you did slaughter. "He pointed his semen on the floor. "Should I let you lick your shit."
Draco did not dare say no. He just meet his gaze for a split second, motionless on the cold tiles of his semen dirty in the bedroom of Harry James Potter, the second floor, 12 Grimmauld Place, London. Suddenly the excitement he had dissolved, and everything was taking a color obscene, immoral, disgusting. His father would kill her if she knew. Not with the Avada Kedavra. Had exceeded the limit. It was a disgusting pervert, and a whore. A freak of nature, a being repulsive.
"Are you okay?" Potter said with a hint of concern, "Why do not you move?"
"Sorry, Master." Draco tried to get up, suppressing a wave nausea. He fell to the ground and vomited. He vomited in alternating retching cries for forgiveness, while Harry held his forehead. He vomited blood and white stuff and rice semidigerito, and wept as Harry supported him to the bathroom on the second floor and gently rinsed. He continued to ask mercy from the Lord by refusing to move into convulsive sobs and sobs until he saw that Potter had brought with her arms up to his big four-poster bed, covered him with a sheet and now he was stroking and was whispering, "Shh, shh, calm down. Calm down, Draco. "
Draco looked horrified and perplexed.
"Shhh. Have you been perfect. It's okay. I'm not going bad. You were good. You did a great job. "
And lulled by the gentle touch of Harry, from his caresses, his whispers, Draco fell asleep, feeling childish and innocent, a feeling long forgotten, sobbing like a scolded child, he fell asleep to sleep without nightmares, feeling at peace and safe as possible for years he had forgotten to feel.
continues in the next post: D